Spotify - new cool feature

You can now listen to Spotify off line with the Premium service. The offline mode allows you to store (somehow, dont know how that bit works) playlists, up to 3,333 tracks which you can then listen to offline.

Noticed this earlier,guess it must store the music on your HDD.

Had noticed a while ago that in "preferences" you can set how much storage space is used by Spotify,so guess that was what it was intended for in the first place!
speaking of which .... any news if spotify will allow new people to access, or is it only via paying or invite only?
Hummmmm, not so excited now as I cannot get it to work. Nothing is downloading.

EDIT - there is a file marked Storage in Spotify in Application Data in Local Settings. I presume when I get it to work that is where the files will go. My Spotify, and it came this way, is set to 'size at most 10gb'.

speaking of which .... any news if spotify will allow new people to access, or is it only via paying or invite only?
Still invite only for the free version! But if you want an invite i'll send you one.
EDIT- idc beat me to it!!
thanks for the invites guys .... I do have a spotify account ... was just checking as have been telling people at work about spotify
Trahern:If anyone would like to send me an invite it would be much appreciated.

I dont have any invites but if you sign up to Spotify for a day (99p) then it might push you up the invitation list?

I'm not saying this works but for 99p its worth a go.
No problem Andy - I'll sort it out later today. Trahern if you ask Andrew to do the same I'll invite you too.
lordmortlock:No problem Andy - I'll sort it out later today. Trahern if you ask Andrew to do the same I'll invite you too.

Also done.
I have 4 invites going spare, Im billy no mates (my choice!)lwt me know and I will pass 2 on
I have now got the tracks to download. I dont know why it did not work last night. By the time I have finished the first lot I will have 174 tracks from my favourite 20 albums. So 3,159 tracks to go.

All that is left is for there to a means of synching such music with an or ipod and Spotify will be complete. It will be able to dominate the world of music.
Well Spotify for iPhone (for Premum users anyway) had offline synching before Spotify for desktop, so the functionality is there, just not as you describe it. Though now that storage on the PC is possible, it's only a small step away, shirley - and frankly, could honestly be the beginning of the end of the iTunes Store.
idc: All that is left is for there to a means of synching such music with an or ipod and Spotify will be complete. It will be able to dominate the world of music.

... and a remote app style control for the Ipod/touch for folk who stream via airfoil. Sorry to bang on but am I the only one who NEEDS THIS NOW?

Lord Mortlock - final warning on language - Mods
Spotify started to throttle (cut out due to lack of bandwidth in the local area) tonight for the first time in ages. So I downloaded the album I was listening to, which took about 3 minutes and now I am listening to it un-interupted.

idc: All that is left is for there to a means of synching such music with an or ipod and Spotify will be complete. It will be able to dominate the world of music.

... and a remote app style control for the Ipod/touch for folk who stream via airfoil. Sorry to bang on but am I the only one who NEEDS THIS NOW?

Lord Mortlock - final warning on language - Mods