the active 50 SL for example is close to the price of the wilson speakers.
How would one compare the active to the likes of say the Wilson Sophia or the Wilson Watt Puppies ?
Looking forward to hearing opinions on this matter.
Hi nolitan
I have extensively used SCM20, SCM50, SCM100 and SCM150 (all active) over the years with ATC, Chord Electronics, NAD, Bryston, Naim etc. pre amps.
If it is to be kept simple (no power amp/s, speaker cables etc.) than i believe you won't look back with a pair of active SCM50's.
All the best
Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Rick,
Do you know how the 50's would sound if one was positioned right in a corner, and the other against a wall? I know they're ported, so positioning is a bit more important...... I could always get the house extended by a few foot
I'm sure the she'd love that!!
I think the active 20's would be perfect, because of my room and space constraints, but would I miss the mid driver??
Rick, would you be able to offer a comparison of the active 20's and 50's?
Hi dazzler9000
Although the active SCM50's are better than the active SCM20's however in your room the active SCM20's will be the ideal solution. The passive/active SCM50's do need some room to breathe.
As you have asked and (i hope this is within the rules) if you wish to pursue this further than a comparison between the active SCM20 and active SCM50's can be arranged.
Thanks for your support.
All the best
Rick @ Musicraft