TV Shootout: Panasonic CZ950, LG EF950V OLED, ZT Plasma

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ellisdj said:
Whats crazy about that test was how close it was between the LG and Panny OLED - thats just not right??

Was one flat and one curved or both curved?

If both curved then surely the result is biased in favour of ownership - becasue technically its the same panel with the Panasonic being a tweaked better version - so why did people vote for the LG as best? Thats just wrong

To belatedly answer your question, the LG OLED was flat and the Panasonic OLED was (gently) curved.
ellisdj said:
Whats crazy about that test was how close it was between the LG and Panny OLED - thats just not right??

Was one flat and one curved or both curved?

If both curved then surely the result is biased in favour of ownership - becasue technically its the same panel with the Panasonic being a tweaked better version - so why did people vote for the LG as best?  Thats just wrong

Probably goes on to show that a properly calibrated LG can rival the Panasonic.
bigboss said:
Probably goes on to show that a properly calibrated LG can rival the Panasonic.

At least, when the comparison event is run by neutrals, rather than tightly-controlled by Panasonic.

But, with the recent price drop of the flat LG OLED, the Panasonic OLED is now TWICE the price. Surely demand for the Panasonic OLED won't be all that high now, because I imagine that the sort of person who was considering buying the Panasonic OLED would have known about the shootout - and will now know the interim result.
gel said:
Thats what they are saying on AV too. And it's just any Tom, **** and Harry choosing which one is best. Bit of a joke really. *smile*

So are you saying that the people who actually bothered to travel and attend the shootout are somehow ignorant of television technology, or in some way not qualified to vote as to which television they thought was best?
ellisdj said:
Whats crazy about that test was how close it was between the LG and Panny OLED - thats just not right??

Was one flat and one curved or both curved?

If both curved then surely the result is biased in favour of ownership - becasue technically its the same panel with the Panasonic being a tweaked better version - so why did people vote for the LG as best? Thats just wrong

One factor that we've not mentioned on these pages so far is that the LG OLED is significantly brighter than the Panasonic OLED.
At the event I went to in 2014, there were plenty of highly qualified and experienced calibrators there and most of them owned either a kuro or Panasonic gt, VT and ZT plasma, including big brother and myself. The latter not as experienced in calibration, he says waiting for BB's retort...*dirol* to whom I don't think I spoke to due to us all keeping our call signs under wraps....
Series1boy said:
At the event I went to in 2014, there were plenty of highly qualified and experienced calibrators there and most of them owned either a kuro or Panasonic gt, VT and ZT plasma

So, not just any Tom, **** or Harry then.
If the LG was flat that might explain the votes against the curved panny. That explains a lot

Technically they should have all been calibrated to the same brightness as you would in the home but maybe they wasn't to help push sales / show off the full capability of what's on offer

In reality there is a peak brightness 35ftl is what thx say I think. The ZT only did 30ftl from my memory so 35ftl from the oled will look brighter but 30 is still bright enough.

In contrast projectors are suggested to be at 16ftl I think big difference
ellisdj said:
Technically they should have all been calibrated to the same brightness as you would in the home but maybe they wasn't to help push sales / show off the full capability of what's on offer

Crompton and Moore organised the event. Panasonic won last year. If it was to push sales, Panasonic would've won. More importantly, all TVs were personally calibrated by Vincent Teoh and I don't doubt his sincerity one bit.
I have no issue in promotion and sales to pay for such events because they wouldn't be put on otherwise

The event was to show new vs old and how better it is for people to buy the new, again nonissue with this at all.

For the oleds to be voted best on brighter whites they must have been calibrated brighter than the ZT is what I was getting at
This was my comment about whites in last year's TV shootout:

"Plasmas made after 2009 energy regulations had Automatic Brightness Limiter (ABL) built in, which cannot be switched off. That’s why Panasonic ZT suffered. LG was quite interesting. Theoretically, it should be able to display perfect whites as it’s the most energy efficient, but Vincent thinks LG has employed ABL to prevent the OLED from burning in."
bigboss said:
This was my comment about whites in last year's TV shootout:

"Plasmas made after 2009 energy regulations had Automatic Brightness Limiter (ABL) built in, which cannot be switched off. That’s why Panasonic ZT suffered. LG was quite interesting. Theoretically, it should be able to display perfect whites as it’s the most energy efficient, but Vincent thinks LG has employed ABL to prevent the OLED from burning in."

It is possible that LG has not employed ABL in their latest OLED TV range.
That is an area of focus for LG brightness for hdr spec they are roughly 400 - 500 nits where LCD can push 1000 nits - it needs to because the blacks are so limited

So there is a good chance abl will be turned down / off

I am sure if you enter the service menus of plasma TV you can turn the abl limiter right up but that's not something I know how to do / ever felt the need to
ellisdj said:
I am sure if you enter the service menus of plasma TV you can turn the abl limiter right up but that's not something I know how to do / ever felt the need to

From the tenor of what you've been saying, ellisdj, perhaps you meant "you can turn the abl limiter right OFF"?

Even though my Panasonic 65VT65 hasn't been calibrated yet, I'm quite happy with its brightness (and of the brightness of my other three plasmas) so I also wouldn't want to enter the service menu. Plus, I'd be dead scared that by changing the ABL, I would damage the set.
I doubt you will damage the set it can go brighter it's just limited in its best picture settings. Vincent says he has got 50 ftl out of a ZT so it can do it no problem
ellisdj said:
I doubt you will damage the set it can go brighter it's just limited in its best picture settings. Vincent says he has got 50 ftl out of a ZT so it can do it no problem

At the shootout, Vincent said that the ABL limiter in plasmas since 2009 cannot be turned off even by professional calibrators. The purpose of ABL limiter was simply for plasmas to comply with energy regulations. All plasmas before 2009 including the Kuro did not have the ABL limiter employed.
i have raised my abl on my kuro with no problems,my abl was on about 160 and now on 200 ,i think the kuro can still compete with these new kids on the block, unless you have a p/j of course : )


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