Question UK power sockets and plugs


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Ok. Here goes... do you think UK 3 prong plugs are compromised for use in Hifi components? Worse... do you think UK sockets, with on/off (for our European/American friends) are compromised? Did you ever think that fuses can impact on SQ?


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I specifically ask about the fact there is a switch in our sockets. Not seen it in continental Europe.
Sorry, I have both sockets used one for the phone and the other for my HiFi. The switches are for safety, so I would rather have them than not. So there's a bit of extra noise on the line, and as long as its within a specification it should sound good.
Computer's are supposed to impact sound quality, but it not true because of tight specification. The switching power supply nonsense. Anyway Insider9 thinking of moving to Europe are we for a better experience?


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There's a review on the audio T website of a guy who purchased a 8k mains regenerator for his 20k system. But what I'm saying is that there's a tolerance level to HiFi components, so it's inaudible? Like you said room treatment would be more desirable.


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How about this: I LumoS AS luxury White Glass Double Unswitched Wall Plug 13A UK Socket, with 100% big silver contacts. Looks absolutely great and might be beneficial to audio quality. If you are going to mess with it consider this, it costs £15. The most expensive one. :giggle: Hartington Heath
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Don't mess with the mains, if you want to reduce possible interference have a direct run from the consumer unit to your system installed by a qualified electrician.
All sockets and plugs use brass, which is all that is needed, (Although the more expensive sockets tend to use thicker brass for longevity) so if it mentions magical properties avoid it as its probably a con.

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Dec 27, 2019
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Many years ago I purchased an Isotek Mains conditioner along with some fancy Kimber cables.

I have listened to many systems without out it and cant tell the difference.

On the plus side it looks much nicer that and extension lead :rolleyes:

Conclusion is along as it is surge protected don't waste your time or money.
Don't put them on amplification. Source components only.
Some are specifically designed to handle power to amplification however they tend to be expensive and I cannot specifically hear any difference within my system. Some, particularly outside the UK might however. The idea that a mains socket can make any difference might only come into effect if one has a completely separate spur from distribution box.