Back to subject. My 'problem' with Naim is the price. Pound for pound it really is not great value for money. 25 year old technology with hardly any novel innovation and an incredible expensive 'upgrade' path which still leaves the system hopelessly underpowered, no matter what. Just look what you get with for example Cambridge Audio or, on the other hand, something like Denon, which leaves (imo) a Naim 5i standing in the cold when compared to a PMA1500AE. Supernait ... ? At over 2k with no discounts available it is no surprise they just launched the new 1.2k integrated which ... is 60watts again. Power is'nt everything but I've had the SN and heard it running out of steam all to early, compared to say AVI's or a Flying Mole at less than half price.
I certainly wont knock anyone for liking the brand but there's imo no doubt better and cheaper products that may lack some of the kudos but at the same time the crazy price tickets too. Something that became flaring obvious when I had the pleasure (and I'm not being sarcastic, it was nice to listen to) of hearing a 10k naim rig a few days ago. Nice but the same sound is imo achievable at a third of the price. Can't argue with the after sales service of the company.
I like roast potatoes that are crunchy on the outside and very soft in the middle, the g/f prefers them harder and with only a small amount of gravy, whereas I prefer them swimming. Analogy of course DM.
Are we talking about Naim or Potatoes? I'm so confused...
Anyway, the problem with arguing about whether Naim is rubbish or even overpriced is simply the massive following that Naim has... Like with just about any brand, there are people who love the sound, hate the sound or are impartial to the sound... I've heard the exact same complaint from people about B&W speakers or Bryston Electronics (that better or the same can be had for far less money)... While the actual fans of those brands claim their gear is the best value for money...
I've never heard Naim gear, but the feedback from people who have owned / auditioned it, is that it works best with specific brands... Monitor Audio and Arcam (which the original poster combined the Nait 5i with) are not supposed to be a good match with Naim...