Cables, mains, interconnectors and speaker cables

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I have "Golden Eyes". When I read a load of dingo's kidneys I know it is that straight away even though the writer thinks it is perfectly sensible.

The Immature nature of some is just unreal.. Even if you dnt agree with others show some respect guys.

Edit,my bad. I 4got we talking cables!! :wall:
Cheers! It is difficult for dome the respect others options as they clearly know everything and have found happiness in trying to wind up, insult and provoke others. They clearly have come to the forum with their school clothes on and not any constructive discussion.
Well if you are happy with your golden eyes who's to say they're not? As for your love of Dongos kidneys I'd suggest you seek medical advice 🙂
Golden Ears said:
:help: drowning in your witt :clap:

so are you saying it's a one way street only? People should "open your mind to new experience" but only if it means hearing differences in cables?
It appears today has stared with a line up of wannabe comedians. Never enter a battle of wits witless you'll leave as you arrived. This thread was a fallout to anyone experiencing the DH Labs Red wave mains cables. It touched upon the subject of differences in cables and how I gave experienced them. If you've never experienced anything unexplainable and are living in a bubble as clearly you are not open to new possibilities I suggest you find a forum for who can abuse who the most as I had thought this forum was for serious audio lovers and not a place put put in school boy snipes as it clearly has become.
Looks like I said their minds and not mine 🙂 however this is an audio forum and the thread is about cables. If you've nothing to add constructive be it I've never heard anything different or maybe some do then the point is mute.
You might have noticed that constructive discussion/debate about cables on this and many other forums invariably degenerates into argument and abuse. It is similar to discussing religion - there are believers and non-believers and neither side seems willing to give an inch. Despite there being no scientific evidence for (fit for purpose) cables making a difference, or the existence of a god, many people believe in one or the other; some possibly in both. In fact, physics tells us that different (fit for purpose) cables can not alter the electrical signal they carry to any extent that is remotely audible to the human ear. If you can actually hear differences and this can be proven in scientifc tests then you are a freak of nature and should donate your body for research.
Golden Ears said:
It appears today has stared with a line up of wannabe comedians. Never enter a battle of wits witless you'll leave as you arrived. This thread was a fallout to anyone experiencing the DH Labs Red wave mains cables. It touched upon the subject of differences in cables and how I gave experienced them. If you've never experienced anything unexplainable and are living in a bubble as clearly you are not open to new possibilities I suggest you find a forum for who can abuse who the most as I had thought this forum was for serious audio lovers and not a place put put in school boy snipes as it clearly has become.

school boy snipes??? What, you mean asking you a direct question?? :roll:

so yes, what you are saying in effect is that people should only be open to new experiences if it backs up your point of view?

You keep talking about being open to new possibilities, yet seem to refuse to accept that there are other possilibites such as your brain playing tricks on you. Double standards perchance?

At least we know where you stand now, thanks for clearing that up.
And you have of course the ability to experience others senses and I assume walk on water. The school boy snipes appear here again or maybe an arrogant flavour would be more fitting. The implication that all things experienced are a trick of the mind because you've never had the same experience is in its very nature arrogant. As for backing my view point I wonder where I'm drilling this into the thread. I have my own experiences and people have theirs. No 2 people hear alike nor see alike. No 2 systems will convey music the same and I see no where here I've quoted otherwise. So if you are thinking I'm trying to brainwash or influence people by suggested they enter this subject with an open mind I cannot see how this can get you back up so much. It's not an I'm right you're wrong however what I've experienced is very real and there's no disputing that as you've not experienced the same therefore any trying to play down this is mute. There are too any unexplainable things out there and this is just another.
Golden Ears said:
Looks like I said their minds and not mine 🙂 however this is an audio forum and the thread is about cables. If you've nothing to add constructive be it I've never heard anything different or maybe some do then the point is mute.

Hi Golden Ears,

I have nothing to add with respect to content (Still trying to get the amp and speakers right first).

But a 'formal' tip: when replying to a post, use the 'quote' button. Makes everything easier to follow, certainly for a 'high turn-over thread' like this one!

I can see where you are coming from. But there so many factors that actually support scientifically or not this ability to alter a signal. I never thought it possible before 10 years ago when I started making cables out of differing materials. He proof is in the listening. Some cables have more impurities an others, some are shielded better from our ever increasing wireless transmissions better than others. Some have insulation that store and release engery different to others these are factors and yes this subject is a 2 sided affair that I have discussed with friends and colleagues at length. I have yet to find a non believer that hasn't heard a difference when presented with it in real life. Solder can impact a signal very much too.

There are those who would never admit it if it bit them on their ears. But for the majority of people who are honest I do believe I could demonstrate to hem a difference between some cables I have. As for me thinking I've super hearing, well the alias is something I've been dubbed not given myself and I guess it's funny and people think its a statement.

the fit for the purpose statement is banded around all the time as all Hifi is clearly fit for the purpose then by this nature people banding this are saying everything sounds the same and no Hifi will sound better than any other.
Thanks! I've wondered how that worked! I'll be sure to experiment with that! I didn't mean to have a bunch of replies and no one having a clue as to who I was replying to or referring to 🙂 much appreciated!
cheeseboy said:
what, like the differences you are hearing are all in your head and not the cables? Like far out man.... 😉

this my friend is IMO a school boy snipe albeit an attempt at humour
Golden Ears said:
And you have of course the ability to experience others senses and I assume walk on water. The school boy snipes appear here again or maybe an arrogant flavour would be more fitting.

dude, give it a rest, just because somebody disagrees with you doesn't mean you should cry foul.

Golden Ears said:
The implication that all things experienced are a trick of the mind because you've never had the same experience is in its very nature arrogant.

as is the opposite, which is the point I'm trying to make. You can't say to people they should be open to one experience because it backs up what you believe, but then ignore the opposite. That's hypocritical.

Golden Ears said:
As for backing my view point I wonder where I'm drilling this into the thread. I have my own experiences and people have theirs. No 2 people hear alike nor see alike. No 2 systems will convey music the same and I see no where here I've quoted otherwise.

Now with this, I do agree with you. I'd even add that listening to the same track on the same system on loop it will sound different because there are too many factors in play most of the time.

Golden Ears said:
So if you are thinking I'm trying to brainwash or influence people by suggested they enter this subject with an open mind I cannot see how this can get you back up so much.

It's not getting my back up, what I'm saying is that it's very hypocritical to say that people should have an open mind, but only the way that backs up your experiences. I say to you, have an open mind that it may be all in your head and so what if it is, you'll still hear the differences....

Golden Ears said:
It's not an I'm right you're wrong however what I've experienced is very real and there's no disputing that as you've not experienced the same therefore any trying to play down this is mute. There are too any unexplainable things out there and this is just another.

I'd dispute what you are classing as real though. Are you saying that because you've heard it that's it's real, ie it's a fact, or just that you heard a difference and therefore it's real to you? If it's the former, then yes, I'd take issue with that as you can't really present subjective evidence as fact. If it's the latter then it falls under the It could be the cable, it could be the brain, eithe way I hear a difference camp, which is, keeping an open mind imho.
Golden Ears said:
cheeseboy said:
what, like the differences you are hearing are all in your head and not the cables? Like far out man.... 😉

this my friend is IMO a school boy snipe albeit an attempt at humour

depends on how you take it. I'd suggest you are over sensitive if you took it as a snipe, but each to their own.
BigH said:
How can you try before you buy if there are no dealers in your country?

A reputable company in England I know of is The Missing Link they have in the past on their website offered free in home trials of their cables! I can't claim to know many other but surely you could agree to a trial with nearly any reputable audio dealer. They can ear mark your credit card and give you 14days in home trial. I think a Richer Sounds have a month. I lived in the UK many years ago and those 2 companies I had felt with.
Golden Ears said:
BigH said:
How can you try before you buy if there are no dealers in your country?

A reputable company in England I know of is The Missing Link they have in the past on their website offered free in home trials of their cables! I can't claim to know many other but surely you could agree to a trial with nearly any reputable audio dealer. They can ear mark your credit card and give you 14days in home trial. I think a Richer Sounds have a month. I lived in the UK many years ago and those 2 companies I had felt with.

Thanks for the link but I don't think they stock the cable you are talking about? Yes there are many cable cos in UK that will give a free trial.
cheeseboy said:
dude, give it a rest, just because somebody disagrees with you doesn't mean you should cry foul.

its perfectly fine to disagree that's life. But to insinuate that it must be brain tricky is no longer an option but a statement claiming someone else is imagining something because they've not shared that experience.

Golden Ears said:
The implication that all things experienced are a trick of the mind because you've never had the same experience is in its very nature arrogant.

as is the opposite, which is the point I'm trying to make. You can't say to people they should be open to one experience because it backs up what you believe, but then ignore the opposite. That's hypocritical.

how is saying have an open mind hypercritical when I've said all along some people hear things others don't and one persons hearing is totally subjective. My statement have an open mind is purely a premise to the fact that if you've made up your mind you'll still claim you've never heard a difference even when you do. That's all I'm saying p, definitely not trying to say I'm right you must hear as you clearly hepavent heard anything to merit a belief as of yet. I must say I'd hadn't for mealy 15 years then one day I did.

Golden Ears said:
So if you are thinking I'm trying to brainwash or influence people by suggested they enter this subject with an open mind I cannot see how this can get you back up so much.

It's not getting my back up, what I'm saying is that it's very hypocritical to say that people should have an open mind, but only the way that backs up your experiences. I say to you, have an open mind that it may be all in your head and so what if it is, you'll still hear the differences....

It's the open mind thing that says you've got to share my opinion? How would you suggest I write it without sounding like you have to sit in my court? I'm trying to say that if you've a closed mind to the subject perhaps you're missing out. If you're happy and have no desire to experiment or experience (possibly) differences then of course look away from this post 😉 everyone is entitled to their opinion I could never claim you've heard something but given a chance to sit with a coffe and some source material I'm convinced you'd be (if only slightly) convinced you'd heard a difference too 😉

I'd dispute what you are classing as real though. Are you saying that because you've heard it that's it's real, ie it's a fact, or just that you heard a difference and therefore it's real to you? If it's the former, then yes, I'd take issue with that as you can't really present subjective evidence as fact. If it's the latter then it falls under the It could be the cable, it could be the brain, eithe way I hear a difference camp, which is, keeping an open mind imho.

And to this last point. I can honestly say that I hear differences between SOME cables playing chosen audio tracks that I'm very familiar with. I cannot claim I hear differences in EVERY cable I listen through that's not possible nor where I'm sitting. Nor can I say every cable is better, I've heard stupidly lever priced cables performing poorly and cheaper home made sounding spectacular. These are from my view point and in no way open for interpretation as you were not present not have the same hearing as I it is always possible you'd never hear a thing. And perhaps the I'm sure there's a difference mind trickery has occurred on occasion (who knows) electronics do not perform the same daily, poor mains quality, aging components etc systems can have good and bad days too.

You seem unfortunately see me as preaching. I'm not doing that but I can share my experiences without others claims they were in my head having not not been present nor experienced the cables in my setup or others that have tried them it's really a muted point to claim anything from an external stand point. Sure you can have an opinion and I respect you've never heard anything. That's totally fair and who I'm I to say you should? No one! My point is that people who experiment a little will no doubt stumble across differences over time. I'm not saying run out and spend money that's just stupid, but get some in home trials, text with some high quality recordings if you're into that! And listen for yourselves. If you're content then let the water flow off the ducks back 😉

cheers anyways !


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