Clueless about projector screens, please help!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Currently throwing the image on my wall, but i've just rearranged my lounge, so now I need to buy a screen. I would like a motorised screen to mount on the ceiling, but have no idea which brand is good or where to buy one. Distance between projector and where screen should be is 14ft. I would also like the 1:78:1 as Dominic Dawes suggests in his post. My budget is around 200 pounds. Please advise where is a good place to look. Many thanks!

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
£200 is a pretty tight budget, so I think this is going to be an ebay job. There are quite a lot of companies on there selling powered screens from £100-200, whereas the more conventional specialists are likely to charge you around £400 or so. I've bought a couple of non-powered screens from ebay sellers, and found them to be good value, so I reckon you'll be OK.

If you let me know which projector you have, I'll do some sums for your projection distance and work out what size screen you need. I'll also have a closer look at the ebay sellers and pick out some suitable models if you wish


Thank you very much - that's very kind of you! I picked the figure of 200, unsure of what the price range was. Currently I have a basic Acer PD113P.

Thanks again

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
OK well at 14ft (4.26m), the Acer will give an image with a diagonal measurement of 2.73m, which is 2.38m wide by 1.34m deep. In old money that means a screen 94in wide by 52in deep is required, so something like this one or this one looks like it would do very nicely indeed.


wow, you're a star! Thank you eternally! The force is strong with you ;-)




One of the best ways you can do this is to do it like the Empire Leicester square!

Build what is called a THX baffle wall that is, you mount all three loudspeakers and I must stress matching loudspeakers that would be easy to install as well as removing them if anything should happen to the LF or HF drivers.

The baffle wall must be absorbent on the back wall that is the original wall in the room, the baffle can be constructed from layers of plasterboard or a single sheet of MDF.

The holes for the loudspeakers must be precision they must be spot, as well as be equally spaced and to allow the wildest possible stereo field separation, dialogue would be maximized as well as sound effects and music.

The front loudspeakers must be placed at the right height to allow the sound to seamlessly filter over you. The baffle wall must be covered at the front with high frequency absorbent material when used with a perforated screen. Otherwise the sound reflections from the HF will zig zag down the face of the screen off the screen itself and onto an untreated surface.

It's really easy to build once you figure it out and that is one of the best improvements you use along with a video projection system.

Sub bass or sub bass arrays, should be mounted below the centre channel the wall should extend the width and height of the room.


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