Use of Speaker Floor Spikes


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Previously I have always used my speaker floor spikes because I have had a carpeted room, however, I have just invested in a new solid wooden floor and the spikes are scratching the surface.

My question is, is it better to use the spikes on a wooden floor, or are they purely for carpets? - I notice that if I withdraw the spikes completely that the stands wobble a bit (they are not level)

My Stands are Partington Super-Dreadnoughts

Use coins under the spikes or for the professional look Atacama make 'sike shoes' for this very purpose. Available from Superfi for £13 a set of 4.
I have the same problem - recently sanded floor, nice varnish finish. I've got another problem - a 14 month old boy toddling around. I found the only solution was to spike the stands well into the floor - better safe than sorry. So there's 4 nice little spike marks where each speaker is standing, but does it matter? I guess if you ever moved the stands, the holes are only tiny and could probably be filled and stained in if required.
I have a similar problem (but in the shape of a cat) and totally agree.
I just let the spikes add a bit of character (or holes as it were) to the floor.
Having said that, I've wimped out and used cups under the spikes on my
equipment rack - this is a bit on the heavy side, isn't going anywhere if
knocked and, I imagine, would make rather deep holes.
I have spike cups on all my speakers as Mrs Krime would have my guts for garters if I marked here lovely pollished floorboards!
As far as I'm concerned, this is pretty simple:

If your speaker can wobble backwards and forwards, then the acoustic energy of the speaker driver will be lost moving the whole cabinet backwards and forwards instead of the air. So using the spikes is gonna improve your bass response, will also improve isolation and help stop your floor becoming part of the speaker enclosure.

Solution? I've not had this problem yet because I've always had mine on carpet, by when I get (and I want) a nice laminate floor my solution will be to get a couple of big, heavy, right sized paving slabs. Wrap them up in felt or something to make them look nice and not scratch the floor. Stick the speakers on top of those. I'd say the heavier the better... so perhaps if you can instead get a phat chunk of lead you could indent the spikes into it somewhat for added rigidity.
I faced this problem myself and wasn't happy with using coins thinking one slip and the speaker could crash off onto the floor! I eventually found some 1/2" felt pads made by Surface Gard in Robert Dyas - they've got sticky backs so stick to the floor and then the spikes can press down into the felt like it would on carpet - problem solved!
Why on earth do you want a laminate floor? It will do the sound no good whatsoever, not to mention reducing the value of your house and looking really cheap and nasty?
[quote user="JoelSim"]Why on earth do you want a laminate floor? It will do the sound no good whatsoever, not to mention reducing the value of your house and looking really cheap and nasty?[/quote]

if you get a good quality one they can look good. I prefer it as it has a cleaner more modern look not to mention more practical and easy to clean.No problems with red wine stains. I was in sweden last weekend and practically everyone there has laminate or wood floors.They can't understand why the british all like carpets! In answer to the original question though, just buy spike cups.All hi fi shops should sell them.
Yus, some other nationalities who favour wood or tiled flooring actually find the British habit of carpeting disgustingly unhygienic. Which it is, actually. Having said that, I prefered the warmer sound I used to get in my old carpeted flat compared to my new laminate floored one.
[quote user="Fraziel"]I was in Sweden last weekend and practically everyone there has laminate or wood floors.They can't understand why the British all like carpets! [/quote] did you remember to take your shoes off?


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