The WHF Film Club

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OK. Can we all aim to watch Mulholland Drive by the end of the weekend?
There will be a quiz, though I posted the questions in advance.
In case anyone missed them...

strapped for cash said:
1. At which points in the film do we make the transition from conscious to unconscious representation (or vice-versa)?

2. What does the colour blue represent?

3. What can we learn from the audition scenes (compare and contrast in terms of acting style)?

4. Who is the man behind Winkies (and can we identify his equivalent in other Lynch films)?

If we get through deciphering the narrative in detail, we can perhaps get into what the film says about Hollywood and is in conversation with American film history.
13 Assassins on tomorrow night at 9 on Film4. Definitely worth watching.
Kurosawa season starting on Film4 on February 6th, beginning with my personal favourite, Yojimbo. Do yourself a favour and record the whole season.
Just to clarify, 13 Assassins is on tonight at 9pm.

It's starting now.
BenLaw said:
Pretty busy at the moment and spending my spare time watching Breaking Bad!

How good is this Breaking Bad Ben?

Oh man, it's the best thing ever! I haven't had the commitment to watch any of the various (mostly American) series over the last decade or so that people have raved about. However, the premise of BB attracted me more than, say, The Wire or The Sopranos, I was intrigued to see what Bryan Cranston would be like in a serious role and someone on here posted a great deal for the blu ray before Christmas (£50 for all 62 episodes in a very nice boxset, now about £90). It is remarkably well written and acted, believable yet fantastic, great character and story arc. It's really hard to fault and it is very addictive. It's also great that Clodagh is into it just as much, so we're both keen to sit down and watch an episode or two before bed after Asher goes to sleep. So it's rather eaten into film watching time, especially with work still being fairly busy, but I would highly recommend it if you get a chance. An episode or two is better than 90% of the films I watched last year, let alone consistent quality every time you watch some more.
Hi BBB, thanks for the offer in the What are you watching thread to come on board the Film Club, sadly I think I'll have to decline because, although I like watching non mainstream films, I fear I wouldn't have a great deal to offer the group. I can only really manage a few words of appreciation for a film, if it came to an in depth critique then I'm totally out of my depth. Just looking at Strapped's questions about Mulholland Drive earlier blew my tiny mind!!

Thanks anyway, but I think I'll lurk to see what you guys are watching from now on :grin:
Diamond Joe said:
Hi BBB, thanks for the offer in the What are you watching thread to come on board the Film Club, sadly I think I'll have to decline because, although I like watching non mainstream films, I fear I wouldn't have a great deal to offer the group. I can only really manage a few words of appreciation for a film, if it came to an in depth critique then I'm totally out of my depth. Just looking at Strapped's questions about Mulholland Drive earlier blew my tiny mind!!

Thanks anyway, but I think I'll lurk to see what you guys are watching from now on :grin:

You're not alone, Strapped thinks I'm having him on, and playing the Joey Essex card, but most of the time, I haven't got a clue what he's on about.. :grin:

Strapped will be leaving the club soon, as he doesn't think he has the time to contribute to the discussions as he would wish, but his place is always open for his return should his circumstances change.

Please feel free to watch the films that we propose, and if you do feel you'd like to add to the discussions, feel free.

Mulholland Drive is Strapped's choice for us to watch, and his last before he bows out, so February will be my choice, and I have 3 very different films for the guys to decide between.
One more thing Diamond Joe, there's a season of Kurosawa films starting on Film4 on February 6th, a fantastic film maker, and definitely worth watching if you're not familiar with his work.

The first film is Yojimbo, which is my personal favourite, and the film that A Fistful Of Dollars was entirely based on.
Strapped thinks I'm having him on, and playing the Joey Essex card, but most of the time, I haven't got a clue what he's on about.. :grin:

Fair enough, BBB.

Question #1 could be rephrased as "When in the film do we move between dream and 'reality'?"

As nominator, I wanted to open conversation. I hoped the above questions would help us get at what the film's about.

Of course members would need to watch it, first...
:grin: You do know no offence was meant don't you.

I still haven't watched Mulholland Drive, but I'm hoping I can find the time at some point today.

I'm not actually doing anything much, but I think I'd rather watch MD in the evening rather than the day.
Strapped thinks I'm having him on, and playing the Joey Essex card, but most of the time, I haven't got a clue what he's on about.. :grin:

If it's any consolation BBB, I watched the first half of the film last night, and only possibly have a half answer to one of his questions so far. 🙂

Here's hoping the sencond half is more understanding.
strapped for cash said:
Get on it Expat Mike!

It's not a film to watch in halves. It's also not a film that offers up easy answers on a single viewing.

It's taking long enough for everyone to watch it once, so please don't encourage them to watch it more than that. 🙂
If members can watch Mulholland Drive more than once, I'd argue that they should. Not that I can enforce such activity.

Incidentally, Mark Gatiss is presenting a documentary on the history of the European horror film on BBC Four late tonight, starting with German expressionism and ending with giallo. (So from Der Golem to The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, or something like that, presumably taking in Hammer along the way.)

Might be really interesting. I set it to record.
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