[quote user="Gtncj"]
Just bought a PM4001 in silver and looking for the best budget CD player in silver for around £120 max.I have an old Cambridge Audio CD5 sounds good but it does not accept CDR disk easily. I am pleased with the sound of the PM4001 just need to up grade my CD player. Which CD player would you Suggest (Andrew E or Andy C) all suggestions welcome.
[/quote]System Cambridge Audio Mk1 CD5, Marantz PM4001, Gale 4040 Mk1, Cambridge Audio Artic Phono Lead, Gale XL 315 speaker cable. What would be the best speaker wire upgrade on a tight budget would the Audio innovations ultra micro make a difference to the Gale 315 XL. Budget only allows for CD player upgrade and 6 meter speaker wire upgrade. I just want to get the most out of what i have on a budget thanks. Basicly is the Cambridge Audio 340C much better than the Marantz CD5001.(Will be buying from Richer Sounds in the city hopefully in next 4 weeks total budget is £135 flat)