Adding Focus Rings to speaker tweeters

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
Hi All,

I currently own the B&W DM602 series 3 speakers, even though these are very impressive i do at times find them to be abit harsh on the top end on certain cds not to the point were i cant listen to my music but i feel that it could do with being toned down abit.

Ive heard of these focus rings from russ andrews were you simply fix it around the tweeter & it supposedly stops frequency reflection that also reduces distortion etc

Has anybody tried using these? If so what was the result?

Or does anybody have any other suggestion to this?

Have you ever tried listening to these CD's through a dedicated stereo integrated amp instead of your AV amp?

There could be some issue there as youve got a good CDP and the B&W 602 S3 speakers are not known for being bright!
d_a_n1979:Have you ever tried listening to these CD's through a dedicated stereo integrated amp instead of your AV amp?

There could be some issue there as youve got a good CDP and the B&W 602 S3 speakers are not known for being bright!I have been asked this before dan1979 & the answer is no i havnt, as ive always used an AV amp however my pioneer amp got a great review for stereo playback !

Thing is a cant use both can i? an av amp & a stereo amp together? or is there a way round it?
connect your front speakers to the stereo amp and the front pre outputs on you av amp to any input on your stereo amp - pick a volume you can remember say 12oclock and re run your setup - just remrmeber to turn down again when changing to cdp which should be connect directly to stereo amp

some stereo amps have a special home cinema pass through which makes your stereo amp like a power amp just for the av amp
matengawhat:connect your front speakers to the stereo amp and the front pre outputs on you av amp to any input on your stereo amp - pick a volume you can remember say 12oclock and re run your setup - just remrmeber to turn down again when changing to cdp which should be connect directly to stereo amp

some stereo amps have a special home cinema pass through which makes your stereo amp like a power amp just for the av ampyer i thought id have to mess around doing something like this, im hoping to avoid it though tbh, i would of liked to of heard from someone who has maybe had some experience using these focus rings & what results they got?

Im sure i read in one of the RA mags that a customer had written in praising there performance & the whole difference it made to his sound & that he was thinking of changing his cd player but having used these that he wasnt now going to bother.

And that he couldnt believe 2 round pieces of felt could make such a difference.
jase fox:matengawhat:connect your front speakers to the stereo amp and the front pre outputs on you av amp to any input on your stereo amp - pick a volume you can remember say 12oclock and re run your setup - just remrmeber to turn down again when changing to cdp which should be connect directly to stereo amp

some stereo amps have a special home cinema pass through which makes your stereo amp like a power amp just for the av ampyer i thought id have to mess around doing something like this, im hoping to avoid it though tbh, i would of liked to of heard from someone who has maybe had some experience using these focus rings & what results they got?

Im sure i read in one of the RA mags that a customer had written in praising there performance & the whole difference it made to his sound & that he was thinking of changing his cd player but having used these that he wasnt now going to bother.

And that he couldnt believe 2 round pieces of felt could make such a difference.

neither can i - if two pieces of felt could do that all speaker manufacturers would be doing it as they are so cheap - also you have to stick them to your speakers without damaging their shape and it clearly says on the website that they are very difficult to remove so why would you permanently damage your speakers??? you would get a better result if you tried repositioning your speakers - this is liekly to have a more dramatic effect on the overall sound than these ever will.

Also the result of these will be insignificant in comparison to wiring in a dedicated stereo amp


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