Yamaha RS700


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Aug 10, 2019
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Richer Sounds currently have an offer on the Yamaha RS700 integrated amplifier, but I can't see this available anywhere else in the UK. Just wondering if anyone know if this has a different name in the UK and whether the amp is worth an additional £200 on the AS500?

the record spot

The RS700 is the receiver version of the AS700 amp. I suppose you'd need to have a listen to decide whether the 700 is a better option than the 500.


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Jan 15, 2009
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Currys/Dixons/PCW have the A-S700 for £300 so another £200 for an anolgue only tuner doesn't seem to make much sense.

If you can't audition then buying from DSG group should allow you to return unde DSR if you don't like it.


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May 7, 2010
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Just wondering why is it that there are many of the mainstream hifi manufactures still not putting DAB/DAB+ or internet radio in their receivers but instead FM/AM?. e.g. Marantz, Onkyo, NAD, Yamaha, Harman Kardon etc. I thought FM is being turned off soon?


Thanks for the responses everyone. Useful comment about it being an analogue receiver - digital switch over in the next couple of years will make this pretty useless.

the record spot

Ah, well, digital switchover "in the next couple of years" won't be happening. I wouldn't be surprised if FM was still with us in ten years time. Not least with sales of DAB radios going down according to a report I heard somewhere (probably Today or PM, one of the two).


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But then if he wants an analogue tuner he could pick up a Denon TU260 from Ebay for around £20. Seems a much better proposition than £200 just to have it bundled in the same box.

the record spot

Well, he's looking at the RS-700 which is the receiver version of the AS-700, a different animal to the 500. More neutral, less shrill and without the lively top end the 500 has. So it's not the same amp with a tuner. So yes, if he wants to buy a cheap tuner, bet the 260-II and love it. It's great value and a safe bet.


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Aug 24, 2008
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dont think there will much more diffrence in sound between them apart from the 700 controling better bass


Noticed that the AS700 didn't have quite as good a review as the 500 though which has put me off a little bit. Is this more to do with better alternatives at the £400 price range and if so, what should I be looking for at £400?

Although most of what I listen to is quite bass heavy techno, I do plan on listening to classical music too. I'm worried I might be looking for too much range at a lower price point.


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the record spot said:
Well, he's looking at the RS-700 which is the receiver version of the AS-700, a different animal to the 500. More neutral, less shrill and without the lively top end the 500 has. So it's not the same amp with a tuner. So yes, if he wants to buy a cheap tuner, bet the 260-II and love it. It's great value and a safe bet.
My comments were based on post #2 where I said the A-S700 was available for £300.


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Aug 24, 2008
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well never liked the A-S700 more than my entry AX-397.For bass you are better with HK 3390 or 3490.Im completely happy with my 3390.drives any kind of florrstanders with ease. The yamaha can rock loud but bass doesnt sound solid enough for me with floorstanders

the record spot

danavi247 said:
Noticed that the AS700 didn't have quite as good a review as the 500 though which has put me off a little bit. Is this more to do with better alternatives at the £400 price range and if so, what should I be looking for at £400?

Although most of what I listen to is quite bass heavy techno, I do plan on listening to classical music too. I'm worried I might be looking for too much range at a lower price point.

The 700 got a three star review in this magazine and a five star review elsewhere. It doesn't have the bells and whistles audio bling the 500 apparently does. It's neutral, originally went for about £450 and is a better amp IMO than the inferior 500. Best listen. Partner either well though, the speakers can tune your system.

the record spot

Crocodile said:
the record spot said:
Well, he's looking at the RS-700 which is the receiver version of the AS-700, a different animal to the 500. More neutral, less shrill and without the lively top end the 500 has. So it's not the same amp with a tuner. So yes, if he wants to buy a cheap tuner, bet the 260-II and love it. It's great value and a safe bet.
My comments were based on post #2 where I said the A-S700 was available for £300.

Fair enough, if the 700 can be had for £300 now. £269 in some places if you get a refurbed new model.


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I've owned both the A-S500 and the A-S700 and I would say the A-S500 is the better amp. People slate it for being overbright, often without having spent any time with it. Partner it with the right speakers (Mission MX1, Monitor Audio BX2) and it has a very fluid sound that is so much more involving than the A-S700. The '700 has many qualities, not least excellent soundstaging, but it is a very hi-fi sounding product and not a particularly involving listen.

Personally I'd rather have a Marantz PM6003 than either of them.


Thanks for the great advise all. May give the 700 a spin, and setting my eyes on some Monitor Audio Bronze BX5 floorstanders.

the record spot

matthewpiano said:
I've owned both the A-S500 and the A-S700 and I would say the A-S500 is the better amp. People slate it for being overbright, often without having spent any time with it. Partner it with the right speakers (Mission MX1, Monitor Audio BX2) and it has a very fluid sound that is so much more involving than the A-S700. The '700 has many qualities, not least excellent soundstaging, but it is a very hi-fi sounding product and not a particularly involving listen.

Struck with the wrong speakers, the 500's brighter treble (which it has over the 700 anyday of the week) will be an issue. The more even tonality in the 700 means there's one less issue to worry about. Calling the 700 for its neutrality a "hifi" sounding product is amiss IMO.

Rather, the 700 is where audio should be pitched at as it removes the pointless box swapping that'll inevitably ensue for owners when they want to upgrade, change their speakers and find the amp's limitations in the 500 overnight. It's Yamaha's version of NAD's 326 amp. IMO obviously!


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May 7, 2010
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It would be nice if the Yamaha had internet radio. Looks like the amp has plenty of power. I wasn't keen on the Yamaha As700 when I heard it in the shop, myabe Yamaha have tweaked the sound to make this a better sounding receiver.


Any comparisions between RX 797 and RS700?

I have the first one, RX 797. And I'd like to hear more reviews and comments from you :wave:

How this RS700 would partner with my MA RS6 speakers?



Well-known member
May 7, 2010
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Does anywhere else in the UK sell the Yamaha R-S700 apart from Richer Sounds? I see even they don't sell it online.

It looks like the RS700 is an updated version of the AS700.


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