That was valuable information so many thanks for posting with your experiences it's much appreciated and gives me hope! If the tv comes back with the problem then i will just give it some more time and hope it fades away eventually but it's not looking good for any more extended gaming sessions on the G20 which is upsetting as that's one of the primary uses of the tv for me...is this not the definition of not fit for purpose?? Should i need another tv for the time it takes for the plasma to stop burning images onto the screen?
It just doesn't sit very well with me that the manual is as vague as it's possible to get when it says that some images should not be put on your tv 'for some considerable time'....the last time i looked 'considerable' was not a measure of time! They might as well wrote that warning in fluent baby talk for all the use it is lol.
Of course i will keep this thread up to date so check back from time to time for a sit rep. Speaking of which....no change with the repair, 3 weeks in and i was only contacted at the end of the first week as metioned earlier in the thread and since then i have not heard from 'the comedians' so i have no idea what is going on but i do plan to contact them tomorrow to find out. Not happy though as more time has passed now with no answers
That was valuable information so many thanks for posting with your experiences it's much appreciated and gives me hope! If the tv comes back with the problem then i will just give it some more time and hope it fades away eventually but it's not looking good for any more extended gaming sessions on the G20 which is upsetting as that's one of the primary uses of the tv for me...is this not the definition of not fit for purpose?? Should i need another tv for the time it takes for the plasma to stop burning images onto the screen?
It just doesn't sit very well with me that the manual is as vague as it's possible to get when it says that some images should not be put on your tv 'for some considerable time'....the last time i looked 'considerable' was not a measure of time! They might as well wrote that warning in fluent baby talk for all the use it is lol.
Of course i will keep this thread up to date so check back from time to time for a sit rep. Speaking of which....no change with the repair, 3 weeks in and i was only contacted at the end of the first week as metioned earlier in the thread and since then i have not heard from 'the comedians' so i have no idea what is going on but i do plan to contact them tomorrow to find out. Not happy though as more time has passed now with no answers