Well observed! I said "To my Ears", I phased it so that it is open, so we can have a sensible debate 🙂
I am convinced USB cables make a difference, because even digital transmission relies on voltage and this can impact on the sound.
I am glad you said "to my ears" as I am one who is unconvinced of an audio difference in digital cables.
I do wonder if you are hearing a perceived difference on an actual difference.
Are you swayed by the fact that you know which cable you are listening to?
It could be a placebo effect or there
really is a difference
Now I have tried a few analogue cables (speaker and inter-connect) and cannot tell a difference (My ears? possibly))
But this has left me a cynic when it comes to cables (most definitely digital)
I am thinking that due the difference in inductance, capacitance and resistance of analogue cables, would affect the sound but I think the effect is more subtle that people realise.
OK... back to digital cables and USB in this case.
I believe that a digital signal is error free or not.
If error free, we get a nice clean signal.
If there are errors. Then we get pops/clicks
None of this increased bass/smoother mid-range talk.
Wanna convince me..... or how do I convince myself.
I think only a blind listening test would do that.
Probable goes for most people as well.
If one knows what cable/piece of equipment they are listening to. I think the person would be biased as to what they are hearing.
Then again you
do say that you hear a difference.
Perhaps you have better ears