Well-known member
Jan 4, 2010
Hi Just joined here as it looks like the place to ask ATC questions. Im looking at buying a pair of ATC SCM 19's.

I currently have a pair of PMC DB1i's but managed to melt the voice coil's on the mid/bass units on new years eve.

I used to own PMC IB1's but had to sell them when i moved house. I obviously over estimated the DB1i's abilities.

My system comprises of Arcam cd33, Krell kav300i, PMC DB1i's, Rel Strata 5, Ps audio statement Bi-wire speaker cables and interconnect, 2xPs audio premier Sc power cords, 2xDalkey audio silver power cords, Yaquin ML-1100 mains filter and Hi-Fi Tuning fuses in everything.

Im very interested in the ATC's as im obsessed with absolute speed and detail and love quality bass.

My music tastes range from Drum&Bass, The Prodigy, Daft punk to Modern Latin club and chill out. Anything really except classical music.

Will the Krell have plenty of power for the ATC's is my main concern as i dont want to change the amp.


Hi Matt

The Krell should be fine for the SCM19's. With your DB1's, it was probably a case of the small drive unit didn't stand a chance with your drum & bass
. The SCM19's use a larger bass driver, which is also long throw, especially in comparison to the DB1's bass driver, so will put up with a little more punishment because of it. Just make sure you use nice solid stands so that you get the best from them.

As you've probably gathered from previous threads, the ATC's can deal with pretty much any type of music, so there's no problems there either.

It might be worth popping along to a dealer with your amplifier just to see if you get on with them, and to see if they suit your requirements.


Hi David, thanks for your reply.

I live in Dublin, Ireland, so id have to travel to the uk for a demo.

Ive found a mint condition second hand pair of scm19's over in the uk im thinking of buying as a new pair is out of budget at the moment.

Im also trying to source new drive units for the pmc's so i can sell them once ive fixed them.

Hi Just joined here as it looks like the place to ask ATC questions. Im looking at buying a pair of ATC SCM 19's.

I currently have a pair of PMC DB1i's but managed to melt the voice coil's on the mid/bass units on new years eve.

I used to own PMC IB1's but had to sell them when i moved house. I obviously over estimated the DB1i's abilities.

My system comprises of Arcam cd33, Krell kav300i, PMC DB1i's, Rel Strata 5, Ps audio statement Bi-wire speaker cables and interconnect, 2xPs audio premier Sc power cords, 2xDalkey audio silver power cords, Yaquin ML-1100 mains filter and Hi-Fi Tuning fuses in everything.

Im very interested in the ATC's as im obsessed with absolute speed and detail and love quality bass.

My music tastes range from Drum&Bass, The Prodigy, Daft punk to Modern Latin club and chill out. Anything really except classical music.

Will the Krell have plenty of power for the ATC's is my main concern as i dont want to change the amp.



Hi MattSPL

The SCM19's are superb speakers are definitely an upgrade from the DB1i's.

It is with the SCM19's that ATC really start ti flex their muscles (having already given an exceedingly good taste of whta they are capable of with the SCM7's and SCM11's). The mid/bass unit in the SCM19's is massively engineered and incorporates ATC's Super Linear Magnet Technlogy to help reduce distortion even further than the CLD (Constrained layer damping) technology used in the already excellent SCM11's. The SLMT mid/bass driver itself weighs 9kg which is more than a complete SCM11 and twice the weight of a DB1i! I sell more SCM19's than SCM11's and by a margin.

Your Krell amplifier is more than capable of driving the SCM19's. ATC's drive units are very constant allowing an amplifier to deliver it's full power all the time (prior to clipping). the impedence of a speaker is far more important than it's overall efficiency.

The SCM19's low distortion and (amongst other qualities) clear, precise, natural, uncoloured and powerful presentation will allow the qualities of your components to shine through be enabling them to breathe.

Btw, i have ATC customers in Ireland (some of whom have travelled across to visit me in my shop).

All the best

Rick @ musicraft
Thanks for the reply Rick

The scm19's definitly sound like what im looking for. The bigger pmc's like the IB1's are very impressive speakers but i feel the smaller models are a bit commercial, without the bomb proof attributes of the larger models. If i dont manage to get sorted with this second hand pair of scm19's, i might give you a call in a couple of months if i have the money for a new pair.



Thanks for the reply Rick

The scm19's definitly sound like what im looking for. The bigger pmc's like the IB1's are very impressive speakers but i feel the smaller models are a bit commercial, without the bomb proof attributes of the larger models. If i dont manage to get sorted with this second hand pair of scm19's, i might give you a call in a couple of months if i have the money for a new pair.



Hi Matt

Fair enough.
ATC gives a new meaning the term 'bomb proof'. For me ATC inspires confidence.

Btw, SCM Studio Control Monitor.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Might be worth ringing Rick anyhow, last time i was up there he had an ex demo pair for sale.

The scm19's will blow the db1's out of the water!
Hi Craig

I checked Rick's website and he has an ex dem pair of scm 11's but no 19's i dont think.

Ive read a couple of your threads and noticed you have scm 19's.

What other speakers have you owned/heard and how do the 19's compare? Also what power is your amp at 4ohm(cant find that spec anywhere) and how does it perform at different volume levels with the scm 19's?

I had pmc ib1's before the db1i's and b&w N803's before them which i didnt like except for very good dynamics in the midrange.


hi matt, i've owned dynaudio focus 110 before the atc's and heard db1i, b+w 805, dynaudio contour s1.4, dali mentor 2(?), and some proac tablette ref 8 signature. the atc's can initially underwhelm but this isn't because they don't deliver the goods, it's the neutrality and lack of colour/distortion compared to the majority of speakers. the atc's can sound a little lean compared to other speakers, but that's only until you play something that has a lot of bass, thats when you realise that the other speakers you've heard are all adding their own colourations to the sound, the atc's just give you the music. the 19's are (imo) easily the best speakers i've heard in this price range, everything about them is spot on, and they don't care what kind of music you listen to. the scm's are also bombproof, as rick said, they inspire confidence - you only have to try lifting one!

the atc amp is superb and is a perfect match for the speakers, it offers control, punch and dynamics at any volume and is very revealing. i don't think i will ever want to replace mine. i don't know it's power output into 4 ohms, might be worth giving atc an email.

i spoke to rick earlier on regarding my new dac and asked if he still had the ex-dem 19's, you're in luck.
Good post Craig.

Can't go wrong with the 19's - neutral, easy to position, bomb-proof & plenty of growing room for subsequent upgrades.
Thanks for the reply's lads.

I was onto the shop that has the used scm19's today, they were very busy being their first day back after the xmas. I was told that a deposit might have been taken on new years eve on the 19's but he'd have to ask the person dealing with them who was in the demo room at the time with a customer. Ive not heard back yet.

Thats good new's if Rick has an ex demo pair of scm19's. Is there a way to send a personal message on the forum to contact him?

Also ive found a pair of scm12's for sale at a very good price. Might be worth considering?


Matt, just give him a call! 34628407727 272 443
Hi Crimsondonkey, just off the phone to audioemotion, the shop where the second hand pair of 19's were for sale.

Somebody has put a deposit on them but ive been offered a very good price on a new pair and they are working out a trade in price for my DB1i's. Ive just to get new drive units and make sure they are fully working as part of the deal.

Its nearly closing time at the shop so it might be tomorrow before i hear back.




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