Calm down a little and get some perspective, i know how frustrating an experience this can be but don't write off your options just yet because you haven't had an instant outcome to the situation today.
If it was me (and it has been don't forget) i was of the mind set to go the whole 9 yards and have my day at the small claims court, £35 is a small fee to pay for the prospect of getting a full refund or replacement tv. Yes it's one huge pain in the back side and i truly understand your frustration but i simply wouldn't let them get away with it, you are within your rights to do this so why not do it?
What you could do is try going up the food chain within Panasonic UK, if you haven't got past the frontline bods then, no offence meant here, you aren't trying hard least get as far as speaking to a supervisor as i did at Panasonic and if you still aren't happy go to the manager then to the CEO if you have to! You have to get yourself heard mate which was what i was trying to say in my last post, remain calm, polite and cuteous but be firm...if you beleive they aren't taking you seriously enough then state that as the reason for wanting to speak to someone else.
As i said earlier this won't happen overnight and you will have to put even more effort in to get a resolution if you feel it's worth it to you, i can understand why you might want to cut your losses and simply sell the tv and move on but that's for you to decide mate but i would understand perfectly if that's what you wanted to do...i was tempted myself at one point!
As for me going back to Panasonic, you really have no idea of the issues i had with Sony and Samsung LCD tvs before this! I had just 2 G20 tvs and apart from the IR it was a great tv, for perspective (and a warning to you) i had 6 (yes that's right six) Sony LCD tvs when they had the backlight clouding issues and one hell of a fight to get my money back that pales in comparison to the woes i had with the G20 and that was from buying from a Sony Centre!!
It got to the point of going to the small claims court and shortly before that day they finally caved in but it was a bloody hard fight all the way. I decided like you are inclined to now to cut my losses after that and never buy another Sony tv again so i bought a Samsung LCD and i had 3 of those before i gave up, 2 with at least 6-8 dead pixels straight out of the box along with some clouding and one with extreme clouding issues. I bought from a better retailer this time and got a full refund quickly.
I won't go on much more but i had 2 faulty GT30 tvs before my current one all with different issues, a dark shadowy line down the left hand of the screen with one and very loud buzzing from the other but fortunately it's 3rd time lucky so don't be so quick to think jumping ship will solve your problems LOL.
All tvs can have faults and there is a tolerance level built into the maunfacture process as tvs are increasingly not made entirely by the manufacture, screens are often shipped in from a 3rd party maunfacturer for example and unless you pay a great deal of money you shouldn't expect perfection but i do want it to work correctly.
I have been very unlucky of course but it's an example of how many faulty tvs you can end up with regardless of the manufacturer and how brand loyalty gets you nowhere. Research both the tv you are going to buy AND the retailer before you purchase to avoid any complications further down the line and hopefully if you have done your research correctly any issues will be resolved quickly, then buy in confidence no matter what tv you's a lesson i learnt the hard way and i sincerely hope you don't have this level of problems.
I have no problem with Panasonic atall as all my issues were resolved but Sony on the other hand i do have issues with but would i not buy another Sony tv again? I would if it was a good tv but i would do my research and buy from Richer Sounds who through my 1st 2 GT30 tvs couldn't have been better, a truly exceptional retailer. Besides, to say i wouldn't buy another Sony tv would only narrow my choices at a later date if i decided to upgrade my tv which would be a little short sighted as you are always looking for the best tv you can afford at the time, no?
Oldboy 🙂