plastic penguin said:Sure there's a conspiracy against me ...
plastic penguin said:Sure there's a conspiracy against me, and the thread is blown out of all proportion. I get accused of this and that, yet my initial post was just an alternative to the OP -- balanced, fair and honest appraisal (with a little humour, too).
"Now I've not heard any actives, but from the countless posts I've read about their ability, sonic signature, the closest I've heard is my set-up.
Yes, Leema Pulse MKI and PMC speakers. The bass is as controlled and taut as a very taut thing, the top-end is crisp and the midrange is immensely expressive. From what I've read, the only thing a AVI owner would miss is the outright clarity (there's honesty for you), but again this is going purely on all comments written about the fabled AVIs.
Add into the Leema equation is a shed-load of analogue inputs and a fabulous double-sided phono stage for turntables. No need to faff with buying extra boxes and gizmos.
That said, it could be b#####ks and I look the idiot."
Cno offers alternatives of Bel Canto + LS50s as alternatives and later R300 to go with the OP's Cyrus, yet no-one batters an eyelid. Wish there was more parity when it came to other posters replies. Why not tell Cno "it's a price thing"?
chebby said:plastic penguin said:Sure there's a conspiracy against me ...
Yes, we are all plotting against you at our secret meetings.
davedotco said:plastic penguin said:Sure there's a conspiracy against me, and the thread is blown out of all proportion. I get accused of this and that, yet my initial post was just an alternative to the OP -- balanced, fair and honest appraisal (with a little humour, too).
"Now I've not heard any actives, but from the countless posts I've read about their ability, sonic signature, the closest I've heard is my set-up.
Yes, Leema Pulse MKI and PMC speakers. The bass is as controlled and taut as a very taut thing, the top-end is crisp and the midrange is immensely expressive. From what I've read, the only thing a AVI owner would miss is the outright clarity (there's honesty for you), but again this is going purely on all comments written about the fabled AVIs.
Add into the Leema equation is a shed-load of analogue inputs and a fabulous double-sided phono stage for turntables. No need to faff with buying extra boxes and gizmos.
That said, it could be b#####ks and I look the idiot."
Cno offers alternatives of Bel Canto + LS50s as alternatives and later R300 to go with the OP's Cyrus, yet no-one batters an eyelid. Wish there was more parity when it came to other posters replies. Why not tell Cno "it's a price thing"?
Because he made that comment before the OP had given a budget, not after.
Sure you can buy used product, the OP seems quite comfortable doing so, but that is a different market that can not really be compared to buying new, fully warranteed equipment from a compedent supplier.
Or of course you can mix it up, a decent used amplifier such as those suggested by yourself and Cno with a pair of DB1 Golds, new from Fanthorpes (£800) and you might get pretty close to budget, perfectly valid setup.
I really do not see what your 'issues' are.....*unknw*
Apart from the secret society plotting against you that is......*shok*
hybridauth_facebook_1361961955 said:Thanks to everybody for all the valuable input (so far)
I am amazed though how people can start bashing eachother on such a subjective topic as choosing Hifi. A waste of valuable energy IMHO. Let's just be nice to eachother, what's wrong with the fact that person X favours a setup with vintage passive speakers over state of the art 2k14 active all-in-one solutions that are attractive to person Y or Z?
Me, I don't mind if set is brand new or 30 years old. I just want it to sound good.
On topic; to clarify things I tend toward buying good 2nd hand cos of the value for money. It would be great to have it all in box instead of a multi box setup. However, from reading posts all over the web, I think that the 9T or 9RS may lack bass given my personal (music) taste. Getting a subwoofer is not an option for me, given earlier experiences in both home audio and (recording/mixing) studios. Blame it on music producer ears ;-)
I've contacted Audio Tec in the Netherlands and will travel there for an audition of the active AVI solution (I asked if they still have a passive setup available for 1 on 1 comparison).
The idea of getting the AVI s2000 pre & 2 mono power still appeals to me very much though. However, given my ltd budget I might hang on to the Cyrus 8 for a while and spend more on speakers. So more input is very welcome.
Near me, a pair of AVI Duo have been offered, can anybody tell me if these are worth the 70 mile trip for having a listen?
Thanks again for taking part and eh... be nice to eachother, allright?
davedotco said:I feel that virtually all affordable hi-fi speakers have far too much bass and very littly of it has anything to do with the music.
Once (if?) you get used to bass response of this quality and type you will find, as I do, most affordable speakers to be pretty much unlistenable.
Al ears said:Whilst the Active / Passive debate gets quietly out of hand (again) I was wondering why lindsayt mentions the need to try a different tonearm? Where did that one come from?
The OP has a real quality TT set-up with a very fine SME 309 and a very decent Zyx cartridge (I love 'em) not at all sure what changing tonearms has go to do with it.
hybridauth_facebook_1361961955 said:Thanks to everybody for all the valuable input (so far)
I am amazed though how people can start bashing eachother on such a subjective topic as choosing Hifi. A waste of valuable energy IMHO. Let's just be nice to eachother, what's wrong with the fact that person X favours a setup with vintage passive speakers over state of the art 2k14 active all-in-one solutions that are attractive to person Y or Z?
Me, I don't mind if set is brand new or 30 years old. I just want it to sound good.
On topic; to clarify things I tend toward buying good 2nd hand cos of the value for money. It would be great to have it all in box instead of a multi box setup. However, from reading posts all over the web, I think that the 9T or 9RS may lack bass given my personal (music) taste. Getting a subwoofer is not an option for me, given earlier experiences in both home audio and (recording/mixing) studios. Blame it on music producer ears ;-)
I've contacted Audio Tec in the Netherlands and will travel there for an audition of the active AVI solution (I asked if they still have a passive setup available for 1 on 1 comparison).
The idea of getting the AVI s2000 pre & 2 mono power still appeals to me very much though. However, given my ltd budget I might hang on to the Cyrus 8 for a while and spend more on speakers. So more input is very welcome.
Near me, a pair of AVI Duo have been offered, can anybody tell me if these are worth the 70 mile trip for having a listen?
Thanks again for taking part and eh... be nice to eachother, allright?
I feel that virtually all affordable hi-fi speakers have far too much bass and very littly of it has anything to do with the music
Overdose said:davedotco said:I feel that virtually all affordable hi-fi speakers have far too much bass and very littly of it has anything to do with the music.
Once (if?) you get used to bass response of this quality and type you will find, as I do, most affordable speakers to be pretty much unlistenable.
As a matter of (genuine) interest, what passive standmount speakers do have a good/accurate bass response? All in your own opinion and all that other caveat stuff.
I'm fairly confident that I'd be able to get suitable amplification and source below £500, but just how much would you need to spend to get the same sort of quality from speakers that the ADM9s offer?
plastic penguin said:Sure there's a conspiracy against me, and the thread is blown out of all proportion. I get accused of this and that, yet my initial post was just an alternative to the OP -- balanced, fair and honest appraisal (with a little humour, too).
plastic penguin said:Cno offers alternatives of Bel Canto + LS50s as alternatives and later R300 to go with the OP's Cyrus, yet no-one batters an eyelid. Wish there was more parity when it came to other posters replies. Why not tell Cno "it's a price thing"?
hybridauth_facebook_1361961955 said:Yr remark leaves me curious. For me, it's not about names, brand, hype or £ - it's about the sound I get out. That's how I picked my Orbe configuration and where the guy who built it for me clearly put question marks on my cartridge choice at first, after listening to it he had to admit that the ZYX was a better match than the top of the line Clearaudio cartridge he used to recommend (at less than 35% of the price). So I am very curious on your pick of amp/passive speakers (standmount, floorstanders) up to £1500 - and the sound characteristics that come with it. Or should I just wait till after the ADM9 audition?
hybridauth_facebook_1361961955 said:Yr remark leaves me curious. For me, it's not about names, brand, hype or £ - it's about the sound I get out. That's how I picked my Orbe configuration and where the guy who built it for me clearly put question marks on my cartridge choice at first, after listening to it he had to admit that the ZYX was a better match than the top of the line Clearaudio cartridge he used to recommend (at less than 35% of the price). So I am very curious on your pick of amp/passive speakers (standmount, floorstanders) up to £1500 - and the sound characteristics that come with it. Or should I just wait till after the ADM9 audition?