What vinyl are you listening to?

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Jim-W said:
Charlie Jefferson said:
Jim-W said:
Hi Charlie

Yes, I saw the Neil Young box but I'm not going to buy it, I've got them all and, in some cases, twice.The days of justifying that kind of purchase are gone I'm sad to say. Having said that, let's just say that I come across it somewhere, I wouldn't be able to help myself.


Yes I liked the OTC enough to track down a copy, although when I'll find one is anybody's guess. Great recommendation.

Been up to the loft:

Beethoven The Late Quartets-Lindsay String Quartet. Cuz Im cultured right innit.

Charlie Parker. The Savoy Master Takes.

John Coltrane-More Lasting Than Bronze.

Larry Coryell-Spaces.

Walter Carlos-Switched On Bach. God knows why I brought this down. It's ok though.

John Coltrane-Coltrane Jazz. mono.

The Live Adventures Of Mike Bloomfeld And Al Kooper.

Tonto's Expanding Head Band-Zero Time.

Bit of an odd mix really tbh but hey, that's the beauty of record collecting.

Hi Jim,

Yes, I'm the same with NY but it'll be bought one way or another, I'm sure.

Your list of loft-y plays ( geddit? Terrible pun, sorry) includes the Kooper/Bloomfield LP I've been trying to hunt done for awhile. Saw it at a record fair a few months ago but it was beyond repair. You've got a cool stack of Coltranes too, it seems.

My only plays this evening;

Music Makers - Hank Snow

Greatest Hits - Bill Monroe

Hi Charlie

Yes, I get your pun!

I've got more records by John Coltrane and Charlie Parker than any other musicians I think. I went mad for Coltrane after 'Kind Of Blue' and 'Blue Train.' I bought anything I could get my hands on-it was an obsession.I like all the periods of Coltrane from early to the late free stuff, like 'Stellar Regions' which I think is wonderful. The Parker phase was beyond an obsession; it has cooled somewhat from 20 years or so ago when I was listening to Bird and nothing else but I loved his playing and still do. If pushed, along with Bert Jansch, Parker is my favourite musician for the mastery and command of his instrument and the exuberance of his solos. Bird became an addiction like no other. Funny how some artists speak to us and others we can take or leave.

The Live Adventures album is a mixed bag to be honest; there's some great guitar playing and keyboard stuff. In fact, I think Bloomfield is brilliant on this record although many argue that he is tired and past his best. The choice of songs and lack of inspiring new material is a major weakness.Other guitarists appear on Sides 3/4 which I think suggests Bloomfield's increasing unreliability or maybe he just had a cold or a migraine or something! It's well worth hearing though and I love the cover.

What about Pono, Charlie? Will you?

Hi Jim,

I related to your Charlie Parker "beyond obsession" phase. I've been there once or twice down the years with Morrissey and Bob.

Yes, I'm intrigued by Pono. Less so now that I drive to work, as opposed to using public transport. My two younger children's school/nursery needs forced my hand there. And thus negated the opportunity or need for portable sounds. Now it's all in-car, radio and or iPad. That said, when the chance presents itself I'll look forward to hearing it. My comfy B&W headphones are a-gathering dust, after all. I only resort to headphone listening when there's no other option.

It's been a busy and successful show week at school, so now it's time for a beer and some tunes. First up:

Re-ac-tor - NY & Crazy Horse.

A noisy, rambling electric stew of a record. Little played in recent years but it sounds great.

Strangeways - The Smiths

Dusk . . . - OTC

Vauxhall & I - Moz

Thanks for the Bloomfield/Kooper review. I'll look out for it, if just for the cover.
Marvindodgers said:
Finished the evening with a blast of -

Supertramp - Crime Of The Century

Brilliant album

Hi Jim,

I related to your Charlie Parker "beyond obsession" phase. I've been there once or twice down the years with Morrissey and Bob.

Yes, I'm intrigued by Pono. Less so now that I drive to work, as opposed to using public transport. My two younger children's school/nursery needs forced my hand there. And thus negated the opportunity or need for portable sounds. Now it's all in-car, radio and or iPad. That said, when the chance presents itself I'll look forward to hearing it. My comfy B&W headphones are a-gathering dust, after all. I only resort to headphone listening when there's no other option.

It's been a busy and successful show week at school, so now it's time for a beer and some tunes. First up:

Re-ac-tor - NY & Crazy Horse.

A noisy, rambling electric stew of a record. Little played in recent years but it sounds great.

Strangeways - The Smiths

Dusk . . . - OTC

Vauxhall & I - Moz

Thanks for the Bloomfield/Kooper review. I'll look out for it, if just for the cover.


Yes, I'm aware of your Bob and Moz mania!

I'd love to have a Pono player but, like you, I've got no need for it. I'm working out how I could use it but, as I ride a bike because I'm a danger to the public behind the wheel, I don't think it would be appropriate.

I'm a fan of Re-ac-tor. Must dig it out. Haven't played it in years...probably about 30!

Sides 1 and 2 of Live Adventures are very good so it's worth having for the music too.

Glad you had a good show; I have, as expected, walked into a real mess back at school. Exam performance not even begun and exam in 6 weeks! Half the coursework mising. Oh my God, as these youngsters say.
Hi Jim,

Question: in your vast collection do you have any Bob on Mobile Fidelity pressings? And if so, are they much better than the originals/standard issues`? The recent run of re-issues has got to Highway 61 and although my lovely (stereo) original is intact and sounds great the temptation and curiousity is still there?

Work-wise: I hope you can get them into shape in the next six weeks. Has the previous incumbent left it in a near irretreivable position?

Our AQA performance exam/moderation is the week after next, then it's eight weeks solid of prep for the dreaded written exam. If Gove et al are re-elected (please someone, everyone do something on election day to prevent this!!) next year `i can see the performing arts in schools becoming more marginalised and where they remain, more formally written based.


Decade - NY (sides 1&2)

Bootleg EP - Moondog

Beaster - Sugar

For JC Auto alone it's a triumph

New Day Rising - Husker Du (side 1)

and currenlty playing, less angry but just as intense and cathartic,

1959-77 - John Fahey
Charlie Jefferson said:
Hi Jim,

Question: in your vast collection do you have any Bob on Mobile Fidelity pressings? And if so, are they much better than the originals/standard issues`? The recent run of re-issues has got to Highway 61 and although my lovely (stereo) original is intact and sounds great the temptation and curiousity is still there?

Work-wise: I hope you can get them into shape in the next six weeks. Has the previous incumbent left it in a near irretreivable position?

Our AQA performance exam/moderation is the week after next, then it's eight weeks solid of prep for the dreaded written exam. If Gove et al are re-elected (please someone, everyone do something on election day to prevent this!!) next year `i can see the performing arts in schools becoming more marginalised and where they remain, more formally written based.


Decade - NY (sides 1&2)

Bootleg EP - Moondog

Beaster - Sugar

For JC Auto alone it's a triumph

New Day Rising - Husker Du (side 1)

and currenlty playing, less angry but just as intense and cathartic,

1959-77 - John Fahey

Hi Charlie

Nope, no Mobile Fidelity Bob or anybody else for that matter. I've never been tempted...oh yes I have, I think there were some Steely Dan ones that I looked at but the originals sound so good I couldn't justify the outlay. Sorry, Charlie, can't help you. I reckon though if you came across them you wouldn't be able to help yourself! I'd be the same.

New Day Rising is a great record, not the best because that's Zen Arcade imo.

Funnily enough, I bought a new copy of John Fahey's Vol 1 Blind Joe Death on Sonnet Records today; my old one was a bit ticky and with a fair bit of the dreaded inner groove distortion. Nice to have a better copy. I bought a lot of other stuff too but I can't be bothered to list them all. they'll feature in the 'What vinyl are you listening to' lists for the next few days but here's a few:

The Beatles-White Album mono. To replace a rather tatty one.

Marianne Faithful-Broken Eglish

McCoy Tyner-Live at Newport. (Impulse!)

The Best Of Duane Allman (Capricorn Records) Great track list.

Yes, Charlie, it may be irretrievable and it was left that way by the previous incumbent. I'll do my best and children in the group are top-notch so there's a chance. I think it's going to be a few days in school over Easter just to get some performances together. I fully agree with your prognosis if that gormless idiot Gove keeps his job. Such a shame for kids.
Bombay Disco (disco hits from Hindi films 1979-1985)

Elbow - The Take Off And Landing Of Everything (note to self, plays at 45rpm)

Metronomy - Love Letters

Miles Davis featuring Sonny Rollins - Dig
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the Bob info - I feel the same way really. I've been tempted too by Aja and Gaucho in the past but then kept faith with my originals. As for Bob, most of my collection comprises early pressings but not all are in great nick. Temptation indeed.

Your record purchases, as ever, look interesting. Happy listening and good luck with the Drama.

A bit of Brechtian pop, for me:

I Am A Wallet - McCarthy

Banking, Violence & The Inner Life Today - McCarthy

When they hit their stride and married agit-prop to great tunes (An MP Speaks, Anti-Nature, We Are All Bourgeois Now) they were arguably the greatest of the post-Smiths indie guitar bands.
Charlie Jefferson said:
Hi Jim,

Thanks for the Bob info - I feel the same way really. I've been tempted too by Aja and Gaucho in the past but then kept faith with my originals. As for Bob, most of my collection comprises early pressings but not all are in great nick. Temptation indeed.

Your record purchases, as ever, look interesting. Happy listening and good luck with the Drama.

A bit of Brechtian pop, for me:

I Am A Wallet - McCarthy

Banking, Violence & The Inner Life Today - McCarthy

When they hit their stride and married agit-prop to great tunes (An MP Speaks, Anti-Nature, We Are All Bourgeois Now) they were arguably the greatest of the post-Smiths indie guitar bands.

It's an endless search, Charlie. Like you, I've got many originals that are not in pristine nick but what do you do? When I found them I was just pleased to have them and overlooked the flaws. I think I've refined my ideas to this mantra: If they play with a few clicks and pops, then they're fine. If they're really shot, then one day, if the price is right, I'll replace them. So, yesterday, my record bloke knew I wanted A Beatles White album replacement and saved me one that came in. I haggled a bit, with a price in my head, and we came to an agreement. On the other hand I bought a copy of The Jazz Couriers with Ronnie Scott and Tubby Hayes and it sticks so that's going back:that's my bottom line, if it wont play, I don't want it. Like I always say, if one comes along...and we know what happens then! Trouble is,when you've got a lot of what you want, there's only the really expensive items left and it's hard not to shell out stupid money if you're a collector. How do you just walk away?! You don't: you just starve for a few days! And some call this a hobby!
A few more from yesterday:

John Fahey-Death Chants, Breakdowns And Military Waltzes.(Sonet)

Pretty Things-Freeway Madness.

Pretty Things-Cross Talk. Hmm. The Pretties do New Wave and power pop.Just as long as you don't expect the old psych stuff, it's damn good.

Sutherland Brothers and Quiver-Dream Kid. Another replacement. Great Lp.

Graham Parker And The Rumour-The Up Escalator.
Jim-W said:
A few more from yesterday:

John Fahey-Death Chants, Breakdowns And Military Waltzes.(Sonet)

Pretty Things-Freeway Madness.

Pretty Things-Cross Talk. Hmm. The Pretties do New Wave and power pop.Just as long as you don't expect the old psych stuff, it's damn good.

Sutherland Brothers and Quiver-Dream Kid. Another replacement. Great Lp.

Graham Parker And The Rumour-The Up Escalator.

Tried 'Max' by The Rumour? I notice it's now available again, but only on CD I think. Anyway, a really good album 🙂
Freddy58 said:
Tried 'Max' by The Rumour? I notice it's now available again, but only on CD I think. Anyway, a really good album 🙂

Spooky, I've been playing that LP this evening. I agree, it's a good 'un.


Crest Of A Knave - Jethro Tull

Listening with brand new Jico SAS stylus and original Technics cartridge on the SL-7. It sounds really good.
Thanks for the recommendation, seconded by BIB, Freddy. I'll look out for it.

Listening to the mono Beatles White album. So far, halfway down Side 3, and no clicks or pops. I wonder if anybody else struggles with this record like I do. It's such a damn mess, but there's loads of good stuff on it. The reord dealer and I agree: it needed a sharper pair of scissors. It's a wonder it hangs together as well as it does. I love 'Revolution 9' by the way.


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