Static noise on standby Triangle Borea BR02BT


Active member
Feb 7, 2023
Im looking for some active speakers for my computer, im sitting 1.5 meters from the spekears.
I purchased a new Triangle Borea BR02BT and after working with them a few hours i returned them to the store.
the static noise killed me, even without any source connected !! i also tried to switch outlets, same noise.. u cant hear it from 2 meters away but when im sitting infront of them in a quiet room its definetly hearble..
so any advice on another active speakers maybe monitors ?

Speakers don't really make noise. They transduce whatever is fed to them. So, the problem is farther back in your source.

"No source connected" -- it's getting power from something 😉

I can't give a better answer until you describe all the components of the system including cables. Bad cables bent/tangled/crossing cables can be a problem.
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Speakers don't really make noise. They transduce whatever is fed to them. So, the problem is farther back in your source.

"No source connected" -- it's getting power from something 😉

I can't give a better answer until you describe all the components of the system including cables. Bad cables bent/tangled/crossing cables can be a problem.

I tried bluetooth and SPDIF whitch should be the cleanest..
3.5 to RCA..
but again, even if i unplug everything and just leave the power on i can hear noise.
and as i mentioned tried to use different outlet that goes directly to power panel... same..
its a very quiet sound ....
Badly designed powered speakers will make a noise, even without a signal. I had some for my PC years ago and they hissed like a snake. Having cables running in parallel can be a problem, Poorly screened signal cables can pick up noise from nearby power cables. If you have a lot of cables, it's best to have them crossing over each other, at right angles, to minimise interference.
A mains conditioner on everything plugged in might help. A bit expensive though. Any long run of copper will behave like an aerial, picking up anything electrically noisy nearby. Poorly designed PSUs in these speakers could make them hiss or buzz. I prefer having amplifiers away from speakers. I'm not convinced a speaker with loads of stuff near the drive units will help. Massive magnets in a speaker very close to the sensitive amplifier and DAC electronics. I'm always going to choose a pair of speakers I can use several feet away from an amplifier.
Sensitive drivers on a noisy amp will lead to the hiss you describe. The power supply or caps probably arent that great, built to a price point.

Speaker wise i dont know what your budget is but maybe a pair of kef SLX or something like that
A mains conditioner on everything plugged in might help. A bit expensive though. Any long run of copper will behave like an aerial, picking up anything electrically noisy nearby. Poorly designed PSUs in these speakers could make them hiss or buzz. I prefer having amplifiers away from speakers. I'm not convinced a speaker with loads of stuff near the drive units will help. Massive magnets in a speaker very close to the sensitive amplifier and DAC electronics. I'm always going to choose a pair of speakers I can use several feet away from an amplifier.
I have a Tacima mains conditioner that all my equipment go into. My amplifier has a hum from the transformer when you switch it on but doesn't effect the sound of the system. The Tacima doesn't get rid of it.
Another poster recently complained about the hiss from his Focal powered speakers.

An online review of them said it was a real problem at close range - and judged them unsuitable for hi-fi use.

If you've got the same issue, no amount of mains conditioning / cable routing is going to help.
I had assumed they were externally amped speakers.
Yep, I guessed that. Always worth checking out the kit, as most posters assume we are familiar with everything!

Unfortunately, these cheaper powered speakers don’t seem to typically be very quiet or noise resistant. I wonder if the OP has chargers, Dect phones or thermostats nearby. Or new led lights. All these seem to give off EMI that can cause problems in some installations.
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