I’ve never got all the PRAT twaddle. As for playing ten seconds excerpts, well...as Linn admits, many folk struggle with that, and I’m one of them.
The best bit of the extract from Linn that Vlad kindly quoted above was that they translate it back to ‘pitch accuracy’. That to me is 100% a mechanical thing, and of course belt driven turntables are the worst at that. A cheap direct drive from three decades ago will do better, never mind the latest - amazing - Technics turntables. Completely inapplicable to amps or digital therefore...although digital done bad can sound “disorganised”, a current WHF favourite term. But then that’s maybe due to jitter. And jitter is bad timing!
Ok, so maybe timing matters. But it’s not something I ever hear in isolation, unlike soundstage or separation or harmonic accuracy, or ambience....