I am currently deciding which of these 2 amps to purchase. I would appreciate any opinions/advice re which amp is the better option. Particularly, I cannot find a review on this site of the 2065, so I am keen to get some feedback on it.
It will be partnered with 2 B&W 685's and a HTM62 at the front, along with 2 M-1's at the rear. It will be connected to an Oppo Blu Ray player primarily. I will also be powering a 2nd zone of stereo speakers.
Thanks in anticipation!!
It will be partnered with 2 B&W 685's and a HTM62 at the front, along with 2 M-1's at the rear. It will be connected to an Oppo Blu Ray player primarily. I will also be powering a 2nd zone of stereo speakers.
Thanks in anticipation!!