To Pre or not to Pre? That is the question.


New member
Jul 4, 2016
Hi there,

I'm planning to use a newly acquired Chord Mojo direct to 2 x Cyrus Smartpowers, X powers or Mono X's, ATC SCM7 mk3, Tannoy TS2.10. I only need up to 3 digital sources which the Mojo provides suitably other than having to disconnect to switch.

Would a dedicated analogue Cyrus Pre Amp (DAC XP, Pre XP, VS2, Pre XVS) offer significant gains in SQ over the Mojo or Pre out from a Monitor Audio A100?

I will eventually add a Stream X2.

It would be good insight to have opinions from anyones experience with the Mojo/Cyrus Pre DAC's comparisons or using the Mojo direct to Power amps.

I ask because it would need to be sourced on the used market where auditions are compromised.

I don't see how the balanced connections on the DAC XP/ Mono X would be of benefit either as the mains is not earthed.

I also find a Earth lift on the Macbook pro chareger removes a slight buzz heard at high volume with no signal.

In the end it looks like I can't resist the extraordinary value of the less sought after AV8/Smartpowers
I have the Mojo direct to a Cyrus Smartpower and it sounds out of this world.

My M.A. A100 is now redundant.

I now wonder if any of the Cyrus Pre Amps would improve the SQ other than adding Remote/switching.

Gonna try an AV8 in the meantime to relieve the Mojo for mobile duties.
Thought of acquiring a Av8 Discmaster which could be run direct to power amps. However my Echostar Freeview hd has a Toslink for a decoder if there was anything broadcast. Pitty the discmaster doesn't have a single input. yet has a QX upgrade. Cyrus AV QoXup.


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