FrankHarveyHiFi said:
The 909 will drive them well, but can get a tad warm over long periods or at very high volumes. While there are reasons to change each item, the speakers will improve with the electronics, so that narrows it down a bit. If you want to improve quality, look at the 8200CDQ - but with it being such a good product for the price, it'll be a feat to improve that without spending a fair bit. If you want to hear more of what the 201/2's can do, look at the power amplification. I would probably look at the source.
Thumbs up for the JR149's - I have a couple of pairs myself. I'll probably sell a pair now I have the LS50's, but I'll keep a pair for sentimental reasons 🙂
I do realise there are some shortcomings in my system especially on the pre-amp side. I actually have a 10 years old yamaha av receiver acting as a pre-amp because the pre-amp in 8200CDQ is, frankly, quite weak (most obvious when it comes to bass control).
Due to career instability, I couldn't spend as much money/effort on my system as i would like since i bought the speakers. However I have been doing some background reading and planning, from what i can gather from friends and google, I'm quite interested in the followings at the moment:
Front: dCs P8i or McIntosh MCD500 [Front end will be second hand, I never like how fast the front end drops in value]
Amp: 2x McIntosh MC275, Parasound JC1+2, 2x Pathos Classic One mk3
Strangely, I actually quite like the super warm presentation from my system, especially after turning on the 909 for about an hour. But as you can see, if i were to go for dCs (which I believe is a very cold player), then i will mix it with either MC275 or Pathos which should give the system some warmth. If I go for the not-as-cold MCD500 then i will go for some Parasound amplification.
But then again, all these are based on what i have read online and recommendation from friends, so the actual system matching will have to done via demo.
Funny you mentioned LS50, i had very high hopes for them. I came very close to order them for my new office, even before they are offically hit the shelf. I was so pleased with the 201/2 i was williing to buy them blind. BUT then i went to one of the hifi show in August (dont think i should mention which one), I was rather disappointed... it was in a demo room, not random open hall, so it was in some-what controlled environment. may be the LS50 were totally new, or may be i was not used to the room, but they just didn't cut it for me. In the same room there were a pair of PMC twenty 23 and they sounded quite abit better than the LS. (ok, twice the price, but I was hoping the LS would at least be able to match 80% performance of R series... ) I just couldn't find that "open the magic portal" feeling that i get from the 201/2. [the room next door had a pair of KEF blades and those are definitely something else]
CnoEvil said:
Welcome aboard.....and I hope you keep us abreast of where your hifi journey takes you.
Kef Refs sound well with Plinius, Electrocompaniet, McIntosh and MF AMS amps (and of course Pathos!)
Yes, of course. I'm very tempted to experiment with Eletrocompaniet AW180 because A, Kef engineer said that's what they used when designing the Ref /2 series. B, their house sound seems to match my likings. C, there are currently a pair on ebay..... :dance: MF is also tempting, but it seems to me they change their model quite often which leads to below-average secondhand price and i'm not big fan of that.... :?