The_Lhc said:
CJSF said:
the 'giant killing' reputation of the amp I am now using is well founded. I believe, few would understand or would want to agree, thats fine by me, each to his own.
Now, I'm curious, what are you using these days?
Hi The_Lhc, all goes back a long way, I changed amps when I was in the middle of tweaking my turn table. Better and better presentation then I got the feeling the amp was not quite keeping up? So I went from the Croft hybrid to the full valve Icon ST40 MkIII.
The result, a smoother presentation. I thought it was OK, but one has to be honest, I was not 100% happy, got involved in valve rolling (changeing valve makes, they all sound different and can be very expensive). That was 18 months ago, now all that TT tweaking has finished. So I turned my attention to the room accustics . . . this is when I started to realise the things that I thought was the early Croft amp were actualy poor room accustics.
A long hard re think . . . dig the Croft out of the loft, with my bodged up room treatment in place, the Croft had a presentation I prefered. That was over a month ago, thats not to say the Icon is a bad amp, far from it, but the things I liked about the Croft 3 years ago when I first bought it have become more obvious now the 'room is working better'.
Minimal interest from the forum, so I am doing my own thing, I have tried to pass on what can be achived with thought, a little effort and not a lot of cash. I think I could have avoided throwing a big amount of cash at a problem 18 months ago that in truth did not sit with the amp . . . The next issue, it is worth upgrading the Croft to the 'R' (regulated) model . . . ? Glen Croft can rebuild my curent bassic to the 'R' specification.
But you see The_Lhc, I doubt any one will be interested, I'm waiting for my dealer to get the 'R' model in stock so that I can have it home for a few days? But that is another story to unfold that I will probably keep to myself.