Wobbling standmount speakers: how to fix?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
Sorry if this is an idiot question. I have standmount speakers sitting on Partington Super Dreadnoughts (filled with a mixture of lead shot and sand). The stands obviously have bottom spikes. When pushed through the carpet they don't engage with the concrete underneath that well, and hence the stands + speakers wobble significantly when I push them a little. The concrete floor can't be completely flat.

I've faffed around multiple times trying to adjust the spikes, but they still wobble.

Would it be a stupid idea to buy some Atacama or Audio Serenity spike shoes (usually sold to people with wooden floors), and sit the Partington's spikes in those on top of the carpet?

I thought this might be a more stable base.

Any advice appreciated.
Not a stupid question. I hate wobbly speaker stands, and when you get them rock solid and level the sound improves hugely I find.

I too have faffed about endlessly trying to get mine level. Mine were on carpet, underlay, then wood underneath. I've sat on mine to force the spikes into the wood but that never seems to work either.

What I've recently done is purchase a granite chopping board to go under each speaker stand. This provides better isolation and (arguably) better sound, but also makes it really easy to adjust the spikes (as the carpet's not in the way). I've not got mine perfectly wobble-free. I just need to get the spirit level out to check they're level.
I hate wobbly stands too (doesn't everyone?)

What I have done in the past is to find the corner of the stand with the wobble, level the stand up with the other 3 spikes then support the wobbly corner using a number of coins/washers underneath until it is solid. Trick is to try and get the wobbly bit at the back of the stand so you don't notice the support underneath. Big plus 1 for levelling on chopping boards as well.


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