2008 Pioneer Kuro TVs revealed - goodbye 42in plasma!

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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As endlessly speculated about - but now confirmed - Pioneer will sadly no longer be making a 42in plasma. It'll be LCD-only below 50in sets.

Mind you, the new TVs look mighty fine, and the two-box option is back....

More information on the 2008 Kuro range here.


What a great shame, and what a waste of a fantastic TV.

Pioneer goes down the LCD route. I can only think they want to please the sheep, who will only buy LCD.



Yep a great shame especially when you consider they've teamed up with Sharp to make the LCD's. I reckon they will need a LOT of tweaking by Pioneers engineers before they look even half decent.

I new it was a good move to get my 42" Kuro last year.



Pioneer haven't just stopped making 42" plasmas, they will not be making any 42" tvs. Not in this year's range anyway. The new Pioneer LCD sets will be available in 32", 37" and 46" - no 42"! I think this is annoying, as the 42" size is quite ideal for a moderate sized lounge. What does everyone else think about this?

Also, I wasn't that impressed by Pioneer's claims that the Sharp LCDs have been "specially tweaked by the company's engineers to optimise black levels and overall image quality." I mean, 'specially tweaked' - does that just mean that they will have a twiddle with all the user settings and parameters before sticking a 'Pioneer' badge on it and sending it to stores? Probably a bit more than that, but still, it doesn't exactly sound like much. If Pioneer want to keep their promises and make LCD sets that are good enough to sit alongside their plasma sets, then surely they will have to do some innovating and come up with new technology, so that the LCDs can compete with the plasmas, and so they can display black enough blacks to carry the Kuro label. It will be interesting to see what Pioneer come up with, and I am definitely looking forward to being able to own a 32" Pioneer tv!


I have been trying to decide whether to get a Pioneer PDP-428XG or a PDP-508XG. My viewing distance will be 2.5 metres / 8 feet from the TV. I really want the 50 inch but I'm afraid that it will be too close a viewing distance as I've read the What Hi-Fi guide which does not recommend a 50 inch TV at that viewing distance. Which size would you recommend?

Assuming that I can get a 50 inch, would it be better to wait for the new Full HD models (given that it is just around the corner) or buy the outgoing PDP-508XG?

Look forward to reviews of the new TVs soon.


[quote user="BenjaminHart"]

Pioneer haven't just stopped making 42" plasmas, they will not be making any 42" tvs.


Is this right Clare? Cause it seemed in the article that the 42-inch plasma was being swapped for LCD. If that's right, then why is it the only one not getting 100hz? ("with the new KRL-32, 37 and 46in LCD sets also providing 100Hz picture processing")


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[quote user="seakingadvice"]I have been trying to decide whether to get a Pioneer PDP-428XG or a PDP-508XG. My viewing distance will be 2.5 metres / 8 feet from the TV. I really want the 50 inch but I'm afraid that it will be too close a viewing distance as I've read the What Hi-Fi guide which does not recommend a 50 inch TV at that viewing distance. Which size would you recommend?

I've been struggling with the same decision, my heart says go for a 50 inch but my brain is telling me to stick to a 42 inch, I sit 3-3.5 metres away. The 50 inch Pioneers are very tempting though.


[quote user="Lewis201"]
[quote user="BenjaminHart"]

Pioneer haven't just stopped making 42" plasmas, they will not be making any 42" tvs.


Is this right Clare? Cause it seemed in the article that the 42-inch plasma was being swapped for LCD. If that's right, then why is it the only one not getting 100hz? ("with the new KRL-32, 37 and 46in LCD sets also providing 100Hz picture processing")

Well, I may be wrong but read this:
[quote user="What Hi-Fi?"]

In another big change, this year's G9 series 'Kuro' plasmas are available only in 50in and 60in screen sizes: the smaller 42in plasma previously offered by the company has been dropped, its place in the range taken by three new LCD sets, each of which uses LCD panel technology from Sharp.

Every set in the range, from 32in LCD to 60in plasma, is offered with 1920 x 1080 Full HD resolution, with the new KRL-32, 37 and 46in LCD sets also providing 100Hz picture processing.

From this it does seem that there will in fact only be three LCD sets, which come in 32", 37" and 46" variations, with no 42" model. But if Clare could confirm this so that we all know for sure, then it will help. Like I said I may have got the wrong end of the stick.

Anyway, supposing this is true, what do all the users think of the lack of a 42" screen in this new range?

Andy Clough

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I think there has been some misunderstanding here. As Clare clearly states in the second paragraph of her story:

"Pioneer has also revealed its first-ever LCD screens - developed, as we reported here earlier, in conjunction with Sharp - and confirmed its 42in offering will sit in this line-up, rather than its plasma family.

So yes, there will be 42in screens in the new range.

Where it says: "the new KRL-32, 37 and 46in LCD sets also provide 100Hz picture processing," it's possible the 46in is a typo, and should read 42in, but I'll need to check with Clare as she has all the details.

Clare Newsome

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Sorry, my bad - second paragraph should read sub-50in offerings: that'll teach me to post stories at 8pm on a Friday. I've updated it now.

So, to reconfirm, there is NO 42in set - 50- and 60in plasmas, and 32-, 37- and 46in LCDs.


As Benjamin says then, that is indeed a bizarre decision for Pioneer to take.


Well the fact they are dropping the 42" Plasma finally made me go out and buy one before it's too late. I have to say that the freeview picture quality (which was a major concern having got rid of my CRT set) is very passable - Walk the Line last night on C4 seemed particularly good and from what others have said the PQ will improve with a bit of running in. I will probably get freesat later this year though to take advantage of the HD offerings.

For those wondering about getting a 42" or 50" - I sit about 10' away and I find 42" plenty big enough, I think a 50" would have dominated the room too much. I guess it's personal preference - if you want more of a cinema room then maybe bigger is better.


Maybe it's a case of 46" being the new 42"...and 37" the new 32"...maybe.


[quote user="FoxJA"][quote user="seakingadvice"]I have been trying to decide whether to get a Pioneer PDP-428XG or a PDP-508XG. My viewing distance will be 2.5 metres / 8 feet from the TV. I really want the 50 inch but I'm afraid that it will be too close a viewing distance as I've read the What Hi-Fi guide which does not recommend a 50 inch TV at that viewing distance. Which size would you recommend?

I've been struggling with the same decision, my heart says go for a 50 inch but my brain is telling me to stick to a 42 inch, I sit 3-3.5 metres away. The 50 inch Pioneers are very tempting though.[/quote]

So have you decided yet?

I'm still debating which size to get and have been trying to watch the 50 inch in the store but I think it will be a totally different viewing experience versus watching the TV at home.


[quote user="Andy Clough"]
I think there has been some misunderstanding here. As Clare clearly states in the second paragraph of her story:

"Pioneer has also revealed its first-ever LCD screens - developed, as we reported here earlier, in conjunction with Sharp - and confirmed its 42in offering will sit in this line-up, rather than its plasma family.

So yes, there will be 42in screens in the new range.

Where it says: "the new KRL-32, 37 and 46in LCD sets also provide 100Hz picture processing," it's possible the 46in is a typo, and should read 42in, but I'll need to check with Clare as she has all the details.


How many Hz are the current crop of HD Ready Plasma Pioneers? I was told that they are all 100Hz whereas Panasonic is not? Is this correct?

Andrew Everard

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[quote user="Clare Newsome"]I just checked the specs: both the new Pioneer and Panasonic Vieras (80, 81, 85 and 800 ranges) are 100hz.[/quote]

... As if it matters.

No reflection on you, boss, but people do get so hung up on marketing specs, don't they...?


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[quote user="seakingadvice"][quote user="FoxJA"][quote user="seakingadvice"]I have been trying to decide whether to get a Pioneer PDP-428XG or a PDP-508XG. My viewing distance will be 2.5 metres / 8 feet from the TV. I really want the 50 inch but I'm afraid that it will be too close a viewing distance as I've read the What Hi-Fi guide which does not recommend a 50 inch TV at that viewing distance. Which size would you recommend? [/quote]
I've been struggling with the same decision, my heart says go for a 50 inch but my brain is telling me to stick to a 42 inch, I sit 3-3.5 metres away. The 50 inch Pioneers are very tempting though.[/quote] So have you decided yet? I'm still debating which size to get and have been trying to watch the 50 inch in the store but I think it will be a totally different viewing experience versus watching the TV at home.


IMHO your choice of screen size is not only dependant on the size of your room and viewing distance but also what you main intended use of the TV is going to be and the desired effect you personally whish to get.

Now if say you mainly intend to sit there say about 10ft away from your TV and say 70% of your use of the Tv will be SD material from say Freeview/Sky and 30% Movies DVD/BD then I would advise the 42"" as you may find if say with a 50"" you might spot to many Picture artifacts/noise which could intern ruin your viewing experience. Eastenders etc was never intended to be blown up to 50"" and dont get me started on ITV picture quality!

On the other hand if like Me you watch 70% Movies DVD/BD both at 1080p and 30% TV and you wish to have a more Cinematic experience then opt for the 50"". I would also strongly advise going for Sky HD to make the most of your investment.


[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
I just checked the specs: both the new Pioneer and Panasonic Vieras (80, 81, 85 and 800 ranges) are 100hz.


Hi Clare. Thanks for checking that out.

Any idea about the current Pioneers like the PDP-508XD and the PDP-428XD?

I can't seem to find that information from the Pioneer website or the product brochure.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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[quote user="seakingadvice"]

Hi Clare. Thanks for checking that out.

Any idea about the current Pioneers like the PDP-508XD and the PDP-428XD?

I can't seem to find that information from the Pioneer website or the product brochure.[/quote]

I'm not sure, to be honest - I could check it out, though I see very little point. These sets are better than anything else we've put them up against (100hz or not) over a sustained period, which is far, far more meaningful than raw tech-specs.


[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
[quote user="seakingadvice"]

Hi Clare. Thanks for checking that out.

Any idea about the current Pioneers like the PDP-508XD and the PDP-428XD?

I can't seem to find that information from the Pioneer website or the product brochure.[/quote]

I'm not sure, to be honest - I could check it out, though I see very little point. These sets are better than anything else we've put them up against (100hz or not) over a sustained period, which is far, far more meaningful than raw tech-specs.


Thanks Clare.

Yes, I get your point but I was just curious about the specs to try and understand whether the Hz made a difference in performance. Based on your testing it seems that Full HD vs. Non-Full HD is not that important at all and shouldn't be the deciding factor so I was wondering whether Hz makes any difference.

Sony seems to emphasize Hz a lot in their marketing material and it seems like the models in the US are at 120Hz whereas the rest of the world only get 100Hz so I was wondering what all the fuss is about. Sony seems to be saying that the higher the Hz, the better the TV will be able to handle fast action scenes.

If the current Pioneers are less than 100Hz, then it proves that Hz really doesn't matter much at all. Am I making any sense?

Clare Newsome

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The reason US is 120Hz and UK is 100hz is due to the different broadcasting standards: NTSC (US) is based on 60Hz while PAL (UK) is 50hz. Therefore double the rates and you get....


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Dec 5, 2007
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On the UK 8G sets, drive mode 2 (in the options menu) is supposed to take a 50hz signal and display it at 100hz. It's customizable for each individual input.


[quote user="Clare Newsome"]
The reason US is 120Hz and UK is 100hz is due to the different broadcasting standards: NTSC (US) is based on 60Hz while PAL (UK) is 50hz. Therefore double the rates and you get....


Thanks for the explanation Clare. So, does this mean that for the PAL standard, the next step up will be 150Hz and the 200Hz and so on? Or is 100Hz the best possible maximum already? How does this impact a TVs performance, if any at all?

Regarding contrast ratios, what does it mean when the new Panasonic range boast a 100-fold leap in dynamic contrast to a record high of 1,000,000:1 across the board and a 30,000:1 native contrast for the flagship 800 series? How does this compare with the Pioneer's 16,000:1 for the HD ready sets and 20,000:1 for the Full HD sets?

I think either LG or maybe Samsung has 50,000:1 but it doesn't seem like their sets can challenge the Pioneer sets so is contrast ratio another meaningless spec that the marketing folks are using to confuse the consumers?


[quote user="FuzzyinLondon"]On the UK 8G sets, drive mode 2 (in the options menu) is supposed to take a 50hz signal and display it at 100hz. It's customizable for each individual input.[/quote]

Ahhhh, so the 8G sets are at 100Hz then. Thanks for that piece of info. Sounds like you can choose between 50Hz and 100Hz so how does this make a difference to the picture quality?

And given that you have a choice whether to display at 50Hz or 100Hz, would there be any instance where you would choose to leave the settings at 50Hz rather than displaying it at 100Hz?


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