Shadders measuring your room is nothing to do with AV its sound reproduction in general - last time I checked hifi is sound reproduction.
So we have got to the truth - you have no idea of what sound you are getting in your room from your system, you have no idea of your rooms acoustics and its effect on the sound of your system, or your bass reponse at your MLP or even how symmetrical the sound is from either of your streeo speakers
EDIT System specs tells you nothing, for all your wisdom you dont know this - if you think you are getting the freq response or even the extension from your speakers as they was designed or put on the spec sheet you are barking mad
This is not AV exclusive this is Sound Reproduction - so yes I am a smart arse and yes I am smarter than you give me credit for.
SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE - Hifi Is Science - sound reproduction is science.
In 30 years you have never bothered to investigate this area - and yet its the most important aspect of sound reproduction.
This is the relevance -
look at this paper on Good Sound - this is just one reference you can cross examine your own measurements to see if what your getting in your room actually constitutes good sound.
However for 30 years you have just used your ears and that has obviously "Good enough", I bet you have bought different speakers and witnessed changes in bass even though if you measured I bet it wouldnt measure anything like what you think you heard and yet thats been good enough
So its Completely and Utterly Hypocritical to say to anyone that doing their listening tests is no proof of anything - because for 30 years that is ALL you have done and yet I bet you have said to yourself "This is good sound" even though you have NO IDEA what sound you are actually getting. That is a fact because if you did you could show me graphically in many forms
Hopefully your getting my point by now - its simple either the ear is good enough or its not.
And saying science has never proved it is not good enough either - science has never proved your hifi sounds as it does but you have trusted your ears for 30 years, so banging on the drum that people using their ears is wrong is completely hypocritical and you should stop right now.