Screen burn or image retention and what i can do about it??

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Sorry, are you saying a common fault which we all know about is not covered.

If screen burn is as bad as it sounds on plamsa ranges of TV's how the hell are they still selling them ? where is the out cry from customers wanting this issue sorted.

You've kind of answered your own question, it isn't a common issue and isn't as bad as it sounds. That's why there's no outcry from customers.
Oldboy:From what i have read on the internet i have a better chance of getting blood from a stone than i do of getting a refund from Panasonic for this tv and all my retailer ( wants to do is pass the problem on to Panasonic despite the tv being only 5 months old so i feel a bit up the creek without a paddle, any advice???

How far have you pushed Amazon on this? It might be worth another email / phone call now explaining everything that has happened and how you're not satisfied with the service from Panasonic and you want the unit replaced. As the retailer, your contract is with Amazon and not Panasonic and it may be you just didn't get a good customer service rep the first time as my experience with them (and other experiences I've read online) have shown Amazon to always be very good in this respect.

Remember, stay calm and if you get nothing from the first person you speak to, politely ask if you can escalate to their manager on the basis that they passed the buck in the first place and got you talking directly to Panasonic.

Obviously Amazon were my first port of call when the tv first developed the problem but when i contacted them i was just given the number of Panansonic customer support and told that was the way Panasonic wanted them to deal with the issue (i presume that meant the amazon system said that when the problem was entered). I haven't since gone back to them as i thought that since i had tried to get it repaired the problem was no longer anything to do with them and a matter for Panasonic??

I know that within the first year of purchase my first port of call is the retailer but i tried that and got nowhere but would you say i now have a stronger case to contact them again and press my point?? I have after all gone through all the official lines and been left frustrated that no one wants to listen....the tv has a problem and it's not acceptable on such a new device.

Just trying to get some advice from a good source is difficult...would consumer direct be of any use here i am now wondering? I've had enough of Panasonic, the repair agent and being without a tv for a month and there is no way i would allow them to take it away again....if it goes out of my house again it will be back to the retailer for a refund and nowhere else, rant over it's just soooo frustrating trying to get answers and i know it doesn't have to be like this
In that case, I'd definitely go back to Amazon and explain what's happened before you go to consumer direct or anything. You may find Amazon also agree with you finding the scenario unacceptable and agree to replace the unit.
Just found this on the Amazon returns page, backs up what i was told on the phone the first time and since reading this i'm not so sure about contacting them, what do you think??

If the item becomes defective (after 30 days of receipt)

  • Please keep all the warranty information that accompanies your item as this may be required by the manufacturer, should there be a fault. The manufacturer will be in a better position than the retailer to offer assistance with technical problems affecting its products. In the unlikely event that you have a faulty item, you will find it quicker and easier to contact the manufacturer directly so that they can rectify the problem for you. In a case where the item has become defective after 30 days, you can of course contact us to obtain manufacturer contact details or returns information.
Oldboy:Just found this on the Amazon returns page, backs up what i was told on the phone the first time and since reading this i'm not so sure about contacting them, what do you think??

I would.
Hey oldboy.

I am so sorry that you are having such hassle with your tv this is just insane you have like me had such bad luck over the last couple of years. I as you know have also had my share of issues and I am annoyed with myself that I have not contacted the repair agent to get my set looked at but to be honest your experience has proved my fears to be correct! Why can these plebs not just look at the tv at the customers home? That way the problem can be correctly pointed out! I am sure that these technicians would love to be doing a better job speaking from a service background I am sure they are held back by the superiors or Panasonic as to what they can do for the customer!

Mate I am not sure how you feel about this but my niece decided to scratch my sisters tv last year with a hair clip(by no means bad) but the bro in law called the home insurance and they got the money back in full and the tv was 3 yrs old. So they got a bigger and better screen and best of all the damaged tv was not asked to be returned so they have that on the wall in the bedroom! That way you could use the g20 for tv only or sell it on! Just a thought mate I am also thinking of this but I really should get it looked at first🙂

I'm sorry to hear of your woes, and hope that you get it resolved. I just can't believe that you got it back and did the same thing again.

Having seen rows of screens at a large company's head office, all bearing burned-on Sky News/News 24 logos, I never leave anything static showing for more than thirty minutes.
Hello all,

I have yet another update for you as i took Prof's advice yesterday and phoned Amazon but not before i had the chance to speak to Sound and Vision about the repair that was carried out last time, here's what happened.

So the first thing to do is to make a massive thank you to the repair agent (Sound and Vision) for their help in this matter, ok the service for the repair wasn't very good to say the least but i got the chance to speak to the boss this time as i didn't want to speak to any of the monkeys and he was extremely helpful after i explained the situation. It turns out that when they took it away they found a fault with the refresh rate on the tv and that was repaired, no new panel or anything just that repair carried out as the set was hanging on to images longer than it should.

I was told that in order to solve the issue i would need to go back to my retailer or Panasonic in order to get the set replaced or refunded as there was nothing further they could/would do to repair it again and that Sound and Vision would back me all the way in speaking to either or both parties which i thought was very good of them

I spoke to Amazon yesterday and put my case to the supervisor at customer care after getting the usual response from front line ie contact Panasonic.....arrrggghhh! So after putting my case to them they have agreed to replace the tv for another one, i was offered a refund also but tbh i just wanted the tv replaced as in all other respects i'm very happy with it BUT if the new one does the same i will be going back for a refund but i really hope that is not necessary.

The replacement G20 is due some time today and i will be eager to see if this one behaves correctly.

Oh also i thought you may also be interested in a bit of info i got about when looking at my options, according to Consumer Direct and all other agencies i spoke to does not fall under UK consumer law. is registered in Luxembourg and as such any dispute with them has to be dealt with according to the consmer law in Luxembourg but fortunatley there isn't much difference apart from the wording. I was told that if they refused my request of a replacement/refund i still had a case but that i needed to put that in writing and send it to Amazon registered post and give them 14 days to reply.

LOL...i had exactly the same idea but i must admit that it was last resort to claim on the insurance and i'm pretty sure it would require more damage than just a scratch to get my insurers to cough up but i definately would have considered it!

There was a conflict of info about repairing my tv as initially i expected them to come out and repair it in situ when i spoke to Panasonic but the repair agent said they would be taking it away, you are right though they should at least make the effort to repair it in situ rather than always taking them away no matter what is wrong as it just adds to the hassle especially when the tv is wall hanged like mine! That shouldn't put you off getting your tv sorted as i got a good outcome in the end, you may have to jump through a few hoops before a replacement/refund is offered but beleive me it's worth it, my only question would be that why do we the consumer have to do soooo much work to get the outcome you desire? Surely the whole process doesn't need to be this drawn out or complicated in this day and age!?

Y'see, I knew Amazon would do alright once you explained it to a person in authority. Hope all is well with the next TV


What can i say my friend except many, many thank you's for the advice!! I seriously owe you a favour (nothing dodgy though LOL) for your advice so consider that one in the bank for a later date....must go there's a man at the door with a new tv hooray!!
Screen burn in with the Panasonic TX- P42GT20B Part Two

I been keeping a close eye on this thread as i have the same tv and now the same problem as Oldboy. Like Oldboy my tv is still under warrenty. Like most people i own a PS3 and X Box as most people buy the new sets to use with these consoles. Ok i was playing Borderlands one night when the phone rang. I went to answer and ended up on phone for 4 hours when i returned to my tv yes you can guess it screen burn. I did research alot on the issue on here regarding screen burn and what i could do ie J ScreenFix Deluxe tried that no luck. Next on the agenda was Pixel Protector ran this on pure white screen with everything cranked up to full for 24 hours which was a real pain as my tv is in my bedroom so you can imagine the nightmare this was. Once again no luck, rung the place i bought it from spoke to them they didn't offer to replace it but they did say if i still had problem to ring them back. Next port of call Panasonic, 3 phone calls in all. First they fobbed me of with the guarantee crap ie not covered etc, second call i got a bit more luck ie was given local engineers for Panasonic. Rung them up they came collected my tv the nexy day saying i would get a call the same day or the next day after regarding my tv, i recieved nothing. Week passes by still no contact i tried number no answer, so rung Panasonic to explain the situation. Spoke to a chap he said he would try number every 10 minutes and if he been unable to get hold of the engineers then he would ring me back next day and have a word with his superior regarding the matter. Once again nothing so i rung number again and did manage to track that they did infact have my tv and returned it within 2 days. My screen burn is still there but it's faded a bit. Last night had a digital data channel on for 30 mins more screen burn. I ran Screen Protector white screen for a hour ok it does make a difference but all this is starting to depress me and get me down. How can Panasonic release a product that's not fit for human use on the market. I seen a lot of postings now about screen burn regards Panasonic plasmas. I now don't feel cumfortable with this tv or Panasonic for that matter being. If anyone can help me or surgest any thing that could be useful to me i would be very grateful. I thought of ringing Panasonic back up and i do know my rights as a consumer stands with the place i bought it from.
Screen burn in with the Panasonic TX- P42GT20B Part Two

I been keeping a close eye on this thread as i have the same tv and now the same problem as Oldboy. Like Oldboy my tv is still under warrenty. Like most people i own a PS3 and X Box as most people buy the new sets to use with these consoles. Ok i was playing Borderlands one night when the phone rang. I went to answer and ended up on phone for 4 hours when i returned to my tv yes you can guess it screen burn. I did research alot on the issue on here regarding screen burn and what i could do ie J ScreenFix Deluxe tried that no luck. Next on the agenda was Pixel Protector ran this on pure white screen with everything cranked up to full for 24 hours which was a real pain as my tv is in my bedroom so you can imagine the nightmare this was. Once again no luck, rung the place i bought it from spoke to them they didn't offer to replace it but they did say if i still had problem to ring them back. Next port of call Panasonic, 3 phone calls in all. First they fobbed me of with the guarantee crap ie not covered etc, second call i got a bit more luck ie was given local engineers for Panasonic. Rung them up they came collected my tv the nexy day saying i would get a call the same day or the next day after regarding my tv, i recieved nothing. Week passes by still no contact i tried number no answer, so rung Panasonic to explain the situation. Spoke to a chap he said he would try number every 10 minutes and if he been unable to get hold of the engineers then he would ring me back next day and have a word with his superior regarding the matter. Once again nothing so i rung number again and did manage to track that they did infact have my tv and returned it within 2 days. My screen burn is still there but it's faded a bit. Last night had a digital data channel on for 30 mins more screen burn. I ran Screen Protector white screen for a hour ok it does make a difference but all this is starting to depress me and get me down. How can Panasonic release a product that's not fit for human use on the market. I seen a lot of postings now about screen burn regards Panasonic plasmas. I now don't feel cumfortable with this tv or Panasonic for that matter being. If anyone can help me or surgest any thing that could be useful to me i would be very grateful. I thought of ringing Panasonic back up and i do know my rights as a consumer stands with the place i bought it from.

Well you have read my thread so you know my woes with this tv!

It does sound uncannily like the screen burn i was getting with this tv BUT you have to be sure that it's not just extreme image retention so my advice would be to give it a couple of days to see if it improves. If not then you need to take further action, is the tv under warranty??

If not then you will find it harder to get it repaired, replaced or refunded. Your first point of call should be consumer direct to get some advice on where you stand in this situation because no matter how well you know your rights there is a specific way to go about making your case to the retailer and/or Panasonic in order to get a resolution.

You should have a good case to claim the tv is not fit for purpose as i beleive you can claim under this for up to 5 years in a products life but after 2 years of ownership it get's a little tricky as you may have to provide proof that the tv is not functioning correctly with an engineers report etc. The main thing is to get some help in this case and take it further as the tv has had an attempted repair that hasn't solved the issue and im my opinion you are now entitled to a replacement or refund as happened in my case.

The retailer should be who you now talk to in order to get a resolution so try contacting them again before taking any further action to see if you can come to some sort of resolution and press the fact that the tv has already had one attempted repair that has failed to solve the issue, if you have no luck don't give in and go down the consumer direct route. Without them i wouldn't have got a resolution to my case with this model of tv and don't forget the advice is free, all you do is pay for the call so it's well worth it.

Best of luck to you and hope that's of some help, i feel your pain beleive me :wall:
Well it is Deja Vu all over my image retention as faded a lot but it still prone to more image retention like yours was. I went through the white snow screen just like you even the music programme on ps3. I spoken to Panasonic and retailor just like you too. I also spoke to consumer direct just like you too. Yes your thread is a mirror of my problems, i too was fobbed off to Panasonic too. I wrote a letter to my retailor as advised by Consumer Direct i got a reply that my retailor is prepared to do nothing as he knows Panasonic will do nothing. Like your problem engineers took my tv but yet again the ir is faded but still there but only if you look for it. Like you i'm not happy about the said tv and totally agree with your thread. If Panasonic can't deal with ir via consoles then why majke tvs at all. Tomorrow i will be back on the phone to consumer direct telling them of the reply i got from my retailor. He even mentioned my house insurance policy it is very clear that he does not want to deal with my problem what so ever even though he gladly took my cash for it. Even if i did get rid of all ir i still don't want this tv now i just want rid etc. What was your outcome in the end, let me know please.

:dance: regards :dance:


The outcome to my issue was a brand new replacement G20 from my retailer, I had to get past the frontline customer services and speak at length to a supervisor about the issue but they agreed that the tv had been through all the possible options in order to repair it and that nothing further could be done to rectify the issue as i had the backing of the repair agent on this matter, at which point a replacement tv was sent out to me and the faulty tv shipped back. This all happened the next day so kudos to Amazon there!

A few months into the tvs life i sold the replacement and upgraded to the far superior GT30 which i've had very few issues with and none of the IR issues of the G20, the GT30 has options built into it to both guard against IR and to wipe away any built up IR.

In your situation with the response you have had from your retailer i would continue with consumer direct and take the matter further, there are further steps you can take here so i wouldn't worry just yet just keep fighting. I'm afraid you have bought your tv from a retailer that is far from good and it's always good practice to buy from a reputable dealer with good customer service even if you have to pay a little extra for the tv in the first place, it's at times like this that the value of good customer service shines through.

As your retailer has stated that he thinks Panasonic will do nothing then surely the only step forward here is a replacement tv? It may be worth trying to confirm this with Panasonic UK yourself and get it in writing, even if you phone them get some documentation sent to you via email.

I've had good service from Panasonic of late since i got my GT30 and they have been really helpful, if you get no help from the front line ask to speak to a supervisor and at all times be polite and goes a long way, beleive me.

You will have to up the pressure with the retailer by the sounds of it so advice from consumer direct here is invluable, you are taking the right steps but patience may be the key here. Nothing will happen very quickly but if you continue to take the right steps i'm sure you will get a resolution in the end.

Keep me updated, i am genuinely interested in what happens as i know exactly what you are going through oh too well :wall:
Your little icon bottom of your paige resembles my life at moment mate. First thing i was on the phone to Consumer Direct today in the end they reccomended small claims court which is totally crap in every way and that i would have to pay 35.00 quid to do. If i had my way i would blow up Panasonic customer services, good riddence. My retailer won't do anything, Panasonic are complete a******s. The only thing i did was send a message to Watchdog the complaints programme. But these must get loads of messages from people regarding issues but hey why not name n shame Panasonic. I be happy if they got some vital air time on national tv. House contents insurance is out of the question so my only option is now to see on Ebay and any other source. The screen burn has faded a lot and it be hard to catch it on camera so i'm thinking damage limitation now. I can't understand why you stuck wityh Panasonic i'm now and have for some time been thinking LG650 which is Led and LG are on the up. Infact they have just made a 3d passive set for Panasonic lol. Just goes to show you how far the great all mighty Panasonic have fallen as a a company. Panasonic are not even the prefered tv for Sky now they been dropped in favour of LG.

Calm down a little and get some perspective, i know how frustrating an experience this can be but don't write off your options just yet because you haven't had an instant outcome to the situation today.

If it was me (and it has been don't forget) i was of the mind set to go the whole 9 yards and have my day at the small claims court, £35 is a small fee to pay for the prospect of getting a full refund or replacement tv. Yes it's one huge pain in the back side and i truly understand your frustration but i simply wouldn't let them get away with it, you are within your rights to do this so why not do it?

What you could do is try going up the food chain within Panasonic UK, if you haven't got past the frontline bods then, no offence meant here, you aren't trying hard least get as far as speaking to a supervisor as i did at Panasonic and if you still aren't happy go to the manager then to the CEO if you have to! You have to get yourself heard mate which was what i was trying to say in my last post, remain calm, polite and cuteous but be firm...if you beleive they aren't taking you seriously enough then state that as the reason for wanting to speak to someone else.

As i said earlier this won't happen overnight and you will have to put even more effort in to get a resolution if you feel it's worth it to you, i can understand why you might want to cut your losses and simply sell the tv and move on but that's for you to decide mate but i would understand perfectly if that's what you wanted to do...i was tempted myself at one point!

As for me going back to Panasonic, you really have no idea of the issues i had with Sony and Samsung LCD tvs before this! I had just 2 G20 tvs and apart from the IR it was a great tv, for perspective (and a warning to you) i had 6 (yes that's right six) Sony LCD tvs when they had the backlight clouding issues and one hell of a fight to get my money back that pales in comparison to the woes i had with the G20 and that was from buying from a Sony Centre!!

It got to the point of going to the small claims court and shortly before that day they finally caved in but it was a bloody hard fight all the way. I decided like you are inclined to now to cut my losses after that and never buy another Sony tv again so i bought a Samsung LCD and i had 3 of those before i gave up, 2 with at least 6-8 dead pixels straight out of the box along with some clouding and one with extreme clouding issues. I bought from a better retailer this time and got a full refund quickly.

I won't go on much more but i had 2 faulty GT30 tvs before my current one all with different issues, a dark shadowy line down the left hand of the screen with one and very loud buzzing from the other but fortunately it's 3rd time lucky so don't be so quick to think jumping ship will solve your problems LOL.

All tvs can have faults and there is a tolerance level built into the maunfacture process as tvs are increasingly not made entirely by the manufacture, screens are often shipped in from a 3rd party maunfacturer for example and unless you pay a great deal of money you shouldn't expect perfection but i do want it to work correctly.

I have been very unlucky of course but it's an example of how many faulty tvs you can end up with regardless of the manufacturer and how brand loyalty gets you nowhere. Research both the tv you are going to buy AND the retailer before you purchase to avoid any complications further down the line and hopefully if you have done your research correctly any issues will be resolved quickly, then buy in confidence no matter what tv you's a lesson i learnt the hard way and i sincerely hope you don't have this level of problems.

I have no problem with Panasonic atall as all my issues were resolved but Sony on the other hand i do have issues with but would i not buy another Sony tv again? I would if it was a good tv but i would do my research and buy from Richer Sounds who through my 1st 2 GT30 tvs couldn't have been better, a truly exceptional retailer. Besides, to say i wouldn't buy another Sony tv would only narrow my choices at a later date if i decided to upgrade my tv which would be a little short sighted as you are always looking for the best tv you can afford at the time, no?


Oldboy 🙂
Much appreciated reply my friend, bad news regarding your tv purchases. Funny enough today i recieved a email from Panasonic customer services all about IR and how the guarantee doesn't cover it yadda yadda heard it all before etc. I think you agree with me that the TX - P42GT20B was flawed from launch with no protection at all. I think i will reply to email and see what response i get back. I have almost limited my IR now and just going to sell and put it down to a bad purchase. I always research when buying stuff i thought Panasonic was a very good manufacturer i mean i got a very cool camera by them. But obviosly i don't want to buy again from them and wouldn't buy a plasma again. But like i say i think i play em a bit see what they reply to my email. I think i will sell as i got my eye on another tv and at a great price!
I'm sorry but if you pause a programme for 4 hours, you will get IR. The manufacturer has clearly stated this in the manual. I really don't see Panasonic's fault here. Also, remember that IR will disappear with time. There are ways to accelerate this. Google it.
Well it now looks like i could have a big problem then the screen burn. I have spend days upon days work regarding the screen burn. But it now looks like i might also have damage to the reflective coating regarding my set. I can't get rid of two marks on my tv one which was caused by the engineers when they had my tv in for repair regarding the ir/ screen burn issue. They are really noticable. I emailed Panasonic today regarding this matter cos knowing them now like i do it probably not covered in thier warranty. I doubt some how anything covered in thier warranty at this rate. I would sell this set just to get rid of it full stop as i've just had enough of it and Panasonic too for that matter being. But i am worried about said marks etc, probably would have been better buying 2end hand at this rate :-( please help someone, any one......
Well it now looks like i could have a big problem then the screen burn. I have spend days upon days work regarding the screen burn. But it now looks like i might also have damage to the reflective coating regarding my set. I can't get rid of two marks on my tv one which was caused by the engineers when they had my tv in for repair regarding the ir/ screen burn issue. They are really noticable. I emailed Panasonic today regarding this matter cos knowing them now like i do it probably not covered in thier warranty. I doubt some how anything covered in thier warranty at this rate. I would sell this set just to get rid of it full stop as i've just had enough of it and Panasonic too for that matter being. But i am worried about said marks etc, probably would have been better buying 2end hand at this rate :-( please help someone, any one......


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