superaudio playback


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone, I have the nad t585 and I'm using the digital out into my 785 receiver and as a result no sound can be produced,except for analogue bypass.Also in stereo only.Does sacd only work in analog only? I've gone through the manual's instructions- could be more user friendly-and no luck.With dvd audio, Alan Parson's On AIr, only works through digital out. So you have to use both connections and I was hoping to just use one - dig - out . Since these formats are hybrid recordings should'nt they be purely digital? Cheers.
to answer you question you should be able to. BUT i think there is something in the menu that limits/controls/messes it up.

Dont have the manual to had and did not really pay to much interest as I am using the HDMI connection to my 805.
been and down loaded the manual and it is fairly clear.

SACD audio output is available only at 5.1 CHANNEL AUDIO OUT and
MIXED AUDIO OUT. There is no SACD audio output at DIGITAL OUT.

Page 16.
ukadvocate: Does sacd only work in analog only?

SACD ir digitally protected format, so analog audio output only. Unless your receiver also has ability to decode sacd stream and you have special protected link between your player and receiver. Some Denon's have. That is a Sony policy for copy protection (that will kill this format one day).
Or an HDMI connection, in which case some players can deliver DSD, and others LPCM, from SA-CD into a suitable receiver.
Thanks everyone for your reply. I e-mailed nad just received an answer and your idiot,you have confirmed the inevitable, a shame really. Andrew, I did not know you can use hdmi for sound ( thought just for pictures ) useful bit of information.Is it better than the other sources ?
I mean ... your right ediot.... sorry for the bit of a mix-up.
Nads,read your post, could not confirm the page it is no where stated in my manuals or I'm blind but I did find on pg. 35 of t585 man. that it supports 5.1 dig-out or am I reading or understanding it wrong? This is getting a bit confusing, but I won't fret over it.
ukadvocate:Andrew, I did not know you can use hdmi for sound ( thought just for pictures ) useful bit of information.Is it better than the other sources ?

High-Definition Multimedia Interface, innit though?

Yes, HDMI can be very good for audio, provided the source component can either output the audio as SACD's native Direct Stream Digital or convert it to multichannel Linear PCM, and the receiving component can accept either DSD or LPCM.

HDMI has much higher bandwidth than S/PDIF - ie optical/electrical digital -, which is why it can carry high-definition multichannel audio as well as HD video, and S/PDIF can't even manage the audio bit. S/PDIF can only do multichannel audio in the form of conventional Dolby Digital and DTS - not the HD versions - because those formats are heavily compressed.
ukadvocate:I mean ... your right ediot.... sorry for the bit of a mix-up.

🙂 no worries. Truth is impossible to hide 🙂

But why do you want digital link? Do you think that receiver can do sacd decoding job better then your purpose built player? I doubt. Just hunt for normal analog cables on ebay and enjoy your music.


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