I agree Bretty, this discussion is not over yet!
I have read WHF every month since 1994.
That is long enough to see what can sometimes appear as bias being simply the ebb and flow of manufacturers success at matching their R&D programs with actual market production. They all have good years, bad years, and purposefully quiet ones spent beavering away in labs. NAD, for example ..
At the start of this whole chain a valid point was raised regards discrepancy between the vast majority of Panny reviews and WHF's. Other magazines are often clearer on how they come to their conclusions. In this chain we have seen Claire provide evidence to defend decisions that were made - as well as the usual pointless interjections from Andrew - but the process WHF uses to get to those decisions remains mostly opaque.
I don't really see anyone in this chain asking for WHF to qualify its impartiality in the way Claire tried, but rather to improve the transparency in its decision making process and criteria weightings. If that was in place this forum discussion would never have got started.
Personally, I have no doubts regards WHFs impartiality (except perhaps for the sad and misplaced devotion to Apple that a lot of people seem to suffer from). However, I would also like to see more detail in the testing process come out in the magazine.