spiny norman said:
BenLaw said:
Given that none of the proffered reasons stands scrutiny, there is clearly another reason for your reticence
What is this, a cross-examination? I have no wish to share details of my system, and I believe it's my right not to do so without providing reasons that stand up to your scrutiny, isn't I? (Double-checks House Rules for the one about meeting BenLaw's approval, finds nothing).
And enough of the suggestion of some mysterious reason of your own imagining: what with gel suggesting people who read the magazine and don't regsiter for the website are odd, and you doing the CSI bit, this is forum is all a bit creepy today...
You and I both know gel's oddities, general or specific, have nothing to do with what we're discussing. Nor do your tangents about house rules and CSI.
Name, address, occupation, all these things and more I can understand not wanting to reveal on a hifi forum. One's kit, though, I would suggest is something more people would be content to reveal than not. Nonetheless, of course it is your right not to tell us anything that you see fit.
Just as it is my right to infer why that might be. None of the reasons you suggest make sense so I infer there's another. You referred to telling us what cables you had as 'system waving', so I infer you have non-basic aftermarket cables. Your self-appointed role on these threads is ostensibly to be an impartial person pointing out when others go to far and saying people should live and let live. True, TrevC is frequently blunt and sometimes abusive. However, there's plenty on the other side who you don't have a go at who are doing no better. You too are not beyond a bit of rudeness and aggravation ('objectionalist' being but your latest and most persistent). For all those reasons I infer partiality in the stance you take. You of course have chosen neither to confirm nor deny that, so you'll have to leave me to my inferences.