Religion is a set of morals and beliefs. I think faith and religion is in its core positive, brings love and good energy helping in our existance, connects us to noumenon beyond our sensoric capabilities. This can be easily demonstrated even through mechanicistic methods (hormones, body language, implied meanings in communication etc.). As anything when touched by politics it becomes corrupt, vile and evil (deffinition of evil is lack of empathy). When one being decides to harm another being for its own benefits and beliefs, it lacks empathy, therefore is evil. The completely oposite is giving own sacrifice for the benefit of other beings, which is the ultimate good, highest empathy towards humanity and all living things. The symbolic form of this is Jesus. An idea, a man, a message, whatever. Jesus is religion teaching coexistance among us, therefore is something positive about religion. Vatican bank financing corrupt and greedy child diddling old men, not so much.
When religion loses its moral component is way worse than just having outdated beliefs from the bronze age. Knowledge can be outdated, but morals are essentially the same. Value life, love fellow man, be good and forgive others.
Can you be a good person without practicing religion? Yes. A good atheist believes he/she shouldn't harm other humans because it is a social contract (Rousseau). You treat me good, I treat you good. A Christian religious person believes he/she should do good in order to go to heaven. The result is the same. Should we riddicule the person thinking there is litteral heaven beyond death? Well that would be lack of empathy, mean, therefore evil. You are being a bad atheist if you riddicule religious people, which is worse than being good and believing in nonsense.?