@ Big Colz
My advice would be to let the TQ Black settle in your system.....if you think it's a good improvement, go for the TQ Black i/c or maybe the Blue i/c.
IMO. Another good choice is the Linn Silver (all copper), which can be picked up on ebay for around £120 - 130, or new for £179: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Linn-Silver-Phono-Interconnects-Latest-2012-Klimax-/221044737908?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Cables_Adapters&hash=item33774b0774
NB. The link in the above post doesn't work.
My advice would be to let the TQ Black settle in your system.....if you think it's a good improvement, go for the TQ Black i/c or maybe the Blue i/c.
IMO. Another good choice is the Linn Silver (all copper), which can be picked up on ebay for around £120 - 130, or new for £179: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Linn-Silver-Phono-Interconnects-Latest-2012-Klimax-/221044737908?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Cables_Adapters&hash=item33774b0774
NB. The link in the above post doesn't work.