Barclay James Harvest-Time Honoured Ghosts
Bad Company-Desolation Angels:doh:
EDIt: At times this website is the pits
Bad Company-Desolation Angels:doh:
EDIt: At times this website is the pits
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:Can't recommend this enough if you like funky hammond and ska. Awesome album.
GardenSounds said:BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:Can't recommend this enough if you like funky hammond and ska. Awesome album.
Yes! Amazing stuff... The 1st LP I bought this millennium as it happens. Oboe is one of my faves. So much wicked stuff on here!
Soul Jazz/Universal Sound is just one of the greatest reissue labels ever, basically!
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:And you're right about Soul Jazz being a great reissue label, I should buy more, as the vinyl is always great.
BIGBERNARDBRESSLAW said:Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
It's an incredibly dull album, can't see me playing it again in a hurry.
BBB Can see where your coming from! I do actually like it, but not so much to pay the inflated price of the vinyl - so ceedee it is for me
paulhh1967 said:At the moment DM- Speak & Spell. Photographic is still one of my favourite DM songs.
CJSF said:Peter Gabriel 'So', notable; side one, track 3, 'Don't give up', super base line especially the last minute. Simply Red, 'Picture Book', notable; side one, track 2, 'Sad old Red'. Sandy Nelson, 'The Very Best of', simply some grate recording from the 60's. Graham Barber, at the keyboard of the 'Ahrend pipe organ in Reid Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh, simply, the power!!! The more I fiddle and fine tune, the more I get from my system, pure power, base extension and focus . . . CJSF
stevebrock said:Show off
49p blinkin bargain - was it a recent purchase?
stevebrock said:Talk Talk - Its My Life