JMac said:I do like the look of those Luxman integrateds. Often toyed with the idea of bringing one in as even after shipping and duties they're cheaper than the Sugdens and are supposed to have more of an accurate sound.
CnoEvil said:JMac said:It would be interesting for someone to do a back to back with other class A's e.g. a sugden masterclass, just to see how they compare.
The other thing is, if its so great, and I'm not doubting it is, 1) why did MF stop making it and 2) why havent they reintroduced it since?
The AMS35i is step up from the IA-4 ie. in terms of power, bass slam/depth and is even more glorious in the mid range. I think you need to be looking at the Masterclass pre/power to match it.
I suspect that they stopped making it because people are put off paying so much money for something that is "only" 35W, runs hot enough to fry an egg on and draws so much power from the mains.
IMO. In order to match its performance within Class A, you need to be looking at the top offerings from Luxman, Accuphase, Audio Analogue and Pathos.
Its "replacement" is the Nu-Vista 800, which costs £2k more and has 300W / 8 Ohm and 580W / 4 Ohm.
JMac said:It would be interesting for someone to do a back to back with other class A's e.g. a sugden masterclass, just to see how they compare.
The other thing is, if its so great, and I'm not doubting it is, 1) why did MF stop making it and 2) why havent they reintroduced it since?
SteveR750 said:And is massively over priced in my opinion. Even had I the full asking price of £8k there are much better value options out there. It wasn't noticeably better than the significantly cheaper SAI250 when I heard it driving some ProAcs
Cno, you know the solution to prevent it getting hot, just turn the volume up, and then some!
CnoEvil said:SteveR750 said:And is massively over priced in my opinion. Even had I the full asking price of £8k there are much better value options out there. It wasn't noticeably better than the significantly cheaper SAI250 when I heard it driving some ProAcs
Cno, you know the solution to prevent it getting hot, just turn the volume up, and then some!
Sometimes a quick listen tells you all you need to know about a product....and sometimes it doesn't.
I haven't heard this new amp, but I suspect that to see what it can really do, you would need to have it in a pretty hi-end system eg. Klimax DS + Nu-Vista + Kef Blades.
CnoEvil said:SteveR750 said:And is massively over priced in my opinion. Even had I the full asking price of £8k there are much better value options out there. It wasn't noticeably better than the significantly cheaper SAI250 when I heard it driving some ProAcs
Cno, you know the solution to prevent it getting hot, just turn the volume up, and then some!
Sometimes a quick listen tells you all you need to know about a product....and sometimes it doesn't.
I haven't heard this new amp, but I suspect that to see what it can really do, you would need to have it in a pretty hi-end system eg. Klimax DS + Nu-Vista + Kef Blades.
Good man!iceman16 said:Hi Cno..I've just bought a Synergistic research SR20 fuses 13a to try with my Chord powerchord connected to the AMS. I think its one of the best low cost upgrade I've made. Listened to very familiar cd tracks and I can't believe for a small outlay it does really improved the sound coming from the speakers! It just sounds more of everything( better) the stock fuse and recently HiFi tuning gold fuse. I also stuck one in my cdp and again I would say it gets much even better..I have tried the HiFi tuning supreme in my cdp but I did'nt like it, sounds too bright and harsh in the HF so Ive sold them. Prior to the SR20 are the AMR gold fuses which sound more relaxed, laid back and not as detailed as the others I tried. The SR20 have a 30 days money back return but I'll be keeping them! I paid £27 each plus delivery which rrp is £39.95. Other may say placebo or expectation bias but I don't care. I really like them and I'll be ordering for more.
CnoEvil said:Good man!iceman16 said:Hi Cno..I've just bought a Synergistic research SR20 fuses 13a to try with my Chord powerchord connected to the AMS. I think its one of the best low cost upgrade I've made. Listened to very familiar cd tracks and I can't believe for a small outlay it does really improved the sound coming from the speakers! It just sounds more of everything( better) the stock fuse and recently HiFi tuning gold fuse. I also stuck one in my cdp and again I would say it gets much even better..I have tried the HiFi tuning supreme in my cdp but I did'nt like it, sounds too bright and harsh in the HF so Ive sold them. Prior to the SR20 are the AMR gold fuses which sound more relaxed, laid back and not as detailed as the others I tried. The SR20 have a 30 days money back return but I'll be keeping them! I paid £27 each plus delivery which rrp is £39.95. Other may say placebo or expectation bias but I don't care. I really like them and I'll be ordering for more.
That is remarkably generous of you and I may well take you up on your offer at a later date.iceman16 said:I can send you a piece(SR20) for you to try, you might be surprised!
CnoEvil said:That is remarkably generous of you and I may well take you up on your offer at a later date.iceman16 said:I can send you a piece(SR20) for you to try, you might be surprised!
Cheers my friend.
It is...and if you have a Sub connected to the Pre-Out, it will send a thump through it when switched on/off (so Sub needs to be on standby, while switching). I still wouldn't swap it for a "sensible" Amp, though...matt49 said:The AMS35i's remote control is a nightmare. When I trialled it, I found it was either too loud or too quiet.
very nice amp though. *dirol*