TX-P50GT50 exchange for 50VT50??

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Hi guys

Just been in John Lewis and spoke with one of the head guys, and he confirmed John Lewis are getting the GT60 and he was working hard on getting it at our branch. Yes, the GT60 would probably be a great choice. Steve Withers recommended it over the VT65, taking price into consideration.
Thanks gel

I'll sit tight until my local JL has the GT60 on the shelf, and then make 'noises' about my GT50 with pixelated picture!
strapped for cash said:
Good to confirm that JL will stock the GT60, as it sounds like the right solution for many forum members.

You jumping in, Gel?

Not for a while mate, I will demo first and see what people are saying about them, then if I can pick one up cheap I might well do.
I will, Asuming the price is right.....

......I think Panasoniv have just distributed the GT60 after the others.....not heard of anyone who has one yet?

i'll call JL tomorrow....

a bit jealous of strapped VT65.....it must be the best tv for a long time.....I know I would struggle with the fans....
gel said:
Not for a while mate, I will demo first and see what people are saying about them, then if I can pick one up cheap I might well do.

Sounds like a sensible plan mate. In your position I'd do the same.
Nick_Shepherd said:
a bit jealous of strapped VT65.....it must be the best tv for a long time.....I know I would struggle with the fans....

My VT65 is quieter in operation than all three GT60s I went through.

Apart from a slight buzz on a full white screen (the GT60 buzzed more), I can't hear any operating noise that I find remotely distracting. (I appreciate this is a very personal thing.) The VT65's fans are quieter than the average Sky box or PS3.

Unfortunately for me, the VT65 was predictably dethroned by the ZT65 early this morning.
We all have to draw a line somewhere.......mines the GT60, yours the VT65....and let's face it, they are cracking TV's!
I.m actually vex they well now be sticking the GT60. I was told they would not be so i ended up with the VT50 2012 which arrives today. Even though i have a 90 day cooling of period, i did not want to go through the hassel of changing another Set.
civilian said:
I.m actually vex they well now be sticking the GT60. I was told they would not be so i ended up with the VT50 2012 which arrives today. Even though i have a 90 day cooling of period, i did not want to go through the hassel of changing another Set.

Let us know how you get on with the VT50. If you want to check for uniformity problems, you can download grey slides from here:


If the set suffers from the dreaded vertical band issue, grey slides will show this up clearly. I'm not encouraging you to look for problems, but at least you'll know if your new TV is afflicted. (Alternatively you can watch some football.)

If the TV is fine, you can rest easy that you got a great set for a great price. The VT50 has a better filter than the GT60. It's not one way traffic in terms of advantages between these two models. You'd be paying more for the GT60, too.

Good luck! Got my fingers crossed for you.
Some very good prices here too:


Panasonic VT65 £1600

Panasonic GT60 £1220
JL say not stocking GT60 at least until GT50's have sold and then may not stock at all.......

strapped: how loud are the fans on your VT65 and are they on all the time? This may be my only option other than refund.....
Nick_Shepherd said:
JL say not stocking GT60 at least until GT50's have sold and then may not stock at all.......

strapped: how loud are the fans on your VT65 and are they on all the time? This may be my only option other than refund.....

The fans are always on, but I rarely hear them when watching content with sound. If I mute the TV, or watch content with no audio, I can hear the fans, but they don't bother me. Some may find the sound soothing; others annoying. There's only one way you'll know which group you fall into -- audition the TV (ideally in a dedicated room) and decide whether it's a non-issue or distraction.

Beyond that, I can observe that my VT65 is quieter in operation than a Sky box or PS3. I can also note that my VT65 is quieter than any of the GT50s I owned (I found the GT50's buzzing more distracting than the VT65's fans).

Also bear in mind that operating noise will differ from set to set; and my comments describe my experiences of one TV in a specific environment.

Hope that's some help.
Thanks for the prompt reply strapped!

is the picture a good jump up from the GT50 in your opinion? I think I'll need to get one in my room to know about the fans....

John Lewis are remarkably helpful I must say, they can't seem to do enough to help me which is soooooo refreshing these days!
Nick_Shepherd said:
JL say not stocking GT60 at least until GT50's have sold and then may not stock at all.......

strapped: how loud are the fans on your VT65 and are they on all the time? This may be my only option other than refund.....

Yep, it is going to be a while before they stock them, but the online website it said to get the GT60.
Nick_Shepherd said:
Thanks for the prompt reply strapped!

is the picture a good jump up from the GT50 in your opinion? I think I'll need to get one in my room to know about the fans....

No worries.

Tellingly, I returned three GT50s and I don't want to return the VT65.

There's a noticeable step up in terms of native contrast, detail, image depth and punch. The VT65's picture is also more stable and looks more natural; you'll note that several reviewers have commented on an analogue look to pictures.

The VT65 isn't perfect (no TV is). There's mild dynamic false contouring, though this is much improved over previous models. If I really go hunting for it, I can spot the slightest hint of a thin vertical band on grey slides (Crucially I haven't seen this in actual content and it's nothing like the vertical bands I saw on all three GT50s.) I'll monitor this, but I certainly don't consider it an issue at present.

You really need to see one in action to make up your mind. I paid another £700 for the VT65, but I consider it money well spend. It's the best TV I've owned.
Thanks strapped...very helpful as usual! Top fella!

gel: it's was JL online saying they won't stock until the 50's done with....have you heard the same?
Nick_Shepherd said:
Thanks strapped...very helpful as usual! Top fella!

gel: it's was JL online saying they won't stock until the 50's done with....have you heard the same?

I heard it will be a while before they get them, but the online website would eventually.
Hi guy's. Hope your all enjoying the weather..!

My 50vt50 2012 arrived on Tuesday. I must start of by saying, there is a difference between this set and the GT50 in terms of picture... Ive read many times that there isn't much difference .. I have disagree..! There is noticeable difference ... To me and few friends. to think it is still in burning in mode. only another 180 hours to go..Lol. Okay, i watched footy on it twice 15 Min each time...I can NOT see the dreaded lines(on the right hand side) that haunted my GT50... The blurry lines either side of the screen aren't there either... There was a buzzing noise when the set was turned on, but seems to have settled down in to a quiet fan nose.. I as opposed to a buzzing.Quite soothing if you stand right next to it..Lol. As Ive mentioned, i haven't really sat and watched it for more then 15 at a time, but I'm hoping the issues do stay away.
civilian said:
My 50vt50 2012 arrived on Tuesday. I must start of by saying, there is a difference between this set and the GT50 in terms of picture... Ive read many times that there isn't much difference .. I have disagree..! There is noticeable difference ... To me and few friends. to think it is still in burning in mode. only another 180 hours to go..Lol. Okay, i watched footy on it twice 15 Min each time...I can NOT see the dreaded lines(on the right hand side) that haunted my GT50... The blurry lines either side of the screen aren't there either... There was a buzzing noise when the set was turned on, but seems to have settled down in to a quiet fan nose.. I as opposed to a buzzing.Quite soothing if you stand right next to it..Lol. As Ive mentioned, i haven't really sat and watched it for more then 15 at a time, but I'm hoping the issues do stay away.

That's encouraging to hear. If problems don't emerge, you can rest easy that you got a better TV overall.

I'm not surprised the VT50 produces a better image than the GT50. Much of that is down to the filter, which is a fundamentally important part of any plasma TV.

I'll tentatively congratulate you on resolving your problem. Hopefully this marks the end of your TV woes and you can settle down to some enjoyable viewing.
strapped for cash said:
civilian said:
My 50vt50 2012 arrived on Tuesday. I must start of by saying, there is a difference between this set and the GT50 in terms of picture... Ive read many times that there isn't much difference .. I have disagree..! There is noticeable difference ... To me and few friends. to think it is still in burning in mode. only another 180 hours to go..Lol. Okay, i watched footy on it twice 15 Min each time...I can NOT see the dreaded lines(on the right hand side) that haunted my GT50... The blurry lines either side of the screen aren't there either... There was a buzzing noise when the set was turned on, but seems to have settled down in to a quiet fan nose.. I as opposed to a buzzing.Quite soothing if you stand right next to it..Lol. As Ive mentioned, i haven't really sat and watched it for more then 15 at a time, but I'm hoping the issues do stay away.

That's encouraging to hear. If problems don't emerge, you can rest easy that you got a better TV overall.

I'm not surprised the VT50 produces a better image than the GT50. Much of that is down to the filter, which is a fundamentally important part of any plasma TV.

I'll tentatively congratulate you on resolving your problem. Hopefully this marks the end of your TV woes and you can settle down to some enjoyable viewing.

glad to hear that it looks good for you guys on the tv front now, the vt50 was a risk, hopefully it's paid off for you
rocketrazor said:
strapped for cash said:
civilian said:
My 50vt50 2012 arrived on Tuesday. I must start of by saying, there is a difference between this set and the GT50 in terms of picture... Ive read many times that there isn't much difference .. I have disagree..! There is noticeable difference ... To me and few friends. to think it is still in burning in mode. only another 180 hours to go..Lol. Okay, i watched footy on it twice 15 Min each time...I can NOT see the dreaded lines(on the right hand side) that haunted my GT50... The blurry lines either side of the screen aren't there either... There was a buzzing noise when the set was turned on, but seems to have settled down in to a quiet fan nose.. I as opposed to a buzzing.Quite soothing if you stand right next to it..Lol. As Ive mentioned, i haven't really sat and watched it for more then 15 at a time, but I'm hoping the issues do stay away.

That's encouraging to hear. If problems don't emerge, you can rest easy that you got a better TV overall.

I'm not surprised the VT50 produces a better image than the GT50. Much of that is down to the filter, which is a fundamentally important part of any plasma TV.

I'll tentatively congratulate you on resolving your problem. Hopefully this marks the end of your TV woes and you can settle down to some enjoyable viewing.

glad to hear that it looks good for you guys on the tv front now, the vt50 was a risk, hopefully it's paid off for you

question for both of you if I may, either of you watch the wrestling or boxing? Interested to see if the line bleed means you can 'see the rope' through the person

No worries strapped. I was wondering if they both did it or if this years model was any better than last years.

Right then.....after much deliberation.....I have decided to exchange my 50GT50 for....another 50GT50!!!


1. It's a great picture

2. I have got used to the buzz and can't hear it when I watch bluray with home cinema sound on, which is all it turns out I do.

3. The second set buzzed more than the 1st (and had a few picture issues) so hoping the 3rd will be like the 1st or better.

4. No one has a GT60 yet and I'm board of waiting.

5. And this is the clincher, JL will send me a new set and refund £300. (I had paid £999)

So, I will have a GT50 for £699, half the original price. Bargin. I can live with a few minor issues for a picture this good and crucially, at this price.


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