Can't adjust the volume on my computer with my DacMagic


Aug 29, 2023

I have a DacMagic (this one:, I'm using it with my Windows laptop via Usb cable. Worsk perfectly except one thing: I can't adjust the volume on my computer which is sometimes really annoying. I tried everything which is on the official Cambridge Audio site but nothing had helped. The driver do not even recognise the device.

I have looked for the answer everywhere but found nothing. If you could help me I would be very grateful.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022

I have a DacMagic (this one:, I'm using it with my Windows laptop via Usb cable. Worsk perfectly except one thing: I can't adjust the volume on my computer which is sometimes really annoying. I tried everything which is on the official Cambridge Audio site but nothing had helped. The driver do not even recognise the device.

I have looked for the answer everywhere but found nothing. If you could help me I would be very grateful.
Just curious, which software are you using to play your music files from your laptop?

I have JRiver which allows you the option to over ride the hardware volume option, so you can use your PC (I think the same for MAC) volume settings.
I believe Foo2000 (free software) also has this option.

Also, you can try downloading the latest version of the drivers, perhaps this might help?
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Aug 29, 2023
Thank you for your replies.

I did installed the latest driver but it couldn't helped, the driver not even recognesed the device.

The thing is that I use my Dac this way: I plug my Dac to my laptop with USB. And then I plug my Dac to my mixer via RCA. And the mixer is plugged to my two active speakers via XLR. It works perfectly, I can adjust the volume on my mixer. But the thing is that I want to get rid of my mixer, because apart from adjusting the volume it is useless here. (Sorry I should have wrote this in the original post.)

So this is the situation which I would like to solve here.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2023


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
Thank you for your replies.

I did installed the latest driver but it couldn't helped, the driver not even recognesed the device.

The thing is that I use my Dac this way: I plug my Dac to my laptop with USB. And then I plug my Dac to my mixer via RCA. And the mixer is plugged to my two active speakers via XLR. It works perfectly, I can adjust the volume on my mixer. But the thing is that I want to get rid of my mixer, because apart from adjusting the volume it is useless here. (Sorry I should have wrote this in the original post.)

So this is the situation which I would like to solve here.
Contact the manufacture of the DAC.



Well-known member
If your active speakers have no volume control, you will have to do it with your PC. If you install Foobar2000 as your music player and, add ASIO drivers to it, bypassing Windows sound and giving Foobar control, selecting the ASIO drivers as the output, you can adjust volume within Foobar2000. Other music player software may allow you to do the same but, I know it works with Foobar2000, as it is what I use and I just checked to make sure what I say works on my PC.

Don't worry about the DacMagic not being detected by Windows, that is perfectly normal. Neither my Fiio or Pathos amps are detected by Windows, both work as they should.
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Well-known member
If your active speakers have no volume control, you will have to do it with your PC. If you install Foobar2000 as your music player and, add ASIO drivers to it, bypassing Windows sound and giving Foobar control, selecting the ASIO drivers as the output, you can adjust volume within Foobar2000. Other music player software may allow you to do the same but, I know it works with Foobar2000, as it is what I use and I just checked to make sure what I say works on my PC.

Don't worry about the DacMagic not being detected by Windows, that is perfectly normal. Neither my Fiio or Pathos amps are detected by Windows, both work as they should.
I sometimes (not very often) wish I was more clued up than I am on computers.
I'm very familiar with the workings of audio mixers - because signal routing to buses, inputs and outputs is all visible and logical.

My brother has installed Voicemeter Banana on my (Windows 10) laptop which is a fantastic way of controlling both software and hardware inputs and routing / recording outputs.

But it's what computers do in the background to scupper things that really annoys me.
As an example, I couldn't work out why I couldn't see any indication of signal from a USB phono interface on Adobe Audition - which showed the device as not working - whereas Windows sound settings showed the device as working normally.
Eventually discovered that it was Windows microphone permission setting stopping the external USB device reaching Adobe!

All too 'clever' they are - I don't really like computers. ☹️
(I realise these days that's almost like saying I'm not too keen on breathing air).


Well-known member
....anyway back on topic in an attempt to help the original poster:

@helixcastorp if, as you say, you'd like to do away with your mixer, perhaps do as was previously suggested:
Leave your DAC set to full output, then put a passive volume control between its output and the input of your powered speakers.

Here's one I made earlier, but you can actually get better- looking ones 😉:
Alternatively, follow instructions in post #7 and control volume from your PC 👍
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