Chinese made Class A tube amplifiers


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Aug 10, 2019
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Has anybody had any experience with Chinese made Class A tube amplifiers, such as the YAQUIN 10L MC-10T? Available for about £250, I wonder how it sounds. A similar unit is reviewed well here,

floyd droid

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Sep 5, 2008
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Tread carefully here Benjamin. A lot of these Chinese grey imports are optimised for 220 volts and tend to go phut pretty quickly. So wadayado , send it back to China at vast expense, get it repaired here at vast expense, or save your pennys for a reliable valve amp with a years warranty from a dealer ?.

Trust me for 250 quid it will be crap and/or end up in the skip.


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floyd droid said:
Tread carefully here Benjamin. A lot of these Chinese grey imports are optimised for 220 volts and tend to go phut pretty quickly. So wadayado , send it back to China at vast expense, get it repaired here at vast expense, or save your pennys for a reliable valve amp with a years warranty from a dealer ?.

Fair enough advice, if a little pessimistic.

You could use a 240/220V stepdown transformer though if you really want to try the Chinese amp.


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Oct 1, 2011
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Just buy something originally designed for the UK, available on the second hand market. Plenty of Icon Audio, Audio Innovations and other valve amps can be had for that sort of price.


Don't forget to budget for customs duties (prob 2% on total price) and also import VAT (20% on total price + Customs duty) and also an admin fee by the frieght company (between £8 - £15 depending on company)

I've read on another forum that the buyer contacted the manufacturer and asked for the transformer to be suitable for 240v rather than 220v, the manufacturer oblidged but it took a bit longer to be delivered.

floyd droid

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Overdose said:
You could use a 240/220V stepdown transformer though if you really want to try the Chinese amp.

Indeed he could and like I didnt know that. But sorry I really wouldnt go down that route. Another thing they do is wang em up to full optimum output for the valves which isnt a great idea either. Actually Im with Hoops on this subject, If you dont want to spend vast amounts go second hand.


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I agree with F.Droid Esq (and all) could end up costing you more than doing the thing correctly in the first place. As a starter, look to Cayin, Icon Audio, Unison Research and Puresound.


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Overdose said:
floyd droid said:
@Rob100. Do some more trawling and you will find cases of them blowing up /catching fire and other horror stories.

I'm sure he would find problems, as well as great reviews. I think a little balance is needed, don't you?

Why take the risk, when reasonable value can be had at home, and with proper warranty, support and back up.


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Risks need to be assessed and put into perspective, the risk will also be related to cost I suppose.

I have no idea how much the cheapest comparable valve amps would be in the UK, but that warranty and support won't come cheap. It might even be cheaper to buy two of these amps, than one UK model for all I know.

Anyhow, the OP was after some actual feedback rather than anecdotal evidence, which is all he's had so far and I'm not a valve man, so over to the OP, I'm out.


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Jul 10, 2010
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Could look at secondhand American - Jolida valve amp. (£250.00 - £ 300.00) used.

If you can find one over here it won't disappoint, great mids and excellent build quility.


floyd droid

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Overdose said:
Indeed he could and like I didnt know that.

Comment was for the OP, but if you knew, why not give the information to the OP?

The guy was looking for suggestions after all.

Whoops a daisy sorry about that. I suggested that he does not go down that route so what was the point ?.


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Overdose. People that are commenting on this thread are 'valve men' and the OP would do well to take heed of their advice.

Just sayin'.


floyd droid said:
@Rob100. Do some more trawling and you will find cases of them blowing up /catching fire and other horror stories.

Thanks for the advice - greatly appreciated :clap:

As the OP was asking if anybody had any experience with Chines made Class A tube amplifiers, I'm guessing your answer is "no".

I haven't either, but I'd like to think my post was a little more helpful. Yes there are some horror stories, but there are also many satisfied customers.


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Nov 17, 2008
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You could try someone like these guys -

The website looks shoddy, I'm not even sure if they're still going or not and the "Affordable Valve Company" logo doesn't exactly ooze class... That said, we have the 2 x 80 Watt amp in the office, I'm not even sure when, how or why it got here but I can say it's rather good. I've had it on for a year or so since we found it - It's smooth and musical in the traditional valve style but has some real grunt to back it up, bass is powerful & fluid, it even times well too.

I know there are those who insist amps all sound the same and I'm fairly sceptical on many things Hi-Fi but this amp definitely has some character and everyone who's heard it running has enjoyed it. If you want to go the cheap valve route then this would seem a slightly safer option with the home dem. Mr Everard reviewed the 40 Watt version a long time back by the looks of things and seemed to like it too. Just another option to throw in the mix!

I have had tube amps in the past although not manufactured in China.

There are Chinese Class A tube amps, sometimes also designed in China and sometimes simply just manufactured there, and there are cheap Chinese Class A tube amps (which I personally wouldn't touch with the proverbial barge-pole). However buying a second-hand Ming Da or the like might be a means of entry into the world of valves.

Beware though the maintenance of these amps is never cheap and knowing what I know now would not compemplate buying either a 'cheap' valve amp or indeed a cheap Chinese valve amp, as by their very nature a good valve amp is never cheap to manufacture.


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Nov 29, 2012
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It's not possible to make a cheap valve amp, that will sound good, anywhere in the world. If you import from outside the EU, hifi is subject to a 4% import tax on the value of the item and the carriage costs, then 20% VAT on top. Then it has become not so cheap with no dealer back up.

There are plenty of European manufacturers who have dealers in the UK. Icon Audio, Unison Research etc.

I think the main consideration should be dealer back up.

Mr Beachams

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harrisonp said:
Could look at secondhand American - Jolida valve amp. (£250.00 - £ 300.00) used.

If you can find one over here it won't disappoint, great mids and excellent build quility.


Jolida are very good amps....... there are a few places in the States and UK that provide 240v setup...and they change the stock tubes for Tung-Sol....I have the Power amp, its a hybrid valve with SS power...extreamly neutral but valve elastic tight bass....highly recommend.


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Oct 16, 2008
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AEJim said:
You could try someone like these guys -

The website looks shoddy, I'm not even sure if they're still going or not and the "Affordable Valve Company" logo doesn't exactly ooze class... That said, we have the 2 x 80 Watt amp in the office, I'm not even sure when, how or why it got here but I can say it's rather good. I've had it on for a year or so since we found it - It's smooth and musical in the traditional valve style but has some real grunt to back it up, bass is powerful & fluid, it even times well too.

I know there are those who insist amps all sound the same and I'm fairly sceptical on many things Hi-Fi but this amp definitely has some character and everyone who's heard it running has enjoyed it. If you want to go the cheap valve route then this would seem a slightly safer option with the home dem. Mr Everard reviewed the 40 Watt version a long time back by the looks of things and seemed to like it too. Just another option to throw in the mix!


Odd, the model numbers on their eBay store don't seem to match the ones on that webpage and neither do the prices, cheapest on eBay seems to be just under 600 quid but their webpage mentions a £250 amp that I can't find anywhere.


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This website doesn't like my phone :(

We tried to get in touch with them a while back but had no joy. That's why I was a little wary...

Amp still going strong and 100% reliable at least! :)

floyd droid

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Sep 5, 2008
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rob100 said:
As the OP was asking if anybody had any experience with Chines made Class A tube amplifiers, I'm guessing your answer is "no".

I haven't either,

Well having just re read the OPs thread opener again I would like to point out ,although I thought it was pretty obvious , that my comments were aimed at the 250 quid wonder amp. As for experience with Chinese made class A valve amps, well sorry buddy your guess is a country mile out !, how far up the food chain do you want me to go ?.

regards Floyd.


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