I've a large writing project to complete in the next few months and I'll have little time to focus on anything else.
It seems unfair to continue with something I can't give my full attention, however informal. Something's gotta give; and it makes sense to drop hobbies first.
As for the voting, in order of preference, I'd go for In the Realm of the Senses; Pan's Labyrinth; then V for Vendetta. (I've been pretty clear on my lack of admiration for Natalie Portman; and there's yet to be a half decent Moore adaptation.)
I'll leave it up to you whether to count my votes.
On a positive note, I can go out discussing Mulholland Drive. I appreciate it's a film some have seen, but I reckon we can unpack it in detail.
With this in mind, I'll frame the viewing (as we discussed) with a few questions that are in some ways related:
1. At which points in the film do we make the transition from conscious to unconscious representation (or vice-versa)?
2. What does the colour blue represent?
3. What can we learn from the audition scenes (compare and contrast in terms of acting style)?
4. Who is the man behind Winkies (and can we identify his equivalent in other Lynch films)?
If we get through deciphering the narrative in detail, we can perhaps get into what the film says about Hollywood and is in conversation with American film history.
For what it's worth, I'm familiar with various interpretations, many discussed in detail online. I have a very specific reading of the film, which corresponds to some degree with what others have said.