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The Zutons- You Can Do Anything

Big Chris

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Apr 3, 2008
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Meshuggah - Catch Thirty Three - not smooth....

LOL! Not smooth aye, but very good regardless. Dunno why they used a drum program on it though. I mean, it's not like Tomas Haake isn't one of the most skilled drummers out there.

Just stuck it on myself.



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Dec 4, 2007
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Big Chris:Drummerdave:
Meshuggah - Catch Thirty Three - not smooth....

LOL! Not smooth aye, but very good regardless. Dunno why they used a drum program on it though. I mean, it's not like Tomas Haake isn't one of the most skilled drummers out there.

Just stuck it on myself.


Yep Chris, tis a great album, quite experimental, with the emphasis on the mental.

You wouldn't really know it was programmed drumming from listening to it, I believe it was done with Haake's recorded drum sounds. He's swiftly becoming one of my all time favourite drummers tbh, truly skillful.


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This is epic and truely fantastic, starting with the opening Occams Razor at 55m 13s!

EDIT - the opening long Occams Razor on Spotify is actually the whole album in one go, so I am now listening to the album for a second time. I wonder why they did that?


EDIT - if you dont have a spare 55 minutes then try Time Flies at 11m 41s, I'm getting goosebumps with this track!


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2 new additions to the collection.

Repin's playing in the Brahms Violin Concerto is beautiful with an almost perfect mix of drama, technical prowess and sensitive introspection. His decision to play the cadenza Heifetz composed for this concerto is an excellent one and he does it full justice. The middle movement is sublime with some of the most sensitive and organically shaped violin playing I've heard for a long time. Chailly, one of my favourite conductors, brings an excellent sense of the concerto's overall structure as well as highlighting the inner details of the work. The recording places Repin slightly too forward but otherwise its well engineered and an involving listen.

Kaufmann's Romantic Arias disc is very promising and displays a young heroic tenor with the sort of baritonal quality that has made Bergonzi and Domingo such formidable performers. Although he currently lacks the sheer stylishness of Bergonzi, and Domingo's formidable characterisation and tonal range, Kaufmann makes an excellent case for himself in a highly enjoyable programme. Unusually for Decca the sound has slightly too much bloom, but its by no means a major issue and, for the most part, the engineering is good.


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This is a beautifully played and thoughtfully programmed disc with Grimaud's interpretation of the Bach/Busoni Chaconne being a real highlight. The light and shade in her playing is wonderful and the DG recording engineers have captured her tone very well. A thoroughly enjoyable release.


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Oct 16, 2008
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The new one from Muse, can't remember what it's called. That's THREE chart albums this year! Unbelievable.

I also bought all the new Beatles reissues, except Past Masters, didn't think there was much point, but those are for the missus for her birthday next week, I'm so romantic!


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Pappano's new recording of the Verdi Requiem is every bit as wonderful as the Gramophone review suggests. The EMI recording is absolutely stunning with a wide dynamic range, excellent clarity, and beautifully judged balance. The performances of the orchestra, choir, soloists and conductor fully deserve such attention. The quartet singing at the end of the Sequenza is breathtaking with all four soloists demonstrating ideal vocal control. Villazon is at his very best throughout this recording, showing himself to be a stylish and elegant Verdi tenor, and the soprano, Anja Harteros, makes her vocal lines float whilst retaining full gravitas. One of the finest classical recordings I've ever heard.

Also superb is the Brahms Piano Concerto set with Nelson Friere at the piano. I listened to No.1 again today and was, as ever, in awe of the tonal control that Friere demonstrates throughout. Chailly is an ideal conductor for Brahms. Whereas too many conductors adopt an overly sluggish and overly weighted approach, Chailly allows the proportion and textures of Brahms' writing to shine through without ever reducing the dramatic impact of the music. The piano playing in the slow movement is exquisite and in terms of engineering this is one of Decca's most successful recordings of recent times.


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Have you not got enough hours in the day? Do you struggle to get the space to sit and relax to your favourite music?

If so we have the answer........The Matthewpiano Music Listening Service......................just send your favourite or new album to matthew and he will listen to it for you! For a small extra fee he will write your very own personalised review of the album. Matthew will listen to anything, but prefers classical and rock and don't bother sending anythng by Girls Aloud!

One album - £2, each review add £1. Over 4 albums and take 10% off.

Makes a perfect present for anyone who prefers the pub or small children



Walking Backwards - Clutchy Hopkins

Lanquidity & Sleeping Beauty - Sun Ra

Spiritual Jazz - Esoteric, Modal and Deep Jazz from the Underground 1968-77

Echo Expansion

Shafiq En' A-Free-Ka - Shafiq Husayn

Historias De Q - Quiroga

Rythym & Sounds - The Versions

UB40 - Signing Off

Since I Left You - The Avalanches


Well-known member

Have you not got enough hours in the day? Do you struggle to get the space to sit and relax to your favourite music?

If so we have the answer........The Matthewpiano Music Listening Service......................just send your favourite or new album to matthew and he will listen to it for you! For a small extra fee he will write your very own personalised review of the album. Matthew will listen to anything, but prefers classical and rock and don't bother sending anythng by Girls Aloud!

One album - £2, each review add £1. Over 4 albums and take 10% off.

Makes a perfect present for anyone who prefers the pub or small children

LOL!! Splitting my sides here!!

Seriously though there are people who post far more listening on this thread than I do. I do listen to a lot - when I get a day off I often tend to get my jobs etc done early on and then spend the rest of the day listening. I also put time aside after work most evenings to listen to something because it helps me relax. There is only the two of us so we can pretty much do what we want. My hope is that if I post some of my listening experiences here it might just prompt another user to discover a new piece or performer. You are bang on with the classical and rock, and with the Girls Aloud thing (although I don't mind watching them on TV with the sound off!!), but folk and jazz get played regularly here as well and, occasionally, one of the better West End/Broadway musicals.

I do also enjoy reading, playing and rehearsing music myself, seeing friends/family, walking, visiting historic places, going out for meals etc. etc. but I'm not one for the pub.

...and so to my last CD of the day:

Doesn't really need many words. Its a new release and its a disc of beautiful piano playing that amply demonstrates the world class abilities of a great British pianist. The 2 Chopin Waltzes on here are the best recordings of them I've heard since the classic Dinu Lipatti set.


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