I recently listed a mint condition 8000P on ebay and erroneously listed it as Made in England.
A prospective buyer came back with a reqest about the serial number, which is 240G000083, this prompted me to search for info on Audiolab manufacturing provenance, as it might translate to the serial number, and I found this thread, so I joined to add what I've learned today.
The prospect kindly supplied the following info:
indication of 'provenance' for the 'G' model 8000p, which can be seen at the bottom of the page at this link:
http://www.watcheditem.com/iteminfo/370472359120/3/AUDIOLAB-ORIGINAL-SERVICE-MANUAL-ON-CD.html The key sentences are, "Only manuals for the later IAG-manufactured Audiolab units are available in this format. These all have the letter G in the serial number."
IAG are the Chinese company that bought Audiolab and (at least initially) were responsible for a significant drop in the quality of certain components being used. F models were definitely manufactured by Audiolab (not IAG) a I know this as I called Audiolab years ago when I bought my current E-model 8000S.
My ebay 8000P has the 'G' serial number and the Huntingdon stamp, whereas my 8000S bought in 2001 has MADE IN ENGLAND on the same spot.
There is no mention of Made in xxx on the 8000P or the box, or the manual, apart from the Huntigdon reference, but it is telling that my 8000S does have MADE IN ENGLAND stamped on it. So it seems that the serial number holds the clue on the units that don't have a country of manufacture stated.
One final bit of related info. I have lived in Australia for several decades until recently, and at one point imported some widgets from Korea. I was called to the Customs warehouse in Sydney and advised to source and add a tiny 'Made in Korea' sticker to every single widget before customs would let me take posession!
Apparently, imported goods MUST have the country of origin clearly marked on them, or the packaging, to be allowed in. I got my 8000S in Sydney, and I have just checked with a mate there, and he confirms his younger Audiolab has 'Huntingdon' on it, so that must be good enough for Australian customs!
I hope this info helps move the debate along or clears it up for some of you who own Audiolab kit.