ellisdj said:
Nope its not that - The advice I take is from a man who develops products that enhance the audio pc, these are cheap by comparison to the norm - his beleif against a lot of contradiction and riducule is that operating system link to the motherboard is the most important optimisation of the audio pc - he believes that all processes and hardware go through the this link and that it affects SQ
So that is the Sata cable from the HD or SSD in my case - he believes its the first thing to upgrade - I think second - power supply is first.
You wont have this - but I am willing to have you come here and listen - in fact that would be great. Where do you live??
credit where it's due, thank you for replying
Now the bad bit. The guy that you took the advice from is wrong. Most of the opertaing system loads in to memory. If you've already optimised your pc, then chances are it's not using a page file either and everything needed is already in memory, and the playback software is buffering from memory.
You can check this by pressing control + alt + delete (as I beleieve you are still running windows) and bringing up task manager. Click on processes and it will show you what is running from memory and how much memory that application is taking up. It is possible to run and entire operating system and everything it does just from memory.
This means that at no point in playback is the sata cable or the hard drive (mechanical or ssd) is used. Kind of like somebody championing expensive power cables then claiming it's all running off battery power if that makes sense?
Also if we look at it logically from a computer point of view, if the sata cable did indeed have an effect on playback, other than being borked, then surely it would matter what sata cables have been used at every variable in the files life. For example, if what you are saying is true, then if I copied a file from my computer, emailed it to you and two other people it would sound totally different? Just as if you sent me a file, it would sound different. However, if we were to examine those files in say audacity, the waveform would be exactly the same, which would, I'm afraid, prove that the sata cable has no effect whatsoever. In order for the sata cable to effect the music as you are saying, it would have to actually alter the waveform of the data, but because the sata cable doesn't know it's audio file, how can it do that? If that was also the case an easier test would be to copy a music file from your computer to an external hard drive (thus passing it through a different sata cable) then back again. Then play the two files (the one copied and the one not copied) and they should sound different if the theory about sata cables is correct.
I would take you up on the offer, but I don't live in the uk anymore I'm afraid.