Speaker Cable for Hegel H190 and Amphion Argon 1


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
Hi was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what speaker cables to use with a Hegel h190 amp with amphion argon 1 speakers? Currently using QED XT44 cables from my old system. Was wondering whether they should be upgraded though? Was looking at audioquest rocket 22 or chord shawline x. Not sure whether they will make a difference or not? Any suggestions much appreciated
Hi was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what speaker cables to use with a Hegel h190 amp with amphion argon 1 speakers? Currently using QED XT44 cables from my old system. Was wondering whether they should be upgraded though? Was looking at audioquest rocket 22 or chord shawline x. Not sure whether they will make a difference or not? Any suggestions much appreciated

Most will say not.

I believe rocket 22 is a solid core cable so MIGHT bring a different flavour to your XT cables.

Give it a listen and see.
Hi was wondering if anyone has suggestions for what speaker cables to use with a Hegel h190 amp with amphion argon 1 speakers? Currently using QED XT44 cables from my old system. Was wondering whether they should be upgraded though? Was looking at audioquest rocket 22 or chord shawline x. Not sure whether they will make a difference or not? Any suggestions much appreciated
Will they make a difference? Perhaps. Will it be an improvement? Who knows. If you have free funds by all means you can try. However, my suggestion would be to buy more music. Or if you really want to improve your system do yourself a favour and invest in some room acoustic treatment. It will definitely and 100% improve (if done correctly) not only this system but every other system afterwards.
.....if you really want to improve your system do yourself a favour and invest in some room acoustic treatment. It will definitely and 100% improve (if done correctly) not only this system but every other system afterwards.
It's hard to overstate the difference between acoustically good and poor rooms.
When I see those 'my system' pictures, proudly showing off expensive equipment......in rooms that so obviously will be compromising the sound, I smile.
I know that others will have more modest gear giving a far superior overall performance.
OP - if you fancy a change then please take a look at the pic. below. We used basic 500 strand speaker cables with Hegel's best amplifier the H30. If these basic 500 stand speaker cables are good enough for the H30 than they should also be more than good enough for the H190 -

500 strand cables.jpg
BasIc 500 strand speaker cables in use with and some also chilling out on top of Hegel's H30 before heading off to our clients homes.
Cables, the thorniest subject in the world of hifi (possibly).

If you want to get some new ones do it, there is nothing wrong with doing this, whether you get a benefit only you will know.

I am in a similar place as I am waiting for new speakers and contemplating new cables but I have been convinced that there may be more mileage in my existing cables so I am going to test my ancient ones against the dealers modern loan cables, if the old ones work fine then that is money to spend on music.

You have a great amp and speakers so why not give something else a run out, can your dealer lend you something to try and test against your existing cables, this could give you a pointer on which direction to head.

Others on the forum will give you advice including what to get or not depending on their point of view but ultimately it is your call.
.....I am going to test my ancient ones against the dealers modern loan cables
Never mind ancient or modern 🙂you're already biasing your brain.
If you could get someone to connect those cables without your knowledge of which is which......now that would be a worthwhile, completely unbiased evaluation.
It's funny how those that talk up the benefits of different cables, are hostile to any suggestion of blind tests. "Why would I want to do that?" they say. "It would prove nothing".
It would prove everything, I say.
Never mind ancient or modern 🙂you're already biasing your brain.
If you could get someone to connect those cables without your knowledge of which is which......now that would be a worthwhile, completely unbiased evaluation.
It's funny how those that talk up the benefits of different cables, are hostile to any suggestion of blind tests. "Why would I want to do that?" they say. "It would prove nothing".
It would prove everything, I say.

My biased brain reckons the old bi-wired cables sound better than the QED cables so ultimately unless the soon to be arriving ATC 7’s sound terrible with my old cable the modern QED cable will be going back to the shop.

And you’re right, in a blind test I doubt if I would be able to tell the difference but in a listening session last night with some Bonnie Raitt as the test music my biased brain wanted the old cables, why, I haven’t a clue but something somewhere said it sounded better, was it clearer, warmer, more detailed, smoother I have no idea, I just liked those old cables better.

Maybe it was the finance part of my brain saying you’ve spent enough these sound just fine.

But I see no reason why someone who wants to shouldn’t buy new cables, if that is how they want to spend their money then it’s up to them, sometimes we all need to do a bit of retail therapy and treat ourselves to something not always necessary. Plus it keeps the wheels of industry turning.
Thanks for the posts so far. I’ll have to look into it in a bit more depth I guess. The only thing I’m likely to think may be beneficial is the rf shielding etc with the rocket 22. If the existing QED cables have really good shielding etc then I will just stick with them and otherwise I will think about getting some audioquest cables with proper terminations - just got bare wire at the ends at the moment.
Thanks for the posts so far. I’ll have to look into it in a bit more depth I guess. The only thing I’m likely to think may be beneficial is the rf shielding etc with the rocket 22. If the existing QED cables have really good shielding etc then I will just stick with them and otherwise I will think about getting some audioquest cables with proper terminations - just got bare wire at the ends at the moment.
It’s almost inconceivable that speaker cables would be susceptible to RFI. Signal cables, especially from MM and MC cartridges, as they’re massively amplified, yes. Speakers cables with several volts, nah!
Bare wire ends are fine if they’re clean and twisted carefully to avoid stray strands. Plugs are much more convenient if you swap around kit or placement.
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OP - if you fancy a change then please take a look at the pic. below. We used basic 500 strand speaker cables with Hegel's best amplifier the H30. If these basic 500 stand speaker cables are good enough for the H30 than they should also be more than good enough for the H190 -

View attachment 2511
BasIc 500 strand speaker cables in use with and some also chilling out on top of Hegel's H30 before heading off to our clients homes.

What;s the cost per metre of the Basic 500 please?


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