You could build a 5.1 setup around the totems... the mite matches with it nicely for the purposes of surround. Anyway, for surround, if you don't want to break the bank I say Yamaha every time. not for music though, that'd be grating. For music I'd urge you onto the Audiolab 8000s integrated, it sounds very sweet with totem.
Sadly I've never encountered a surround amp that was any much good for music.
Seriously though man, I think you're making the right move. The whole amrket is moving away from 5.1 and 6.1 etc. Look at the success of Bose and Denon's 2.1 rubbish, and the questionable yamaha soundbar. I feel if you're looking for something that'll do good work with movies in stereo just find something that does well with Music. Like I said above, the Audiolab integrated is probably the best match for Totem if you're wanting to keep a lid on things. Next up from there I'd urge you onto the Nait5i.