ellisdj said:
Noone has lied they tell you what they think and you chose to believe them or not - what is wrong with that.
because when somebody says it's running from cache and it's not, that's a lie. Is it really that hard to comprehend?
ellisdj said:
The test you suggest will prove nothing to me
yes it would - it would prove if the sata cable is making a real world difference, or if the differences you are hearing is a placebo/expectation bias. You say that it's not, but unless you carried out some tests, you cannot say for a fact that it is not a placebo. This is not a debatable point I'm afriad.
ellisdj said:
I test with my own parameters and that is what I hear and see / experience. I dont care about anything else - why should I or anyone else for that matter.
You don't need to, but don't take umbridge then when people point out flaws and facts that are not true.
ellisdj said:
I dont need to prove what I say to you
correct you don't, but again, don't get upset if I say that you are wrong and what you are talking about is not true. If you want to counterbalance that, then yes, I would expect some proof.
ellisdj said:
however I could sit anyone down and prove it to them outright with just how good the sound is coming off a computer setup this way and how versaitle it is in regards to music styles - being played back on a AV system still to very high standards. Major Limitations now being room size and room acoustics despite all the work I have done there as well and a couple of other bits
Again, I've not disputed how good your system sounds, I'm disputing what you are saying about what effects it.
ellisdj said:
I know good sound - and what it takes to get it and I am learning all the time how to improve it even further - I would personally go which ever route gives me the opportunity for best sound within my affordability and this is the route I have chosen as so far its given me by miles the best results - nothing else I have experienced as a source has come close. If this wasnt the case I would not be using it - Its a simple as that - I have had the money to pretty much buy whatever I want within reason time you add up what I have spent in total the last 2 years. I have chosen this for good reason - maybe its not for you - doesnt mean its not very good.
again, subjective defensive trying to justify your outlay. Again, let me repeat, I've never questioned how good your system sounds. Why do you keep defending something that I've not attacked?
ellisdj said:
I dont see why people like get so bent out of shape about this subject and have to try and discredit me and what I say
possibly because a lot of what you say is rubbish, not factual, totally subjective and can be proven wrong quite easily, yet you refuse to engage in such discussions and always refer back to the jplay forums.
ellisdj said:
Its pety I dont try and discredit other people in the forum when they voice an opinion even though I disagree with half of what they say.
no ellis, what is petty is totally ignoring when somebody takes the time to explain how something actually works, posts links to back up the proof and then you chose to ingore it. Again, I've tried to discuss rationally these things with you, and again you are getting upset when presented with such information. This thread was not doing anything and you kept adding to it, trying to justify things that nobody was interested in. I only replied because I thought I would try debating you again in a rational manner to see if you would be more receptive and hopefully more graceful than in the last thread. Alas not.
ellisdj said:
people like me dont look to discredit them by pointing that out despite its obvious relevance
That's entirely up to you. Just because you don't do that, doesn't mean that people are not allowed to do it to you. If I chose to say that I don't agree with something, I will try and back it up with some facts, something that can be re-created, or links to tests or whatever. Not just say boo.
ellisdj said:
But I hear as do thousands of others the huge improvments made by the above products which are similar to completely credible products that in the market for sale and yet thats not good enough and people like you feel the need to try and discredit that opinion to the point of highlighting bits word to word.
but surely if somebody disagrees they are allowed their opinion, and to debate that are they not?
ellisdj said:
That is uneccessary vindictive behaviour as I said in the last thread that was locked.
It's not vindictive. I'm not out for revenge. I'm just sick of hearing a load of BS is all and I'm quite happy to call it out with the proof to back it up.
I'm sure this thread will go the same way, so people are free to make of it what they will.