iceman16 said:
Hi Cno
Have you ever heard the Dynaudio Confidence C2? Well I'm really enjoying my current system atm, but in the near future (upgrade) I want to hear the Confidence C2. At 87db and 4 ohms do you think the AMS 35i can handle them very well?
I'm sorry IM, I haven't.
I suspect they will be brilliant, but very (very) different to Focal (it's more in the SF Amati Futura camp).....just make sure that mixed with the 35i, they don't overwhelm the room with bass (not a problem if you have plenty of space).
I would say the 35i would manage provided you aren't running a night club. The amp likes sensitive speakers (89dB) with a low impedance (4 Ohms), which makes the most of it's current ability.....though you should get a second opinion and listen for yourself.
I would also suggest Kef Refs as a happy medium between Focal and Dynaudio......and imo would sound glorious on the end of your system! :shifty:
Thanks Cno... I will definitely put the Kef Refs on my top 5 audition lists. My other options would be Proac Response D40R and Spendor ST Statement for now.