TX-P50GT50 exchange for 50VT50??

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Nick_Shepherd said:
Right then.....after much deliberation.....I have decided to exchange my 50GT50 for....another 50GT50!!!


1. It's a great picture

2. I have got used to the buzz and can't hear it when I watch bluray with home cinema sound on, which is all it turns out I do.

3. The second set buzzed more than the 1st (and had a few picture issues) so hoping the 3rd will be like the 1st or better.

4. No one has a GT60 yet and I'm board of waiting.

5. And this is the clincher, JL will send me a new set and refund £300. (I had paid £999)

So, I will have a GT50 for £699, half the original price. Bargin. I can live with a few minor issues for a picture this good and crucially, at this price.

Sounds like a great deal to me. :cheers:
I can NOT believe my BEEP, BEEP, BEEP 50VT50 2012 has an issue after a week..! Just like me my GT50, there seems to be a smokey small spot on the screen. It's only visible when the set is switched off. I'm so vex.. I don't know what to do.
civilian said:
I can NOT believe my BEEP, BEEP, BEEP 50VT50 2012 has an issue after a week..! Just like me my GT50, there seems to be a smokey small spot on the screen. It's only visible when the set is switched off. I'm so vex.. I don't know what to do.

ask for a full refund and look at this years models. If they refuse a full refund (which they shouldn't) and you purchased the first set in the last six months before it went back quote the sales of goods act. I wouldn't touch any Panasonic tv from last year, to many faults
I only went for the VT50 because i did not have to or want to spend extra. I wasn't aware this set would also be faulty..I have read many topics regarding issues about the GT but not much on the VT. Seems like it backfired.. Ill have to really think about it now. Very frustrating.
Did you sell your old tv or have you still got it? I'm still having issues with my gt50 which I intend to take up with my retailer under the sales of gods act and if that doesn't work with my credit card company. I will be pushing for a full refund and then wait for 6 months for the new models to settle in before buying a new one. Thankfully I still have my old 42" in the conservatory so it will come back to the lounge while the gt50 farce is sorted and I get a new tv. I don't want to buy one when its just come out, so I completely feel your pain and frustration on this :wall:
I managed to exchange it with a price match for the Vt50. I purchased my set from JL.. They have been very understanding. I don't know what to get...JL aren't sure when they well be stocking the GT60... I'm stumped! I didn't really want to spend a lot for a new set, but maybe that's the only option.. Cant believe such stunning looking sets have these issues. I head LCD calling me back...HA!
civilian said:
I can NOT believe my BEEP, BEEP, BEEP 50VT50 2012 has an issue after a week..! Just like me my GT50, there seems to be a smokey small spot on the screen. It's only visible when the set is switched off. I'm so vex.. I don't know what to do.

Is this a problem if it doesn't interfere with viewing? Some pics, if you can post them, would give us a clear sense of what you're dealing with.

Ultimately it comes down to what you can live with, as there isn't a perfect TV. (My VT65 isn't perfect, but any small issues are far more tolerable than problems with last year's Panasonics.)
Strapped it doesn't interfere with my viewing. I can only see it when the set is switched off against the black screen. I Lost out on £100 for this set..I wish i hadn't bothered. any suggestions on what i should think about buying?
What's your price limit going to be? The new tvs are all just out so at peak price, hence my asking if you have your old one still and can wait 6 months?
As little as possible. Lol. I think i may follow strapped and go for the model he has. Strapped please confirm that's the correct way to go...The gt60 is a model that i may have gone for, but JL aren;t sure when they well stock this.
At the moment, none of the dealers are readily stocking the GT60. Once others start selling, there will be more clarity on whether JL will stock it or not. May be worth speaking to them & hold on for 2-3 weeks.
I can only observe that I'm keeping the VT65, as long as no obvious issues develop.

Whether it's worth the extra is down to individual requirements. Have you ruled out another VT50? A replacement may be free of the "smokey spot," though you might get a TV with vertical banding. It's a tough decision. You might get a defect free set, or end up with more problems than you have now.

JL should give you a refund, no questions asked, since delivery of the replacement marks the start of a new contract of sale. I don't think JL will stock the GT60 (their 2013 brochure lists just the X60, VT65, and ZT65 for sale). The GT60 represents the sweet spot in terms of price vs. performance, so should be a strong contender for your next TV, especially if the VT65 looks too expensive.

At the very least, try to see a GT60 and VT65 in action before making any decision. If you have specific questions about the VT65, I'll do my best to provide answers.
i did not think about replacing the set for the same model..I assumed they would be out of stock now. I found it very difficult getting this one. I guess ill have to call up and arrange something. It's very annoying. I just want to sit back and enjoy the set..Missing out on formula one , footy, games... ARGH! I
civilian said:
i did not think about replacing the set for the same model..I assumed they would be out of stock now. I found it very difficult getting this one. I guess ill have to call up and arrange something. It's very annoying. I just want to sit back and enjoy the set..Missing out on formula one , footy, games... ARGH! I

i thought you only see it when it's off, can't you still watch it?
JL don't have anymore VT50, so i can't exchange for that again. Such a shame, it's actually a stunning set bar this one issue. Just watching F1 on it, the motion is far better then the GT50... I'm limited on what i can do now, refund or purchase the VT65.. GT60 was an option but i got told yesterday that JL would not be stocking it until another 6 weeks or so. I'm not sure i can wait that long. Strapped, Is there a considerable difference between the VT65 and VT50..? Any faults that occurred on the GT50 ECT, ECT?

P.S. RS are doing VT65 for £1700, Can i get JL to better that from anywhere else?
Sorry to hear you're still having a nightmare Civilian.

The VT65 produces deeper blacks and brighter whites than the VT50, especially in Professional modes, which were capped on last year's models.

The VT65 has other advantages over the VT50 (better uniformity, better sound, dual tuners, and more intuitive smart features, if that's important). However, the removal of the brightness cap is most important, since this means you can now have outstanding contrast performance and perfect colour.

Again, I can't advise you which TV to buy, but I'd highly recommend auditioning the VT65, especially since you've now seen a VT50 in action. You'll be better positioned to compare the TVs than myself.
True. I was watching Formula One today on my set..Amazing. I can only imagine VT65 to be special. I just read VT65 is wider then last years model...? If so, is the difference a lot? I wish to put R100 next to the set , finally moving away from my celestion sl600, space is key for me, as i haven't got a lot to play with.

Starpped how much did you purchse your set for? and from where?
£1.699 from John Lewis, price matched with Direct TVs. (I'm still on the look out for a better price match before my 28 days is up.)

Attached to the stand, the 50VT65 measures 120 x 79cm.

Just to be clear on a point in my previous post, the VT50 can produce reference greyscale and colour accuracy, but only at the the expense of contrast performance (due to the luminance cap in Professional modes and limited calibration options in other presets). This point is only worth noting if you ever plan to get your TV professionally calibrated. If not, stick it THX mode and away you go...
Interesting sizes on this, the Sony and samung 55" models are not as high and only a few cm's wider, surely Panasonic could have kept the width down a bit. It's 4 cm's higher and 3 wider than the gt50 or gt60
The VT65 is wider than the GT50, VT50, and GT60 because it uses front firing speakers running down the left and right edges of the TV.

The sound produced is noticeably fuller and clearer than any flatscreen I've owned, so for me those extra few centimetres are worth sacrificing. In reality, the TV's profile remains unimposing relative to its screen size.

The height difference is down to the stand, which I'm not so keen on. (In part because the TV sits higher, but mainly because the "V" shape makes hiding cables more difficult.)
i have just noticed something interesting.. The white smokey spot on the set seems to disappear when my curtains are drawn back.. My set is sat on a stand in the bay area..So you can imagine a huge window..Now, when the curtains aren't drawn back and light obviously seeps in, the spot can be seen..but when curtains r drawn back, and only room light is on, u can NOT see the spot...What do you guys make of that..?


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