Mackie MR524 is damm good


Well-known member
I took the chance based on reviews and for only 6-7 euros extra for 6 year warranty and 180 days of satisfaction garanty,warranty (30 days free return) to buy som active studio monitors

My rotel a11 tribute couldn't to my surprise drive them loud, 50 out of 100 there is some sound, 70-80 out of 100 still not super loud

Nad 1000 at 7-8 on the volume there is sound

Rotel has an output of 1 volt, nad 1000 max is 12 volt on u (gain on the speakers) it's loud and pretty much plays everything at 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock perfect loud,highs -2 db and acoustic space on b, change to a white real rca-rca cable did something to the highs my klotz ac106 rca to trs is not good at,no things start be fun

I wanted a more loud,dynamic and tight dry bass or dynamic.loud studio monitor with an uncolored sound

Mackie MR524

They sound amazing, bass is super for the size, deep tight and punchy in my room, midrange no sharpness what so ever and i feel the balance in the highs for me is best at -2db,not angled towards where im sitting, good hight on my isoacoustics 155 stands at max height 8" 20cm.

They are also very loud my spektor 1 sounds loud in the mid 60's out of 100 and even at 80 they just play super loud with my rotel amp, at the level the mackies ar not close to there limit (103db vs 108db).

What i always have had problems with, whan i had studio monitors, is hiss, more or less al of my studio monitors (krk rokit,adma a5x,f5,m audio bx5, genelec 6010) has been with class d amps, Mackie MR524 is with a class a/b and im very happy to report that they do not have any hiss what so ever, for the first time in my life no hiss from a studio monitor and that's a very nice thing (it's actually amazing), i did know it was surpose to better than the more hissy Adam T5V , i didn't expect them to be 99.95% silent, to me they sound better (hiss) than all low budget class d powered studio monitors
I didn't try that , i don't think it would make a diffrence sin max output on my rotel is 1 volt on the nad 1000 max is 12 volt
Yes, the NAD is always going to be louder than the Rotel.
I just wonder if the Mackie might have higher sensitivity on its unbalanced compared to balanced input - nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Mackie does look like very good value 👍
Balanced is as i remember louder

I have had fair expensive adam audio active studio monitors some years ago, they had hiss

Mackies are very good value not like jbl lsr with alot of hiss and they are punchy and loud, perfect as low budget computer speakers

balanced are much louder +4 db unbalanced is -10 db

Is therr something i could use with my rotel amp to get higher gain (not a tube buffer which i have but don't know where the power supply is) Besides a little channel unbalance from the nad 1000, have only tried preout 1 (there are 2 set of preoutson the nad) i have nothing negative to say about it other than the bass seems stronger, more pronounced on the nad than other preamps,dac
balanced are much louder +4 db unbalanced is -10 db
Yes, professional products use the higher line level (unlike most domestic stuff).
It means that, on it's balanced input, the Mackie is looking for a higher signal level.
That's why it's worth trying its unbalanced RCA input which requires only the lower line level.
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