Amplifier + soundcard + speakers ~ 1000 euros; advice, suggestion and feedback is welcome


New member
Jun 6, 2014

I am trying to get best sound out of my budget. I am new to this kind of topic, so its quite hard to understand what would be the right choice. I have listened dealers offers, opinions of people who work with sound and now I could use this communities advice - trying to put all kind of feedback together and hope to make the right decision afterall. I am not purely audiophile, but good sound is important to me. As I understand I lack three components.

1. Stereo Amplifier

2. Speakers

3. Soundcard

I have listed some amplifiers that are valued on their own price range (200-500 euros), that my local dealers sell and I have been recommended to look into:

100 euros = 136 USD = 81 GPB

1. Pioneer A-30 (300 euros)

2. Cambridge Azur 650A (420 euros)

3. Denon PMA720AE (300 euros)

NAD C326BEE (380 euros)

Harmon Kardon HK 3390 (450 euros)

Cambridge Azur 550A (350 euros)

Yamaha A-S500 (300 euros)

Pioneer A-20 (225 euros)


I am trying to get best sound out of my budget. I am new to this kind of topic, so its quite hard to understand what would be the right choice. I have listened dealers offers, opinions of people who work with sound and now I could use this communities advice - trying to put all kind of feedback together and hope to make the right decision afterall. I am not purely audiophile, but good sound is important to me. As I understand I lack three components.

1. Stereo Amplifier

2. Speakers

3. Soundcard

I have listed some amplifiers that are valued on their own price range (200-500 euros), that my local dealers sell and I have been recommended to look into:

100 euros = 136 USD = 81 GPB

1. Pioneer A-30 (300 euros)

2. Cambridge Azur 650A (420 euros)

3. Denon PMA720AE (300 euros)

NAD C326BEE (380 euros)

Harmon Kardon HK 3390 (450 euros)

Cambridge Azur 550A (350 euros)

Yamaha A-S500 (300 euros)

Pioneer A-20 (225 euros)

I have listed first 3 that I have heard most positive feedback. At moment Pioneer A-30 due to its price and reputation is in mind. Although most dealers suggest Yamaha A-S500 as its been 2010´s best am on its price range I have heard a quite a negative feedback of its poor behaviour.

Now about the Speakers. Will go for bookself speakers due to the space/room available and maximum volume I can have + they are easier to transport between my apartment and campus.

At first I will have to get by with my existing low cost monitors:

1. two pairs of Radiotehnika S-30B, 30W/4ohms

2. a pair of Shapr 40W/4 ohms

3. A pair of Sharp three way 150/300 8 ohm bookshelves

Neither of them should be something really outstanding, put will do the job during I get better ones.

But overall I have been suggested to look into something this (all prices are listed per pair):

1. Magnat Quantum Series

I could get a pair of 653-s/673-s around 320-350 euros. They are not popular world-wide as they are made in Germany and mostly here marketed.

2. JBL

ES-20 (200 euros)

ES-30 (400 euros)


RTi A1 (250 euros)

RTi A3 (325 euros) 220b (275 euros)

4. Monitor Audio BX 2 (400 euros)

5. Taga Harmony Platinum v2 S-40 (225 euros),product,id,132,home_entertainment_platinum_v.2_series_platinum_s-40

6. Dali Concept 2 (350 euros)

7. Jamo C 603 (375 euros)

8. Heco Victa Prime 302 (200 euros)

9. Tannoy Mercury v1 (200 euros)

10. Chorus 705 V (400 euros)

At moment first five listed are the most appealing and suggested to me. Badly Magnat is not known worldwide, but it has great reputation here. Hope to get any feedback here. Which one should get, or take into consideration and from which one keep my hands off.

3. Now about the soundcard.

I lack any prior knowledge here. As I am planning to play music from PC - so its going to be digital sound - therefore I need DAC (digital to audio converter). PC´s integrated/build in audiocards are hardly made for listening music out of its own speakers. Secondly they are not made anything near lossless, 8, 16, 24 bit. Yet its quite overwhelming to understand what soundcard is good for me, what simply overpriced or made for music producers/editors. I just need the one that would let me get the best out of amplifier - music producing/editing and high W-voltage systems are neither for me at moment.

Also it ought to be USB, as PC-s, laptops vary and change in time, but amplifier, speakers and soundcard I hope to have for some great years. And USB ports are not going to die in next 10 years for sure.

Mostly I have been told anything over 100 euros for this kind of set is overpriced or made for other purposes, that I do not need. So I have been suggested mainly:

75 euro range:

Asus Xonar U7

Creative SB X-FI HD

Although mainly those two companies do not appeal to me as they make low cost PC-s and equipment I was told its different on soundcard manufacturing. I need really advice here - if i am making right decision here or I do need different kind of soundcard. What would be its price range or what manufcaturer i should seek do. Just to remind I need one for listening music and getting best out of amp, not overpowered nor priced piece.

For last I need to emphasize that I am quite new to this topic. Have listened different 5.1 HD sounds with decent soundcards. Seen cheap 100 euros amp projects but low cost speakers, but it obviously aint a real thing when it comes to true music. I also have been suggested to get another 5.1/7,1 + soundcard or actuve nearfield Studio monitors - but neither is really made for natural sound/music listening. But I doubt that another cheap amp and speaker system will beat Yamaha NS-80/HS-7 sets.

In total end I do not want to spend more than 1000 euros for amplifier + soundcard + speakers (excluding center speaker and subawoofer). Am not pure audiophile, but good sound is important to me. My music range is from classic to metal, with jazz, rap and electronic in between. So i listen everything. Want good natural-clear stereo sound. I have listed prices so if anyone has prior knowledge can valuate their relation to quality. I´d rather pay 100 or 200 more if I know that I am getting something longlasting and higher class of quality, but as we know sometimes something with lower price might exceed in quality tremendously.

At moment in my mind there is Pioneer A-30 or Cambridge Azur 650A and Xonar U7. And if I get more money then probably Magnat Quantum 673-s. And maybe after that if I feel then need for subawoofer or center speaker (if it adds any real effect?).

But I am not expert to say what amplifier is good for me. Which one is made for my needs and offers what I seek for. As I understand there is no point getting 1 piece of item really high quality and the rest cheaper ones. All has to meet in quality and agree in unity: amplifier + required soundcard and speakers.

I am greatful over all the info, advice, suggestion, recommendations and feedback given here, or which sets to stay away from. Thank you for finding the time to help me.
DAC/soundcard with volume control (preamp) and the most expensive active monitors you can afford in your budget.

Problem solved.I'm off for a drink :cheers:
ID. said:
DAC/soundcard with volume control (preamp) and the most expensive active monitors you can afford in your budget.

Problem solved.I'm off for a drink :cheers:


for example....
ID. said:
DAC/soundcard with volume control (preamp) and the most expensive active monitors you can afford in your budget.

Problem solved.I'm off for a drink :cheers:

Bit early ID, is there something we should know......... :? 😉

Given the product listed by the OP it is fairly clear that he is not in the uk, different markets skew value for money quite noticeably.

I too like the active speaker option, but many non enthusiasts are put off by the apparent complexity and 'industrial' design.

A simple, 'hi-fi friendly' option would be the Kef X300a, fully active with onboard 'usb soundcard'. Only downside is that it is a touch expensive and has limited functionality.
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?
soundyone said:
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?

The info in the first and second paragraph is simply wrong, nonsense in fact.

A few questions......

How big is your room and will you be able to stand mount your speakers?

Do you need more than the very simple input options on the X300a?

Do you want the best performance for the money or do other factors come into play, flexibility, upgradeability for example?

Are you simply more comfortable with the 'traditional' separates approach?

As for VFM, it depends on what you want and like, it also depends on what price different products are in your marketplace.

In the UK these speakers cost £600.

By comparison a decent soundcard, Xonar Essence STX say, costs £120-130, an outboard usb dac from a mainstream manufacturer a bit more. That leaves £450-ish for amp, speakers and cables, can be done but you are near the bottom end of the market here.

The X300a is a quality speaker, not a million miles short of the R100, with dac and amplifier onboard, no expensive casework, no aftermarket cables and all the benefits of fully active drive.
soundyone said:
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?

Not true that they aren't good for listening at further distances. I echo the comment that your room seems to be huge. While some powered speakers are just fancy lifestyle products, there are many, including pro monitors with excellent sound. Many would argue that it is better than standard hi-fi kit for the same price.

That is a big room. It may be hard filling it with sound from options within your budget, although there are both pro monitors and traditional hi fi separates that should be able to do the job, depending on what your expectations are.

1000 euros seems excessive. I'd say that the Kef 300a are not worth that. I'm outside the UK and even here they retail at around 450 euro at current exchange rates. What presents the best value for money will depend on prices in your market.
ID. said:
soundyone said:
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?

Not true that they aren't good for listening at further distances. I echo the comment that your room seems to be huge. While some powered speakers are just fancy lifestyle products, there are many, including pro monitors with excellent sound. Many would argue that it is better than standard hi-fi kit for the same price.

That is a big room. It may be hard filling it with sound from options within your budget, although there are both pro monitors and traditional hi fi separates that should be able to do the job, depending on what your expectations are.

1000 euros seems excessive. I'd say that the Kef 300a are not worth that. I'm outside the UK and even here they retail at around 450 euro at current exchange rates. What presents the best value for money will depend on prices in your market.

Wow, that is seriously cheap.

In the UK they are £600, or about €725.

While €1000 might seem a little steep it does depend on the local market, in any market some product is better value than others, and it varies depending where you are.
soundyone said:
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?

Do you mean the room measures 10m x 12m (120 square metres)? That's a huge space. Even going with an amp and passive speakers you'd need some power to fill it.

When you buy active monitors you will get more bang for your buck/Euro because you're not paying for the extra casework and the internal amps are designed to work specifically with that speaker - definitely not just a fancy product. That sounds like more audiophile nonsense to me - some would have you spend £200 on an 'audiophile' sata cable to connect your hard drive to your motherboard for instance. Laughable.

I don't think the powered speakers mentioned are specifically near field monitors as some of the pro offerings are; they are often designed to be sat on your desk right in front of you.

The Kefs are £600 here, say 750 Euros. Is everything similarly marked up where you are or is it just some brands?
Starting from a clear sheet!

My main room would be for next 4 years probably in university only 16 squere meters / second room 32 sq/m. First idea was to have something that would last and be useful in many instances, regarding quality in mind. In first case stand/mount - am not certain yet, in second case definitely yes. On input I only need for PC at first. Best performace would come first, secondly upgradeability (meaning if i do not need to spend a lot), but it wont do a harm if its being omitted. Traditional ways big plus is upgradeability + if something goes wrong = sound aint right or something broken it would be easier to replace. But I do not mind simply active way. My aim is still to get good sound for my time in studying everything else is secondary.

I am from Estonia. Market here is tremendously small. So it depends on brands and where the main market is located. Things that are made, or sold in Germany/Poland should be quite the same here. I do not mind ordering outside my region as EU allows it, just depending if I get the right transport so It would not add too much extra.

Well at least I am now looking more towards active speakers and DAC. As I understand it seems to be the wises option suggested here for this kind of money. Active speakers reputation here aint much as the only ones sold here are mainly cheap PC ones.

Tradition sound equipment is easier found here than DAC´s or good active ones. But I will do my best to find some. Meanwhile I would not mind if I could get some suggestions beside KEF x300a, whether DAC built in or out. It would even help if someone would list something so I can make inquire whether they sell or transport something here.

I was suggested to get Yamaha new HS 7, or JBL - 308. These are active speakers, but studio monitors. For example I aslo found ADDON T8 for 280, and ADDON 6 for 320 euros, but these are wireless if am correct and does not appeal as wireless should increase THD enormously I guess, although I lack experience.

Anyways thank you that far, and further comments, suggestions are still welcome.
soundyone said:
I was suggested to get Yamaha new HS 7, or JBL - 308. These are active speakers, but studio monitors. For example I aslo found ADDON T8 for 280, and ADDON 6 for 320 euros, but these are wireless if am correct and does not appeal as wireless should increase THD enormously I guess, although I lack experience.

Anyways thank you that far, and further comments, suggestions are still welcome.

I put some Addon T8's in my daughters bedroom, straight into the onboard sound in the computer. Room is 3.8m x 3.8m and it's plenty loud enough and sounds pretty good but only cost about $300 Euro so you could do better with your budget. They can be used wired as well as via bluetooth.
pauln said:
soundyone said:
I was suggested to get Yamaha new HS 7, or JBL - 308. These are active speakers, but studio monitors. For example I aslo found ADDON T8 for 280, and ADDON 6 for 320 euros, but these are wireless if am correct and does not appeal as wireless should increase THD enormously I guess, although I lack experience.

Anyways thank you that far, and further comments, suggestions are still welcome.

I put some Addon T8's in my daughters bedroom, straight into the onboard sound in the computer. Room is 3.8m x 3.8m and it's plenty loud enough and sounds pretty good but only cost about $300 Euro so you could do better with your budget. They can be used wired as well as via bluetooth.

If you are comfortable shipping from, say, germany, then look at these........

...both are reliable companies and should ship free at the price level we are talking about, lots and lots of choice, though not so many with an onboard dac.
Well at first I was indeed suggested to get my monitors at Thomann. Something that to look into:

Yamaha HS 7/8

Adam F5

Adam A3X

Adam A5X

Presonus Eris 5

Tannoy Reveal 502

Behringer MS 40

Any suggestions, recommendations?

But I have heard that studio monitors are not mainly made for listening, and the sound won´t be anything listenable, especially on untreated room? So if I spend 500-600 on those monitors and end up having something I cannot stand would be awful situation? And I myself have never heard any of those. Is there any real differance - or whats the deal with Studio monitor vs Active speaker?
soundyone said:
But I have heard that studio monitors are not mainly made for listening,

Well, they are not made for looking at. Ugly mothereffers usually.

They would normally have a pretty flat frequency response so perhaps not to everyones taste - many audiophiles seem to like their music with a bit of colouration or warmth, be it from speaker 'voicing', valve amps, turntables, whatever. Strictly speaking that's not high fidelity in my book but it's probably easier to listen to. I guess that's why you have been pointed in the direction of the Kefs and Quads.
Buying any hi-fi product blind is a risk, what else can you say.

The safe option is to buy whatever is available locally that you can try for yourself, however limited that may be.

On your list of speakers, the Presonus Eris 5 is a favourite of mine, a good all rounder for a very sensible cost. Add a low cost usb dac and you have the basis of a very decent setup, upgradeable too, a better more flexible dac/pre-amp, subwoofer etc.
Just to ask advice a piece of more!

As I get Presonus Eris 5 is one of your favourite and advised from group of same class monitors:



Yamaha HS5

Adam F5

Now about the DAC?

Behringer U-Control UCA 202

Will it do the trick? Give me best out of Eris or not? Or which one to go for?

Third about cables? I guess unbalanced would be off? So it leaves TRS or XLR? Any real difference... or what should I pay attention when choosing one, any other feature to keep in mind.
soundyone said:
Just to ask advice a piece of more!

As I get Presonus Eris 5 is one of your favourite and advised from group of same class monitors:



Yamaha HS5

Adam F5

Now about the DAC?

Behringer U-Control UCA 202

Will it do the trick? Give me best out of Eris or not? Or which one to go for?

Third about cables? I guess unbalanced would be off? So it leaves TRS or XLR? Any real difference... or what should I pay attention when choosing one, any other feature to keep in mind.

I think the Eris 5 is remarkable value though the Adam F5 is the most popular due in part to the very good name that Adam has in this market.

I like the Eris 5 for it's fexibility of controls, I just think it sounds 'balanced', the F5 has a great reputation and would probably be more easily sold if you decided to upgrade. Personally I think the ribbon tweeter does not integrate quite as well as the dome but others clearly think differently, both however are fine value, though the F5 is at least €100 euro more expensive.

Both speakers have unbalanced in on RCA/phono connectors so are dead easy to set up. The Behringer is a perfectly good budget dac, providing you do not mind adjusting volume on your computer, a more expensive, better and more flexible dac/pre-amp can be added down the line if you need it. By that stage you should have a nuch better idea of what is going on and what would really be of benefit to you.

Look here......
davedotco said:
ID. said:
soundyone said:
At first yes I was suggested also active studio monitors, but I heard some critic that these are not merely made for listening or powering a room of 12 X 10 sq/m. And when moving away from PC further then 2 feet or something their quality drops significally - at least thats the info I got from people who asked for what I need monitors for and suggested to stay away if I do not plan to place them just beside computer or edit music.

The space issue aint that big problem - just big floorstands wont be option for me. I have no prior experience and so I was told that active, bult in amps is actually just fancy product rather real sound coming out of it?

The KEF 300a is around 1000 euros here. Is it really worth the price? Would not it be wise to get things seperately from the same money - as they are seperate and replacable?

Not true that they aren't good for listening at further distances. I echo the comment that your room seems to be huge. While some powered speakers are just fancy lifestyle products, there are many, including pro monitors with excellent sound. Many would argue that it is better than standard hi-fi kit for the same price.

That is a big room. It may be hard filling it with sound from options within your budget, although there are both pro monitors and traditional hi fi separates that should be able to do the job, depending on what your expectations are.

1000 euros seems excessive. I'd say that the Kef 300a are not worth that. I'm outside the UK and even here they retail at around 450 euro at current exchange rates. What presents the best value for money will depend on prices in your market.

Wow, that is seriously cheap.

In the UK they are £600, or about €725.

While €1000 might seem a little steep it does depend on the local market, in any market some product is better value than others, and it varies depending where you are.

Wireless versions seem to retail for the equivalent of just under 700 pounds.

At the prices in Japan I think the X300a (non wireless) is good value. I wonder why they're so cheap. Maybe being closer to China means cheaper shipping, or maybe they thought it would be a good loss leader to help make gains in the Japanese market.
ID. said:
Wireless versions seem to retail for the equivalent of just under 700 pounds.

At the prices in Japan I think the X300a (non wireless) is good value. I wonder why they're so cheap. Maybe being closer to China means cheaper shipping, or maybe they thought it would be a good loss leader to help make gains in the Japanese market.

To be honest I think it is simply further proof that the price paid at retail level bears little or no relation to the material value of the product.

All kinds of factors come into pricing, but generally hi-fi product is priced at whatever the manufacturer/retailer thinks he can get. This is particularly true of big companies that operate in more than one market, 'what the market will bear' is their mantra.
Dali concept 2 is not available as new and dali zensor 1/3 is much better

Something like Nad d3020 and dali zensor 3

all active studio monitors have hiss

If you still want active speakers the Yamaha hs5 has a loud midrange about 1000hz, the Adam f5 has a muddy bass at high levels and a very low level from the tweeter that makes the sound very dark, jbl LSR 305 is a open sounding speaker with good bass (loud 108db), krk rookit have a loud lower midrange, midbass and bass even the rookit 5 g3 are loud and have a deep bass.

Speaker stands like the isoacoustics stands do make a speaker sound better and a balanced dac and balancedcable (xlr,trs) make the sounds that goes into the speaker more noise free

A dac with volume control so you leave you pc's volume at max or close to it and use a dac to enhance or decrease the volume
NAD D3020 is 500 euros here. It has quite nice review on whathifi and elsewhere. Well in here they still sell NEW concept 2 (just saying) with 309 euros a pair, z1 for 259 and z3 390.

As I get NAD D3020 has also built in DAC. It would make 500 + speakers - around 700-900 euros i guess would be the end price.

I also found KEF x300a with a bit lower than previous offer - 800 euros.

Quad AS9 631-772 pounds (with tax and depends on delivery) . 780-950 euros from :

Cheapest option currently would be Eris 5+ DAC = around 300-350 euros.
Mabye som tannoy Mercery V1, Boston a25,26,Q acoustics 2010i,2020i, dali zensor 1 .

If your limited is 1000€ and a nad d3030 costs 500€ zensor 3 390€ you will still have some money left for cable

Nad d3020 and zensor 3 would be better then presonus eris 5 and a dac


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