Winding back the clock

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Pyramus said:
How remiss of me - CnoEvil - Thank you so much, your advice has been sage. I do love that amp! Thank you both!!!

MajorFubar, agreed. I am looking at the Audiolab M-CDT priced at 500 Euros, should work well with my DAC. The Musical Fidelity at 800 and the Project at 1k are very tempting, but since starting this thread, I have gone off the idea of pouring a lot of cash into a CD transport, when there seem to be excellent options about for far less. Indeed, I have never grumbled about sound quality off my hard-disk. Just about getting to listen to it.

I shall put in an order for Master Audiolab next week when I get back to civilisation. Unless there are any other suggestions.... 

Don't skrimp on the front end.....

A cdplayer is like any other electrical device - the sum of its parts.

You have a good amp - read up on the 8200CD - it'll save you having to upgrade your DAC. And sounds like what you need.

I sense a shift in your stance.......
In days gone by, stand-alone DACs used the clock from the transport to control the DAC. This made the DAC sensitive to the quality of the clock in the transport.

Those days have gone by.

Any self respecting stand-alone DAC these days will have some form of jitter mitigation system. The DAC will be insensitive to the quality of the clock from the transport, and absent the transport being so poor that it introduces bit-errors, every transport will be the same.

You may feel better about spending Euro500 on a transport, but with a decent DAC it won't be any better than a transport costing Euro50.
Pyramus said:
I see, it is a, let me get this right, Network Music Player... so I am guessing it plays streamed music, but can you also keep your music files on it too? I can't see any mention of that on the Linn page.

You keep your music on a NAS, which is hard wired to the DS.

Really? Your explanation makes eminent sense to me, but it also sounds quite shocking. By that rationale, I can get this fella off Amazon for Euro 70.00 Sony CDP-XE220/B CD-Player and spend more serious money on the DAC (when the time comes).


Then, I could get something like the 'Linn' CnoEvil is suggesting and a 'NetworkStorageThing'. As I am fairly happy with my Musical Fidelity DAC at present, I could do this underbudget? Yes? No?

Challange accepted! New question:

Streaming device and NetworkStorageThing for under 700 Quid. Doable? (Adviseable?)
@Thompsonsub... Aha! Audiolab 8200CD. Had a quick look, this one in Austira is reduced, but I have could it be they are a bit little more economically priced on 'Ze Kontinent"

This UK dealer has if for a GBP grand.

Or are they in some way different.

Comes in nicely on budget...
Very different. The Sevenoaks thing is an 8300CD, not an 8200CD. I am seeing the latter going for 500 GBP at Superfi. This is Euro 690. Way cheaper than on 'Ze Kontinent'. Wondering if I order it from the UK will they be able to give me the right mains cable? Does the voltage work?
They have an IEC standard socket. You can buy your own lead with IEC > Schuko plug in your local computer store. The voltages are the same (230V -+10%).
Like Vlad said.

If you do take the plunge be sure to return with your findings.

I'm sure the improvement will be noticeable.
Thanks again... it's all helpful.

Gosh and darn it! Svenoaks have run out of their 8200CD, and the next best I can find is £599.

But wait...

What is this arcane piece of strangeness... ? Streaming and CD player??? Arcam, as in Acoustic Research Cambridge? (Why is everyone getting in on the Cambridge connection with research.... never mind).


I've really enjoyed your vivacious postings! A very interesting thread. As regards lossless streaming and 320 mbps . I've just been streaming (lossless) Greg Lakes "I believe in Father Christmas" Superb! And just heard it on the radio Radio 2 at 330 mbps. To me the difference was obvious and I have no claims to "golden ears! I have just had a free week on spotify and am about to subscribe to 99p per month for 3 months. I can't deny I enjoyed using it. Listening to tracks from my "youth". It certainly has a place!. But for high quality musical listening it has to be cd/lossless streaming. Maybe using a wired in nas (that's a route I will eventually go down).

all the best - tonky (it's only a naim)
chebby said:
Pyramus said:
Arcam, as in Acoustic Research Cambridge? (Why is everyone getting in on the Cambridge connection with research.... never mind).

Amplification & Recording Cambridge (because both founders were students at Cambridge University when they registered the company)...

Thanks chebby. Makes sense. Imagine if they had been students at Wolverhampton Poly. ARWolf. *biggrin*
Pyramus said:
chebby said:
Pyramus said:
Arcam, as in Acoustic Research Cambridge? (Why is everyone getting in on the Cambridge connection with research.... never mind).

Amplification & Recording Cambridge (because both founders were students at Cambridge University when they registered the company)...

Thanks chebby. Makes sense. Imagine if they had been students at Wolverhampton Poly. ARWolf. *biggrin*

Or Scunthorpe Tech.
abacus said:
The sound quality of a CD is determined solely by the DAC & it's associated electronic components, so as you already have a quality DAC, it is pointless buying an expensive transport.

Patently untrue - I could easily demonstrate the difference between players or transports into thr same dac - between,say a nad and a naim cd player into a dac. Everything contributes.

However, in most circumstances modern players are good enough and will sound fine.
chebby said:
Pyramus said:
Arcam, as in Acoustic Research Cambridge? (Why is everyone getting in on the Cambridge connection with research.... never mind).

Amplification & Recording Cambridge (because both founders were students at Cambridge University when they registered the company)...

Er, no. They were engineering students at Cambridge. They graduated. Then they set up an electronics company. Could have been anywhere. In 1976 people could still afford to live in Cambridge.🙂
tonky said:
I've really enjoyed your vivacious postings! A very interesting thread. As regards lossless streaming and 320 mbps . I've just been streaming (lossless) Greg Lakes "I believe in Father Christmas" Superb! And just heard it on the radio Radio 2 at 330 mbps. To me the difference was obvious and I have no claims to "golden ears! I have just had a free week on spotify and am about to subscribe to 99p per month for 3 months. I can't deny I enjoyed using it. Listening to tracks from my "youth". It certainly has a place!. But for high quality musical listening it has to be cd/lossless streaming. Maybe using a wired in nas (that's a route I will eventually go down).

all the best - tonky (it's only a naim)

'Word' Tonky. Unfortunately my Internet is rubbish.
Hmmmm... ponder, ponder.... slick device as per Ajani and Vladimir (ARCam not ARScun 🙂 or Onkyo or Yamaha) that CDs and Streams and USBs and does a mean Frappacino.... CnoEvil's Linn, or the Thompsonsub CD player?

I see myself with the 'candy shop' glaze in my eyes as I look at all these products, and what it says they can do on the lid. However.... I have to reign myself in. Position is regrettebly thus: Internet connection is pants.

Looking at the venerable 8200CD review in WHF, I read, to my pleasure, the following:

What also works in its favour, though, is that it is much more than just a CD player. Audiolab actually describes it as a ‘high-quality DAC + CD’ device – and it really is a blessing in disguise.

Marry this formula with a plethora of digital inputs and outputs (coaxial, optical and USB) and you’ve got a player that will deal with pretty much everything you throw at it.

And deal with it well. All inputs can cope with 24-bit/96kHz sources and, when we plugged the player into our computer, a CD rip of Lana Del Ray’s Born To Die sounded noticeably precise and articulate.


Soooooo... that gets me a very decent CD player, plus, I can stick a USB in it and play music files on me 'ard disk.... Yes? No? Does that mean it needs 're-booting' all the time? My highly spurious technical funny-bone tells me 'no'. 'Tis a CD player. They just open, close, play, and have lazers. I like lazers. Star Wars being a favorite. Strange personal claim to fame. I am the original Yoda (not Frank Oz of course, just the body). I went to school at Corona Academy Stage School in Hammersmith as a nipper, and auditioned at Pinewood in '79 for a fun role clinging onto the back of a big bloke with a wolly jumper covered in gaffa tape. (I remember the bloke's pullover looked hilarious when they peeled the tape off him, it had lines stripped of 'fuzz' - his pullover was ruined, and everyone thought it was a hoot). Years later my mum told me I had got the part, but she didn't want me missing school (in California) for two months for filming. "Some silly film, a sequel to that film Star Wars, some character called Yoga. You'd have been in an awful rubber body mask and costume anyway." She turned them down.

Yes, lazers! Lazers I like. Audiolab 8200CD and me and Thor's hammer and U-boat Speakers It also has the benefit of introducing some elegant British Kit into my Nordic/Teutonic System. (Beyond the REL sub and Audioquest cabling, and MF little Dac that is). Thanks all for great input - all of it!

ThompsonSub, Meanandgreen and MajorFubar, thanks for holding the course with me.

Vladimir thanks for your internet bargain divining rod/keyboard - miraculous as it is. Unfortunately though Audiolab 8200CD for £500? I know you found one, but the Richer Sounds people don't seem to send stuff. I can't find anything below £599.
If you like a refined, musical and engaging sound, you should try and get a listen to the Linn....preferably through a system similar to your own.

The Arcam CD/Streamer is an option (as suggested), but it's not quite as good sounding as a Sneaky (IMO).
jerry klinger said:
chebby said:
Pyramus said:
Arcam, as in Acoustic Research Cambridge? (Why is everyone getting in on the Cambridge connection with research.... never mind).

Amplification & Recording Cambridge (because both founders were students at Cambridge University when they registered the company)...

Er, no. They were engineering students at Cambridge. They graduated. Then they set up an electronics company. Could have been anywhere. In 1976 people could still afford to live in Cambridge.🙂

"John Dawson graduated from Trinity College Cambridge in 1971 with a first class degree in Natural Sciences. Whilst continuing his studies he founded A & R Cambridge (later ARCAM) in 1972, initially making amplifiers for friends and undertaking various consultancy projects for professional audio companies."

(From AES.)

"I founded Amplification & Recording (A & R, then A & R Cambridge) in a college room in Trinity in 1972. Chris Evans and I designed the A60 amplifier in 1976 and A & R became a limited Company in early 1977. The brand name ARCAM was coined around 1980 to avoid confusion with AR (Acoustic Research) of Cambridge, USA - it also helped avoid some confusion with Cambridge Audio which was still going under various different owners after CCL and CE Hammond."

(From John Dawson himself.)

Ok, I should have been a bit clearer about 'founded' and 'registered' but they were still students, living in rooms at college, when 'Amplification & Recording' was formed. (If that's a better term.)
I see one in France sold for £471 (649 eur). Maybe they are willing to send it to you Pyr, if it's not gone by now.


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