Samsung PS42Q97HDX or Pioneer PDP 428XD


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Iv heard some say the Samsung is almost just as good with a huge price difference! Is this true? Does picture quality compare to the Pioneer??
Yes..........Yes........So much so that I'm getting one and I've seen so many TV's over the last couple of months that I've decided to call it a day and go for the Samsung, hopefully, safe in the knowledge that for the pricce I've mangaged to get my hands on something really, really good!

I've also promised my wife never to speak of TV's ever again, having spent about 30minutes at a specialist Pioneer dealer this morning and making the manager angry by my accusations that I thought the 42ins and 50 ins Plasma Samsungs were just as good if not better that the cuurent crop of Pioneers, though I must confess the Pioneers have better sound, those that is which have the integrated sound. Why on earth spend so much more on a Pioneer when you could have a Samung..............Answer ( and not many people will like for me saying it) is that Pioneer is Japanese and Samsungs are Korean and then there's the Pioneer badge which looks nice scrolled along the much better looking than the Samsung lettering at the bottom of their TV's...don't you think?.............Pioneers have a snobbish attraction. With the Samungs it's just a matter of Job done.
Sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree with our good friend Tallyho... Yes, the Samsungs are good - superb for the money, in fact - but the Pioneers are in a different league. You are not just paying a premium for the name, but the best performance with every source around.

We totally appreciate not everyone will be able to afford them, so also recommend lots of other sets (including the Samsung), but if you can stretch to the Pioneer, it will be far more capable, especially with fast motion and contrast, than any of its counterparts.
Just one more question, how does gaming (e.g on the xbox 360 and ps3) compare on the pioneer compared to other 42inch 1080p screens? I dont mind spending the extra cash aslong as there is that much more tv for the extra money.
I viewed the Pioneer PDP-428XD today and was very impressed. I'm pretty much set on it, but I just wondered if anyone could comment on the reliability of Pioneer products, please? Would it be wise to get a 5 year warranty, or should the standard 1 year option be sufficient?

Thanks in advance.
[quote user="Ginder"]
Just one more question, how does gaming (e.g on the xbox 360 and ps3) compare on the pioneer compared to other 42inch 1080p screens? I dont mind spending the extra cash aslong as there is that much more tv for the extra money.

Got a 428xd, ps3, 360 and wii. Quality is great, I don't think you'd miss 1080p at all on a set of this size. If 1080p can look better than it does already i'd be surprised.
I didn't demo gaming before i brought the tv but with SD, which is most viewing, it beat everything I saw. HD quality is a given.
Respect what Clare said, but if you're someone like me, who for the time being is only interested in SD SKY ( though I may at some future stage go to SKYHD when and if more HD chanells become available) and normal DVD's upscaled and not interested in 5.1 surround either, then one has to beg the question does someone like myself really need to lay out additional unecessary expenditure on a 'KURO'?

The answer is no. I also feel that many of us spend far too much time getting too technical about things. I mean, correct if I'm wrong, if you wnet into one of those Demo rooms in Sevenoaks Hi Fi and were presented by either of the Samsungs PS42Q96HD or same as in PS42QHDX along side the KURO not knowing which was which, ( and without having any sound turned on from either display) would you hand held on heart come out of the room syaing that the black levels on one TV were far superior than that on the other or detail on the other etc. How wide would the void actually be between them in terms of measurement... I mean come on.

However, as soon as you are told that one of the displays you are going to audition before you go into the room is Mr KURO and the Other is Mr SAMMY then I bet your pre conceptions will prevail and MR KURO will win every round of the bout.

Moreover for me, the Q96HD is only now £683.00 in Dixons as opposed to the Pioneer which is now £1,499-twice as much and then some. see for someone like me who doesn't also need to boast the Pioneer badge I will be quite happy driving an AURIS as opposed to a MAZDA MX5
MAZDA MX5??? FERRARI F430 SPIDER is what its all about!

Anyway do you not consider sound to be an important factor? Is the Samsung a plasma or LCD?? I will only be happy when HALO 3 looks and sounds fantastic!
Depends on what you mean by sound.

I have a great Super XX Exposure Amp and monitor audio r2 speakers, so all I need worry about is hooking this stereo system up to my SKY BOX and a new Upscaling DVD Player which for my needs will be fine. The Pioneer has much better integrated sound granted but I won't be needing to reply on that when I know that my system will deliver much better taking also into consideration I am happy with the picture quality on the Samsung anyway.
I might need a sound system, how much was the extra sound system? What make and model is it??
Can anybody tell me the differences between the Pioneer 4280X and the 428X? I know that one doesn't include a stand (which are not cheap) - but what other key differences are there?
from what iv read the 428xd has a few more inputs such as usb etc etc that the 4280xd doesnt have, im after the 428xd!!! check out pioneers website for a full spec sheet!
yeh but cnet only gave it 8.3/10 and it gave the pioneer 9.0/10. Also, it mentions problems of motion judder etc?? Is 8.3 really a great score for a product worth near a grand???
Yes CNET 8.3/10 for the samsung and 9/10 for the Pioneer....Yes about right...the diffference.....and wait for it a staggering 0.70 better than the Samsung....ring out the bells!!! the Pioneer has it! Won by a monumental 0.70. In fact if you read into the 0.70 you will actually see it relates to the whopping £700 more you would have to pay just to get a so called marginally better picture.

I have just hooked up my PS42Q97HDX to my SD SKYDIGIBOX and for me the Standard Definition picture on my Samsung is great! On the DVD-HD870 also quite fantastic, and it only cost me £779.00 from Comet! I must admit though my SKY dish on the outside of my house is not that crappy one you get with a standard SKY installation which I changed for a better 60cm Dish and LNB. My SD Sources along with the SKYDIGIBOX iare good and based on the old adage "Rubbish in Rubbish Out" right now BBC 1 and yes even Channel 103 ITV are quite marvellous!

I am very pleased inded and my old CRT is being booted out of my house tomorrow. In fact I'm giving it away to a friend. Stick that in both your SD and HD pipe Pioneer!!!
0.7 doesnt sound like much but considering cnet has given over 30 tvs a better review, and around 20 of them are rated above the Samsung and below the Pioneer, now thats gotta be worth noting?? It also mentions this about the Samsung:

"We don't like: Sporadic noise on standard definition pictures; no 1080p support; a couple of features actually reduce the image quality." cnet.

Now i have nothing against the Samsung, but what it boils down to is that im looking for a 42inch tv n my budget is 2k MAX, so which is th best one to get??? So far, it looks to be the Pioneer 428xd.

Anyone correct me if im wrong???
I take it you've actually auditoned the Samsung yourself and that generally speaking you're not the sort of person that's easily influenced by others?

I will agree that there is sporadic noise on SD pictures as a statement of fact, but let's now qualify that by saying it's so negligible that unless you've got your face pressed up against the glass you aint gonna take exception to it! However, SKYHD on it is quite fantastic!

1080p support isn't the bees knees. For one thing SKY won't even be broadcasting in the format for years to come, if ever, and if they ever do it will be pretty costly for all concerned.

A good HD ready TV like the Samsung played even with a Blu Ray copy of Casino Royale will make your draw drop, so take it from me go and see for yourself and let your jaw drop. You won't even notice the difference between full 1080p TV and the Samsung.

Also if you did invest in something along the lines of a Sammy you will then be able to add a very good DVD/even Blu Ray player. A new crop of BD Blu Ray Players should be hitting the market very shortly.

Don't forget, the human eye, is exactly that. It can't compete with all the scientific instruments used to calibrate this TV and that TV or those forms of measurements used by the Techies when testing all the TV's in the world.

If yours can, however, my suggestion would be to wait and buy the next full HD Bionic TV though at present it doesn't exist


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